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What's the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to you?

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Cannabrex Formulator
i saw someone get hit by a subway train...

he lay there bleeding on the tracks, leg bone poking out of skin, INCHES from being cut in two... arms moving just enough to show signs of life..

easily one of the most disgusting things ive ever witnessed.

i saw a jumper too...but he blew up like a watermelon hit by a sledgehammer....

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Back when we lived with my parents. My bro was a baby I was like 7. So we were walking down the hall and I noticed a piece of poop came out of the babies diaper, so I started saying look! chocolate. I didn't expect for the baby to pick the round chocolate and put it in his mouth, he starts chewing it too! lol. nasty. I got grounded for that.

Another one is, I got this cousin. Back in the day they didn't have sewage so they dug a big square hole in the ground for the sewage to drain in the back of the house, what are those called? There was only an aluminum cover over it. nasty. It was like a 10x5 foot hole filled with crap, piss and who knows what else.. So she was playing ball back there and it went on the roof or something and she was trying to see it so she started walking backwards. So all of a sudden, she falls in the jacuzzy of shit! lol She couldn't get out for at least 2 hours cause no one could hear her. Thats one I won't forget.


Active member
I woke up one summer morning and started eating out of an open bag of doritos spicy jalapeno that were on my desk... Nothing like doritos for breakfast, right?! So anyway im just munchin away for a while... i ate 1/2 of what was left in the bag before i realized there were ants in it.... Was pretty pissed

I dont really eat doritos anymore


This is the best thread ever. I know I've had to have something more disgusting than this happen to me at some point, but this is all i can remember.

I had been wanting to get with this girl for a long time (highschool), and it finally came all together. Had her clothes off, in bed, oh yeah.

She started to say something about how much she wanted me, then puked all over my fuking chest. DIIIIIISGUSTING. I have a terrible gag reflex when i hear someone puke so I came inches from puking myself. Yuk.
i saw a jumper too...but he blew up like a watermelon hit by a sledgehammer....

I honestly don't know if I would be able to maintain my composure witnessing something like that. Scary stuff.

Anyway, great stories guys, keep em comin....

the hershey squirt girlfriend was pretty bad, lol...funny as hell though!


I saw a young kid, maybe 10, get hit by car (knocked right out of his runners). He hit a pole, and died in his brothers arms.

His name was Brian.

That was a long time ago - I can still see him.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
OK, another bodily fluids story here.......

It was '78 & we're in Hawaii on our honeymoon, I had a boil or
deeply seated zit growing on the inside of my left thigh, it was
finally coming to a head & I was trying to pop it. Squeezing as
hard as I could only seemed to anger it but I kept trying, my
wife (sitting on the bed 12 feet away) told me to turn toward
her so she could see what was happening, I turned a bit so she
could see the fucker finally pop, suddenly I heard her scream as
she was blasted right in the face by that exploding whitehead.......

oh yeah, 'the honeymoon's over', I reinvented it that night.



I've heard tell of butthole worms that stare you down as you ready yourself for the doggystyle..Thats one revolting tookas.


Cannabrex Formulator
I honestly don't know if I would be able to maintain my composure witnessing something like that. Scary stuff.

Who said I maintained any fucking composure...I was 12, and it fucked me up fer a good couple of months.

The lady standing about 5 feet from me got hit by about half the schmuck's brain right in her face.....she passed out right quick.


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ICMag Donor
I flipped a canoe, swallowed a HUGE gulp of pond water. Look up and notice a HUGE, dead turtle, floating upside down, rotting and BAKING in the summer sun about a foot from my face. My gulp of water was rotten turtle sludge slime. I puked hard. I can smell/taste it whenever I think of it.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I was about 3 years old, I'm at the super market with my Mom and it's the hottest part of the summer at mid-day, "Hot town, summer in the city" long before air-conditioned super markets....I'm strolling behind me mum, thirsty as all hell and lo and behold....a bottle of "water" right where a 3 year old could reach it......down the hatch.

