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Whats a good are to live in humboldt county?


no, youre immature and pointless...

there's enough advice in this thread ALREADY to provide the baseline for a fucking newly created scarface.

as russel peters would say in his infamous indian accent, "take it and go."

better get some sleep, santa is coming later...maybe he'll bring you a t5 and you can get started...

no need to be a dick, nobody pointed a gun at your head and told you to enter this thread


probly under the overpass or on the train tracks until it rains, then?


weed fiend
Look dude get of my forum if your just gonna be this nit picky fool,

I figure the fool is one who posts the thousandth thread about the same topic. Keep insulting peeps and see how much they respect your space. It's a public forum.

like i appriciate your help but dude
Wasn't helping you. I was agreeing with the other peep you bitched out for telling you how to find the answers you seek.

like i dont get it. when you read my sentences you understand what I'm talking about you just want to feel important.
Like whatever. Speaking of importance, you obviously feel that research is beneath you. You're important enough to post thread #1001 about the same subject.

I dont take it personal I'm just questioning your intentions.
You took it personal enough to insult. Good luck in Humbolt. Hopefully your ruffled personality goes over well.


In search of Genetics
dudes its ok its the internet, needless to say forum. Not school thanks tho dr. phill wow you guys on forums are immature and pointless. if you just tell everyone to do the research than wtf is forums for? guys keep smoking and putting people down its good for you.

Wow you called it right on here. It's funny when you think about it, a stoned know it all. I mean really think about it, its hilarious.
Merry Xmas good luck.


Yeah you should probably just go on couchsurf.com and meet some people there that you can always go shower at and stay with sometimes and hitchhike around squating with a tarp or tent its the best way to live their ime.

There is always service jobs in some of the smaller cooler towns. There used to be a crazy house in the area that got shut down so a lot of those people and their descendents are still in the area. Everyone gets screwed over there a few times. Its a bad place to move if your a couple and want to stay one, people just do not respect that there. The place is paradise if your a clever beautiful dread-locked girl.


wow, you are making Humboldt sound pretty f'ing awful. lol

I think the best thing to do is just find another rural county in another state and do your thing. Cost of living will be cheaper and will still get the same "small rural town" feel to it. Growing may not be as acceptable, but even if it was I would still keep a tight lid on the operation.

The Northeastern states need more growers. Seems like everything now a days (unless you have a good connection directly to a small time grower) is Mexican bricks of shit or some other kind of wet moldy beaster crap smuggled in by Asian gangs.


There used to be a crazy house in the area that got shut down so a lot of those people and their descendents are still in the area. Everyone gets screwed over there a few times. Its a bad place to move if your a couple and want to stay one, people just do not respect that there. The place is paradise if your a clever beautiful dread-locked girl.

lol wtf


Yeah you should probably just go on couchsurf.com and meet some people there that you can always go shower at and stay with sometimes and hitchhike around squating with a tarp or tent its the best way to live their ime.

There is always service jobs in some of the smaller cooler towns. There used to be a crazy house in the area that got shut down so a lot of those people and their descendents are still in the area. Everyone gets screwed over there a few times. Its a bad place to move if your a couple and want to stay one, people just do not respect that there. The place is paradise if your a clever beautiful dread-locked girl.

I lived in the area for several years. It is amazingly beautiful and the conversations that occur in the "hippy towns," are very progressive such a layed back atmosphere. It can be a great place to meet other people that are the "hippyish" person where they are from or open minded. After some tv documentary about weed their began to be a rise in home invasions in the area. Between camp cracking down and people not being able to grow big anymore, the medical scene dropping prices, home invasions and a housing shortage things changed. People are paranoid and armed they dont trust newcommers.

Seriously though if you go there it is appearent that there are a lot of mentally defecient people around. When I learned there used to be a crazy house it all made sense. One of the best jobs a few years back was to take care of them untill there stopped being money for that. The general attitude of the place is laid back at stop signs people wave each other to go first. The place is a meca for alternative culture and the talk of the town is ahead of the trends by several years. Just think if the stoner conversations you have with your friends extended to the general population how much faster it would progress. People generally question traditional social standards and norms there, that goes for monogamous relationships too. When new people arrive to the progressive towns they are generally amazed and couples are swept off their feet by people so much more advanced in the ways of being a laid back stoner with a large repetiore of far out conversations and because of the social norms being different the people that have been there longer take advantage of this. A lot of people go there with the same dream and all of a sudden you may have lost your nitche as being the hippy by back homes standards. You realize its just a different game with a different set of rules. In the small towns their is a lack of girls so it seems and just about every guy with land tries to entice girls back to their land with their "nonmaterilaistic" lure of riches. The younger generations grew up spoiled and rebelled against their hippy parrents by becoming redneck or gangsta. Land owners often make false promises to employees because the contracts are informal. The people with houses think of themselves as non materialistic and so foreward or whatever but judge the traveling basically modern hippy ascetic, rainbow people, or werstern sadhus or whatever that hitchhike though the area and squat around. Theres a massage school up in the hills stay out of there ... Thats where the crazy oldshcool hillbilly tweeker rednecks are, and they are agro. They shot the sign of the massage school with an automatic. Yeah there is definately a meth problem in the smaller towns.

What I am trying to say is the place itself is full of wonderous mysteries but at the same time its this very feeling that many people there try to take advantage of, like anywhere else it is full of irony and contradictions. In large part it has to do with becoming reliant on a black market which makes everyone have a lot to loose so people are not able to follow through with their ideas and often fail to recognize their complicity with the system their are so critical of. Ego crisis the achilies heel of society.

Its a case and point example of when too many people know about something it ceases to be as special.

There is definately great adventures to be had there. go there the way I recomended and stay for a few months if it doesnt come together move on trust me its the best way.

BTW people are hostile to outsiders in october