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Whats a good are to live in humboldt county?


New member
haha thanks socali people are grown up and dont like to question like you and i do. theirs another world people dont experience. ehhh


cant stop wont stop
Maybe check craigs list?
i doubt anyone here is gonna be renting there homes out via IC - secruity and what not.
GL i'd love to live there, or almost anywhere besides where i'm at, atm..


New member
See I know I can get a job then just rent a small hhouse thenn build my way up. I knnow i have to strat somewhere so why not now when I'm 19.


New member
For cultivatinng well I plan on ending up meeting people their and getting my connnections its not hard its just networking..


Job in humboldt doing what?

The only jobs are low wagers working for the forest service or trimming shit. Gonna learn that hard and fast...

Please video tape this adventure and post it for us to see...

Best thing for you to do is enroll in HSU..


weed fiend
if you just tell everyone to do the research than wtf is forums for?

To document subjects that are pounded into the ground. If you do the research first, it doesn't add to the pile that makes everything else harder to find.

guys keep smoking and putting people down its good for you.
Do you take it personal when somebody suggests the dictionary when you want to know spelling or definition?

We might be a bunch of assholes but we're willing to help out. Instead of rehashing the whole subject, it was suggested you try the search feature first.


New member
Well hopefully I can do something out their. I just want to get some kind of job that will pay my rent and get me little food and for my meds and just away from the city and greed


New member
Look dude get of my forum if your just gonna be this nit picky fool, like i appriciate your help but dude like i dont get it. when you read my sentences you understand what I'm talking about you just want to feel important. I dont take it personal I'm just questioning your intentions.


New member
Why I'm here on the forums to find out dude. Dont be a taker, be a giver! My friend tells me its a place thats very nature and small homes very peaceful.


Active member
DONT GO TO HUMBOLDT. theres more than enough growers there, an more than enough meds. growers have to much... they cant even ged rid of it, because its so flooded.

im 21 so we can maybe relate...kinda.
get a job where youre at now, save up at least 10 g's, go to school while youre at it (a degree is good backup) an then when you have 10...move anywhere from santa barbara down. get an apartment.. blow up a room with 3k..or 2..or w/e.. make that money..then get a house...
seems like alot to do.. but i dont think anyone here just came up 10g's without work. and i definetly dont think that a trimmer came up on a grow...without bustin his ass outside of trimming as well.

thats the friendliest advice i can give. the truth though... dont come now.. wait till your secure financially enough, otherwise your gonna waste 5-10 years of your life trying to get everything in order to grow for a living, an then your gonna be 30 an look back an say shit.. im makin 100k a year finally. when really you coulda been makin that for the past five years right after school.

hope that helps..best of luck.
I dont live in cali so I can not relate.....but my advice to any young fella wanting to move out there is this....DONT......start your own humboldt somewhere else....I have a few friends that went out that way and tried to start a life....one was murdered and one is strung out on other drugs and living on the streets.....they both left here with intentions to live and grow in Humbolt......not saying you cant do it, jsut that its a little harder there than almost anywhere......start your own service elsewhere, and when you get established and think your meds are best, then head to Humboldt and branch out.......long ago when I was 18, I had dreams and thoughts like you, I ignored those that told me to follow my dream and not take no for an answer.....my friends listened.........I am alive and 1 is dead and the other is close to it.....

Like I said, take your dreams and dont give up, just be patient and make a 5-10 year plan and make it a goal to get to humboldt within that time frame.....money is your friend, so save as much as you can and things will go easier than if you went there broke.


Eugene Oregon
Alright I see where your coming from.. "I'm moving to a town where the main income of the whole area is from bud"

You won't make it out there... and if you do!
Go to college, cause then your one hell of a great business man.


yea man its not about milkin cows and pluckin chickens out here man all the companies are drying up , no work .And everyone and there grandman is trying to grow themselves out of debt making for a flooded medical market that drives down prices to what ive seen sum clubs only pay as much as a thousand dollars a pound for outdoor purple weed. and around humbolt its sumtimes as low as 800 an lb because bills never stop coming and people have to eat , and forgett about there time put into growing and trimming up and sell it just pay rent.

thats if you dont get rippers or bugs deer mold that ruin your crops time after time

If you want to do it then steal power where you are at, plug in 30 lights and run that system one time only. sell the 30 lbs you make right where you are at in very small amounts and hide all you money and the big bag o weed at a safe spot with sumone to bail you out if ya get caught. .....just one big ass run for 2 months and your set right where your at......

if you do roll to cali just remeber alot of assholes have smiles on there faces out here becuase its considerd a good time to hustle mother fockers out here, they eat -by feeding off the weak , kno that..


dudes its ok its the internet, needless to say forum. Not school thanks tho dr. phill wow you guys on forums are immature and pointless. if you just tell everyone to do the research than wtf is forums for? guys keep smoking and putting people down its good for you.

no, youre immature and pointless...

there's enough advice in this thread ALREADY to provide the baseline for a fucking newly created scarface.

as russel peters would say in his infamous indian accent, "take it and go."

better get some sleep, santa is coming later...maybe he'll bring you a t5 and you can get started...