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What's the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to you?

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Overkill is under-rated.
Ok, not mine, but one of the funniest TUcker Max stories EVAR:

TuckerMax.com - July 12, 2005
Tucker tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue

I spent the summer between my 2nd and 3rd year of college suckling on the parental teat in South Florida. It was the absolute prime of my "do anything to get laid" phase. I was recently freed from a 4-year long-distance relationship that began in high school and I wanted nothing more than to have sex with as many girls as possible.

Most of the things I did that summer are not story-worthy; you can only tell the same, "I got drunk on Dom and fucked this hottie" story so many times before it gets annoying. That summer I experienced every random sex situation that a 20 year old can imagine: fucking on the beach, getting head from random girls in club bathrooms, sleeping with 3 different girls in a day, getting so drunk I passed out during sex, getting arrested for receiving fellatio in the pool at the Delano, blah, blah, blah...Jesus. What does it say about how fucked up my life is that I don't consider these stories to be extraordinary anymore?

Anyway, while most of my stories may not be extraordinary for me, there is one very notable exception...

I was seeing one girl, "Jaime," about twice a week. She was a fresh arrival to South Beach, having moved there 5 months ago from upstate New York as a 19 year old with a modeling contract. We met through a mutual friend who befriended her while they were shooting a TV commercial. Five weeks and lots of sex later, she thought we were dating. I knew better, but she was way too hot to bother correcting her assumption.

The ex-girlfriend of 4-years I previously spoke about was very sexually conservative. It was missionary in the dark and then straight to sleep, with maybe a blowjob on the weekends if she'd had a few glasses of wine with dinner (it was a high school relationship, I didn't know any better). After four years of this, I was ready to experience all the things I'd missed out on (when I wasn't cheating on her, of course).

Buttsex, known in the biz as "anal," was one of these unknowns, and I decided that I wanted to try it. Jaime was the perfect partner: very hot and very sweet, and more importantly, very naïve and very open to suggestion.

She was reluctant at first, not understanding why we just couldn't keep having normal sex, so I had to employ my persuasive powers:

Jaime "But...I've never done it."
Tucker "I've never done it either; it can be our thing."

Jaime "But...I don't know if I'll like it."
Tucker "You won't have to worry about getting pregnant."

Jaime "But...I like normal sex."
Tucker "Everyone's doing anal. It's the new black."

Jaime "But...I don't know...it seems weird."
Tucker "It's the preferred method in Europe. Especially with the runway models. Don't you want to do runways in Europe?"

After a few weeks of this, she finally consented. Though she agreed to let me put my penis in her small hole, she extracted a promise in return:

"OK, we can try anal sex, but I want it to be special and romantic. You have to take me out to a nice place, like The Forge or Tantra, NOT one of your parent's restaurants, and it has to be a weekend night, NOT a Monday. And you have to keep taking me out on weekends. I'm tired of being your Monday night girl."

I made reservations for the next Friday at Tantra. Aside from being insanely expensive, Tantra is famous for having grass floors. Really; they put in new sod every week. They also advertise their food as "aphrodisiac cuisine." Yes, at that point in my life, I thought these things worked.

Thanks to my father's connections, I got us a corner booth in the grass room. She was quite impressed. I ordered like it was the Last Supper. No expense was spared. Two $110 bottles of merlot, veal rack, stone crabs, the Tantra Love platter--it was lavish and decadent. I was 21, stupid, and wanted to fuck Jaime in the butt; I wasn't about to let a $400 tab get in my way.

By the time we left Tantra, this girl had doe eyes that made Bambi look like a heroin-chic CK model. She could not have been more in love with me. The entire drive back to my place she was rubbing my crotch, telling me how badly she wanted to me to fuck her, how hot I made her, etc, etc. We get back to my place and our clothes are off before we even get in the door. We collapse on the bed and start fucking. Normal vaginal sex at first, just like always.

