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What's the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to you?

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So, I had a horrifically disgusting experience the other day and it got me thinking....you guys probably have some good ones too, so let's hear it! Here's mine...

our 9 year old pitbull, Kitty, has this massive fatty tumor on her neck, about the size of a hefty lime. It had been bleeding lately so we knew it was growing faster than her skin could keep up with. Well, I was sitting in front of the TV on an exercise ball (our PC is hooked up to the TV) and all of the sudden I felt wetness all over me. I turned around and saw Kitty who had just flapped her ears, you know how dogs do, and Kise and I suddenly realized what had happened....the freakin fatty tumor burst all over my back! I was wearing a dress and half my back was exposed! As soon as it hit me (no pun intended) what had happened, I just shuddered, then started freaking out yelling, "get it off me, get it off me!!!" Kise was like, "uh, you need to get in the shower"

So, who can top that?:joint:

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I don't know how to top that, but how about taking your dog to the vet long before the tumor got to this point!!! WTF!


Active member
That's pretty gross! Something similar happened to my mom early in her marriage. She was one of those ladies who liked to squeeze other peoples' zits, and my dad had a huge, deep cyst on his back that she had been working on but couldn't quite pop. One evening, though, it happened: the thing was MASSIVE and sprayed all over her hands and face. She screamed because it also smelled something fierce.

When I was in high school, I accidentally took a sip out of a can that somebody had dropped their cigarette butt in. Ugh, talk about nasty. :eek:


Active member
i saw someone get hit by a subway train...

he lay there bleeding on the tracks, leg bone poking out of skin, INCHES from being cut in two... arms moving just enough to show signs of life..

easily one of the most disgusting things ive ever witnessed.
I got one me and my girlfriend at the time were drinking all night long, we were too drunk to have sex that night so we did in the morning after we were done she went to climb over me and farted, and when she farted runny shit came out all over me dam it was fu-king desgusting . beer farts can be nasty


Active member
i saw someone get hit by a subway train...

he lay there bleeding on the tracks, leg bone poking out of skin, INCHES from being cut in two... arms moving just enough to show signs of life..

easily one of the most disgusting things ive ever witnessed.

Gosh that must be horrible !!! ouch

For me... I think the most disgusting thing for me was my colonoscopy about 5 or 6 years ago... Fuck I hated it! The part were you drink 50000l of laxative is fucking disgusting! :p At least I was stoned to death with morphine or I don't know what when they got that thing in my ass...



Pull my finger
I had a friend barf crawfish etouffee on my lap.

There is another one that involves blood, random chick and the front of my boxers but I wont get in to detail..

Other than that I think being forced to watch 2 girls one cup is prolly the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Years ago(we were drunk) my buddy accidentally took a drink off a beer bottle full of tobacco spit and swallowed it. Seconds later he was barfing.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
i saw someone get hit by a subway train...

he lay there bleeding on the tracks, leg bone poking out of skin, INCHES from being cut in two... arms moving just enough to show signs of life..

easily one of the most disgusting things ive ever witnessed.

In my very best Nathan Explosion voice...


Styles P

I got one me and my girlfriend at the time were drinking all night long, we were too drunk to have sex that night so we did in the morning after we were done she went to climb over me and farted, and when she farted runny shit came out all over me dam it was fu-king desgusting . beer farts can be nasty

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i was in amsterdam a few years back and i watched a bald dood dive ears
deep into his ladies hoo-hoo. mann ill never forget that sound when he
pulled his head out>>>sounded like a balloon being deflated.....


I was working at an ER once and a couple came in for help. They had "lost their condom" and tried to fish it out with a coat hanger.......I swear, true story.

Then there was the time another couple came in. They were out of condoms, so had used Saran Wrap. Once out of Saran Wrap, they turned to the next best thing they had.... a roll of aluminum foil! LOL. This dude had wrapped himself up in aluminum foil and gone to town! The gal was all tore up. She must've let him go a while.....

Pretty gross working environment, huh?


Lammen Gorthaur
Getting sucked into a mud pit. It was freezing cold outside and I ended up being in the mud right up to my chinny-chin-chin...


i've seen some nasty things, and heard of nasty things, but personally the most disgusting things i guess for me, would be 2 things.

when i was real young the city was doing work on the street and had a HUGE pile of sand ( i guess to rebuild a road)...in front of our house. me and my friends (we were under age 12) were playing on it, and my one friend was daring us to run up to it and jump to the top (which wasnt possible cause the sand hill was like 6 ft wide, 8ft tall). so we just tried to jump as high as we could and be the "champion"...lmao.

anyway, didnt work so well. lost my footing, screamed while landing face-first into the sand pile with my mouth open. had a HUGE mouthful of sand. swallowed some, but spit most of it out. bleh.

the next was when i was around the same age, i was helping my mom clean the house and what she would do would go to mcdonalds every day and buy an iced tea. just 'her thing' she would do. well, i would always grab the last left if i was thirsty, etc.

while we were cleaning i asked if we had anything to drink up here, and she said no, so i looked around, saw the mcdonalds cup and was so thirsty i just chugged it all.

needless to say i later found out she was ashing cigarettes in it for the past 2 days. not the greatest taste.


Active member
your face full of sand story reminds me of the time i landed face first on a pile of rocks and broke 3 teeth.... on new years eve

i waited in the emergency room for 7 hours with a face full of blood and broken teeth, only to see a doctor for about 5 minutes

he told me "Geez, you need to see a dentist"

at 1am, on new years eve.

master shake

Active member
when I was younger, at my grandmas house, it had snowed and I was playing outside. I grabbed a hand full of snow to eat, popped it in my mouth and bit into something other than snow and tasted disgusting. I spat it out and what do you know, a little bit of some frozen dog shit...I brushed my teeth for about 10 minutes after.

either that or when I had my tonsils removed, the wounds on the back of my throat were bleeding (doctor said only about 2% of people will bleed). After a day or 2 of puking blood I hacked up a blood clot, seriously the size of a golf ball. Once that was gone I felt 10x better.


I had to work as a professional boilsucker when Carter was in office.The actual boilsucking was distasteful but furiously holding back the fat flaps to get to the boil was really pretty bad
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