It didn't make it as far as the epiglottis before it was on it's way back out.....Ammonia burns in my mouth and throat and not a lawyer to be found(back then).

Ice Cream for me. :woohoo:


Well-known member
NPK.....that is absolutely disgusting!!! I like the part about her having to "work on it".....her hard work paid off it seems...


Active member
One time, about 4 years ago, I had to sit on my sofa & watch on TV, George Bush get elected for the second time.:mad::wallbash:
Nobody's beat that one yet!!

Close second place....
Having to closely study the fully dissected cadaver in my college anatomy class.


Active member
I probably have the most disgusting story that actually happened to me but im too scared to say it lol. Makes me wanna barf thinking about it.


Motorcycle accident through a bobwire fence. Dude was half way scalped and part of the frontal lobe of the brain was gone. A few bits of sclap, hair, and brain were still hanging on.

Truck accident with a large metal tube through the front windshield. Tube had gone through the guy from the upper left chest and exited through the lower right back. They had to crack his chest right there. The ER doc reached into his body through the gaping hole in his back and pulled out pieces of organs and ploped them in a tray. But, the worst part was having to watch them spray out the chopper of all the blood and pieces of body parts.

Bike-truck accident. Saw the racer get catapulted at least 30 feet in the air and hit the ground. Heard the thump and crack. He had factured half of his face, both arms, leg, pelvis

Debridement of an open abdomial surgical wound that was necrotic in an endstage renal pt. The smell was something that I will never forget. I almost lost it while assisting with the procedure.

Having to clean up cat vomit and poo at my parents house when I was little.

Never saw it, but read a story that was published where a man had decapitated his wife and put her head in a backpack that he took on the tube in London. Some thieves tried to rob him of his backpack and he hit them with it. The author described the sound that it made as it hit the guy. Sick.

Tom Sawyer movie at age five where someone is being killed in an open grave. The memory of the bloody dagger being raised with bits and pieces and blood dripping off of it still gets to me. Never read the book, refused. Never watched the movie again. My Mom had to take me out of the theatre screaming my head off.

Some things just don't go away....
I saw a young kid, maybe 10, get hit by car (knocked right out of his runners). He hit a pole, and died in his brothers arms.

His name was Brian.

That was a long time ago - I can still see him.

i remember seeing gray matter for the first time... It was something bizarre, cause i knew the guy, plus he was still alive and in convulsions.

Even after having another guy get his brains blown out and splatter me, had a friend bleed to death in my arms and seeing a guy burst some staples from surgery in a classroom, I STILL feel horrible when i pass a crime/accident and see feet just nonchalantly sticking out from white sheets.

a mutilated human body is the most disgusting thing ever...


Active member
when I was younger, at my grandmas house, it had snowed and I was playing outside. I grabbed a hand full of snow to eat, popped it in my mouth and bit into something other than snow and tasted disgusting. I spat it out and what do you know, a little bit of some frozen dog shit...I brushed my teeth for about 10 minutes after.

hahahahaha wow this had me laughing for a long time.

but some of those more graphic ones sobered me up quickly.

ive been through some nasty stuff, but luckily i have never witnessed someone being killed yet. some of those ones posted above are pretty crazy, ive seen car accident and shooting pictures online and in my drug treatment classes as a scare tactic, but never that.

one time i was riding the bus and a bum took a shit right outside the bus facing towards me and i literally saw his ass shit out the largest nastiest turd right on the street i have ever seen.

but that is just stuff i have witnessed, didnt happen to me


When i worked in the morgue i saw a guy come in who had spent the weekend in a hotel Jacuzzi. He'd met his mistress on the friday evening for sex in the tub and got his oats. She left and he had a heart attack and bobbed around, face down, in the tub until the monday morning when the maid came. The coroner had to fish him out with the beds silk sheets for obvious reasons, i'm sure you can imagine what happens to fat people when they die and bob around in a hot tub for 48 hours. I had to wheel that fucker to the slab too.

Failing that, portering for your best mates 1 year old baby who died of Chromosome disorders is pretty fucking harrowing.
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