Now, what she did not know, and what I have not told you yet, was that I had a surprise waiting for her.

[Aside: Before I tell you what the surprise was, let me make this clear: As I stand right now, 27 as of this writing, I am a bad person. At 21, I was possibly the worst person in existence. I had no regard for the feelings of others, I was narcissistic and self-absorbed to the point of psychotic delusion, and I saw other people only as a means to my happiness and not as humans worthy of respect and consideration. I have no excuse for what I did; it was wrong and I regret it. Even though I normally revel in my outlandish behavior, sometimes even I cross the line, and this is one of those situations....but of course, I'm still going to write about it.]

This was going to be my first time foraging in the ass forest, and I wanted to have a reminder of my trip, a memento I could carry with me the rest of my life...so I decided to film us.

I planned this beforehand, but I was afraid she would decline, so instead of being mature and discussing this with Jaime, I just made the executive decision to get it on camera...without telling her.

That alone is pretty bad. But instead of just setting up a hidden camera...I got my friend to hide in my closet and film it.

No really--I know that I will burn in hell. At this point, I'm just hoping that my life can serve as a warning to others.

I left my door unlocked and we arranged it so that around midnight my friend would go over to my place and wait until my car pulled in, and then run into the closet and get the camera ready. The top half of the closet door was a French shutter, so it was easy to move the slats and give him a decent camera shot through the closed door.

By the time Jaime and I got to the bed, I was so drunk I had forgotten that he was filming this, and of course she had no idea he was there. After a few minutes of standard sex, she kinda stopped and said, all serious and in her best seductive soap opera voice, "I'm ready."

I quickly flipped her over and grabbed the brand new bottle of AstroGlide I had on my bedside table.

A week prior, after Jaime consented to buttsex, I realized that I didn't have any idea how to do it. How exactly do you fuck a girl in the ass? Luckily, I had the world's best anal sex informational resource at my disposal: The gay waiter. I consulted several gay waiters who worked at one of my parents restaurants about the mechanics of buttsex, and each one recommended AstroGlide as the lubricant of choice. Much to my dismay, I learned that spitting on your dick is not enough lube for buttsex. Stupid, lying porn movies.

The other important piece of advice I remembered was from Calvin, "Make sure you use enough, because if this is her first time, she'll be especially tight, and it might hurt her. Use enough to really loosen her up and go slow until she gets used to it. Then it's smooth sailing from there."

Well, since some is good, more is better, right? At 21, this seemed logical.

I opened the cap, crammed the bottle top into her asshole, and squeezed. I probably emptied half of the 4-ounces of AstroGlide into her. I have since learned from homosexuals that a 4-ounce bottle usually lasts them about 6 months. So yeah--I overdid it.

But Tucker Max wasn't done. Oh no, after depositing enough grease in her to run a Formula One racecar, I dumped half of what remained onto my cock and balls, really wanting to lube up because I didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

Really--consider my thought process: I was going to fuck her in the butt and film it without her consent, yet I was truly concerned about her personal comfort. Sometimes the contradictions in my personality even amuse me.

Predictably, I slid in with ease. She was a little tense at first, but with an Exxon Valdez size load spilled into her poop chute, she quickly loosened up and got into it. I liked it also; it had a different feel to it. Not as good as vaginal sex, a little grainy, kinda tight, but still very nice.

Before I knew it I was fucking her like the apocalypse was imminent, burying it to the hilt with impunity. After a few minutes I was ready to come. My urgency was expressed in my tempo, and I began really jackhammering her. As the excitement got the best of me, I pulled out too far and my dick came out of her ass. I kinda scrambled to grab my dick and put it back in so I could finish off inside of her, but before I could even get a hold of it and put it back in her ass, I heard a faint "psssst" sound and felt something wet and warm hit my crotch.

It was dark in the room (I was not smart or sober enough to leave the lights on for the camera), so after I looked down it took me a few seconds to realize that my dick, balls and groin area were covered in a viscous black liquid. I stopped moving and stared at my strangely colored crotch for a good 5 seconds, completely confused, until I realized what happened:

"Did you...did you just...shit on my dick??"

I reached down to touch the liquid feces, still in complete and utter disbelief that this girl shot explosive diarrhea on my penis, when, without warning, the smell hit me.

I have a very sensitive nose, and I have never been more repulsed by a smell in my life. The combination of synthetic AstroGlide and rancid stench of raw fecal matter combined to turn my stomach, which was full of seafood, veal and wine, completely over.

I tried to hold it back. I really did everything I could to stop myself, but there are certain physical reactions that are beyond conscious control. Before I knew what I was doing, it just came out:


I vomited all over her ass. Into her crack. Into her asshole. On her ass cheeks. On the small of her back. Everywhere.

She turned her head, said, "Tucker, what are you doing?," saw me vomiting on her, screamed "Oh my God!," and immediately joined me:


Watching her throw up on my bed made me vomit even more. Her vomiting all over my bed, me vomiting on her ass, the next step was almost inevitable.

I heard the loud CRASH first, turned to see my friend break through the shutters and rip the closet door off as he, the video camera, and the door tumbled out of the closet and crashed onto the floor next to us:


The memory of the 2-second span where all three of us were vomiting at once is permanently seared into my brain. I have never heard anything like that symphony of sickness. It was like something out of the old Pink Panther movies.

I think the crowning moment was when my eyes locked with Jaime's, I saw her moment of realization and then her quick shift from shock and surprise to complete and irreparable anger. Between bouts of hurling she flipped out:


She tried to stand up, slipped on the huge puddle of backflow AstroGlide on the bed, and fell into both my pile and her pile of vomit, covering her body and hair in vomit, shit and anal lubricant. She flailed on the bed for a second, grabbed the top sheet, wrapped it around her, and started running out of my place. Still naked and retching, my dick covered in shit and oil, I followed her as far as my front door.

The last contact I ever had with her is the image I witnessed of her in a dead sprint, a shit, vomit and grease stained sheet stuck to her body, running from my apartment.


The camera we used was one of those old fragile ones that filmed onto a VHS tape, and when he crashed out of the closet, the tape recorder and tape broke. It didn't occur to us at that the tape records the images magnetically, and we could take the actual tape itself and get someone to put it in another holster until after we had thrown it out. I know it seems stupid now, and believe me I kick myself about it everyday, but you should have seen the apartment afterwards--the tape was not a high priority. AstroGlide, shit and vomit covered EVERYTHING.

I had to rent one of those steam cleaners, buy a new mattress, and I STILL lost my deposit. It was impossible to get the smell out. The next month was like living in a sewer. Every girl I brought back to my place after that refused to stay there, and some even refused to sleep with me anywhere because of how my place smelled.

What I never found out, and I still want to know, is how the girl got home. I never heard from her again, and the mutual friend who introduced us called her but didn't get her calls returned. I never heard anything about her or from her again, even though she left her clothes and ID at my place (she wore a tight dress out that night, and didn't bring a purse or any money with her).

Can you picture that scene? What did she do, hop in taxi? Wave down a passing car? Get on the bus? She lived at least 30 miles away, there is no way she walked home. It perplexes me to this day.

I'm hoping she reads this. Maybe then I'll find out how she got home.


ICMag Donor
damn lazyman no chance of me topping that ...anyhow ..most disgusting thing happened to me ..I was passed a beer can with an inch of piss in it at party ,by a friend .We were all out of beer ,i took a sip and immeditly new,and spit it back into the can ..Fuck ...their was like 10 people right their,i was so angry/embarressed and in shock..I flipped out on him,then left.Some friend,he was known to do asshole things ,and be the drunk at the party who always liked to pick a fight...


cant stop wont stop
Not the Nastiest thing to ever happen to me but as i was reading this thread i just took a cashed hit that had a bean in the bottom. God Damn it why dont i have some dank.


jesus, i hope my rectum always stays in its home, isnt that the same thing as hemorrhoids?


One summer at the farm where my horse lived,one of their steers died. It was August. They covered him with a big tarp and waited for the renderers to come and get him. it took 3 days. When they scooped it up with a frontloader,the body opened up and the front legs fell off. It was creepy.


^Reminds me of when I lived near the delaware river along the pa/nj border.

It was the end of winter, and all of the melt water caused some pretty bad flooding. The water was receding and there were icebergs left leaning on peoples' houses/blocking their driveways and all kinds of stuff.

My mom brought me and some cousins to a spot along the shore of the river where we'd normally shoot bbguns/bows and arrows and stuff, just to see what the flooding was like, and when we got close to a bridge we saw a big dog, cut off just behind it's front legs, except a lot of it's spine was still hanging on.
It must've gotten slammed between some icebergs or one berg and the bridge or something and sheered apart, and was still pretty fresh.

Poor doggy


Being blackmailed bribed and worse from my only brother over my growing.I caught him in several thefts and just wanted to go my own way and totally forget about him.And he brought this all on hisself.People are naturally very greedy for the most part,my brother could turn a really good thing into shit with no problems at all.It seems to come natural.Be so careful who you involve in your business and dont be surprised when someone does something you just cant fuckin believe..I find it all pretty disgusting


Hit by nausea in a high school classroom, I staggered out toward the restroom. Didn't make it and dropped to the hall floor, vomiting profusely. Wrong place, wrong time. I'd splashed at the intersection of two halls. Right then, the bell rang for class change. A mob of students charged out from every direction and encountered me sprawled on the floor next to a huge and hideous pool of vomit. A couple hundred of them froze and just stared for a while. Must have been like seeing a train wreck. Finally someone helped me up, and I headed for home.


1979 I was a 20y/o Navy corpsman. A buddy and I were sent out into the desert in an ambulance to the site of a marine corps fighter jet crash. We found the smoldering corpse of the pilot and had to load it onto a stretcher and drive 30 minutes back to the base hospital. I could smell burned flesh for days afterwards.


Active member
When I was in high school, I accidentally took a sip out of a can that somebody had dropped their cigarette butt in. Ugh, talk about nasty. :eek:


this reminds me
when I was young, I took a beer that was prety full, started drinking it , thinking it was mine

then a cigarette butt comes and I kiss it

i was mad for 2-3 minutes lol


While we're on the subject of drinking nasty things; I took a sip from a glass of Coke that somebody had filled half way up with salt. As soon as it hit my tongue the gag reflex kicked in and I was coughing and spluttering for ages. I still remember the taste too. It made me feel pretty sick.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Years ago I worked in a laboratory that did necropsies. Now, you might not know that the only difference between an autopsies and a necropsy is one is a person and one is an animal but now you know and we can get on to the disgusting bits. Really, cutting up dead critters to figure out what killed them is disgusting enough, but the worst was when a zoo had a big cat die on them. I don't recall why the hell we were sent the cat but I think it had something to do with their insurance or something. In any case, we were sent a big cat.

Which wouldn't have been a big deal.

Except it was August.

And they hadn't packed it in ice. .

And it got delayed on the way here. . .

by two weeks. . .

and by that time nobody was looking for it anymore. . .

I came into work late to a large discolored cardboard sided crate on my workbench. It was bulging ominously. When I went to wipe clean the soaked pouch that was the shipping information the entire side of the crate gave way and a tide of black and grey slow cooked cat soup came flooding across me. I do remember idly thinking "wow, that's an odd color" before the smell hit me.

I didn't stop dry heaving for almost an hour. I had to burn my clothes there at work and I ended up shaving of my hair and at one point scrubbing the inside of my nose out with a toothbrush. We ended up having to use mild acid to clean the smell out of the floor and most of the work bench was a complete loss.

I mean, the smell was bad, but it had this greasy quality to it that would just stick to everything. I swear I could taste that cat for a month every time I ate a sammich.


Years ago I worked in a laboratory that did necropsies. Now, you might not know that the only difference between an autopsies and a necropsy is one is a person and one is an animal but now you know and we can get on to the disgusting bits. Really, cutting up dead critters to figure out what killed them is disgusting enough, but the worst was when a zoo had a big cat die on them. I don't recall why the hell we were sent the cat but I think it had something to do with their insurance or something. In any case, we were sent a big cat.

Which wouldn't have been a big deal.

Except it was August.

And they hadn't packed it in ice. .

And it got delayed on the way here. . .

by two weeks. . .

and by that time nobody was looking for it anymore. . .

I came into work late to a large discolored cardboard sided crate on my workbench. It was bulging ominously. When I went to wipe clean the soaked pouch that was the shipping information the entire side of the crate gave way and a tide of black and grey slow cooked cat soup came flooding across me. I do remember idly thinking "wow, that's an odd color" before the smell hit me.

I didn't stop dry heaving for almost an hour. I had to burn my clothes there at work and I ended up shaving of my hair and at one point scrubbing the inside of my nose out with a toothbrush. We ended up having to use mild acid to clean the smell out of the floor and most of the work bench was a complete loss.

I mean, the smell was bad, but it had this greasy quality to it that would just stick to everything. I swear I could taste that cat for a month every time I ate a sammich.

Good one!!!
Probably not the most disgusting thing that happened to me.

I was a little kid, swimming in the female beach in Iran (shomal i think)..

I was messing about in the water with a couple of my cousins. We were splashing each other, slapping the water. I look back and see a stick in the water, i grab the stick to go and splash him with and all of a sudden this thing just slides out my hand! I look back, and i just see this snakes head bobbing up and down, swimming away from me. The feeling was horrible! Me and my cousins just dashed out of the water like a shark was coming!

I will never forget that day, the feeling on my hand, doesnt make me feel sick, just makes me..spasm in disgust?

but im cool... :joint:


Looking at the afterbirth to long wondering what the hell it was.Passed smooth out.


To Have More ... Desire Less
one of my WORST......

one of my WORST......

i spend alot of time in the woodz........way out deep in the woodz.....
not U'r typical tourizta....hiking trailz.....BUT wicked lost... spotz in the wilderness........one year......superbowl sunday.......been out 2 dayz on the olympic range........hiking back in and WHAM........my dog runz up on a DEAD BODY.........19 yr old girl....wht female......full clothed....9.mil still in her own hand........bullet hole out the BACK of her head.............WHAT left of the back of her head.......hollowpoint.... blew the back side to splinters and cheeze.............
self inflicted suicide...........
ALL swollen UP from laying dead and creepy for 5 dayz or so out in the rain and cold of PNW.............
had to hike back in and out w/ the S&R team to remove the body.......
i still see her face.......rip...sarah griffin bean..........
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Okay that was really creepy.One of my freinds going to Mortuary School said to put lots of Vicks Vaporub in your nose for the stink. And creepy also to know that we all end up as dead stinking pieces of meat,just like the roadkill we drive past everyday. Thats a stink you never forget.


@marywanna: i just wanted to say i dont actually get to see roadkill very often, we pay hefty taxes so they do a good job cleaning our city, lol. actually, most canadians ive talked to noticed how there are more abandoned vehicles and roadkill AS SOON as you cross the border into the US. interesting no? oh...and roads built out of big slabs of prebuilt road? KUclunk KUclunk KUclunk KUclunk....makes my radio skip!;)

here's my entry - girl+period+sex..not just sex, imagine all the things you can do, and then "stumbling" across the.....get it out of my headddddddddddd!!!

edit for clarity and HOLY KILLA BUD THAT'S BRUTAL......
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