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What year do you see Marijuana being Legalized?


Unfortunately, most people don't realize that even if every voter in a country voted to legalize marijuana, it still couldn't happen.

Sure, some people who smoke too much, and don't really know much, will tell you about grand conspiracies, and other stuff that would make a Scientologist blush, and how marijuana is being held down.

The truth is that marijuana is illegal because the countries of the world are members of the UN. The UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances makes marijuana illegal. Decriminalization is possible, but legal growing, distribution, and free use can never happen while your country is part of the UN and signed to that treaty. NEVER.

simba said:
Once States rights are restored back to the states soveregnty (WTF)
dood u are a lil late on the times. our chance to have that happen ended when the hippies let the Movment go.. (we are headed to a one world Gvt.. state controll is GONE,, u gonna relize that or continue being ignorant..
we are even past a point of a revalution..Fact..
STAND UP NOW OF LOOSE WHAT LIL U DO HAVE>> every right has been taken away one by one.. and they going after the rest..

unfort your WRONG>> 26 states then they legilize it..,,,,,,, my ass..
MARINOL was sched 2 now sched 3 OKLAHOMA was the last state to move to Sched 3..years after the other states..ur missing that big point....its one big circle and unless u turn it into a line it will allways clyce back to illegle... Like i said for every block i found a way around i found 2 more supporting and working toghether..

yes i am a NARC.

this country is in a buble state and so ready to burst.. its such a sham..

...I don't know what you've been huffing...

The US is signatory to the UN Convention also. You babble (rather incoherently) about state rights. Unfortunately, Article Six of the US Constitution clearly says:

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

You can clearly read that, maybe you'll need someone to explain it to you. It basically says that as long as the US is in the UN, and signatory to the UN Conventions, it will always be REQUIRED of the federal government to enforce federal law in the states.

So, when that cop, teacher, or politician told you "if you don't like the law, you can change it," he was clearly BSing you. You believed it. You still believe it. Well, time to wake up. IT AIN'T SO!!!

It CAN be decriminalized, though. Like in Iran. Or if you could somehow demonstrate a true religious use. For example, you have to go through several years and learning before you can ever take communion. If your weed church lets you automatically smoke, it's probably not going to fly, but that's a different subject.

So, maybe some of you have to put down the pipe for a few minutes, as this revelation of truth may be depressing or disheartening.

The fact is, that since the DEA is authorized to operate by every country in north america on their soil, there won't be any "weed freedom" anytime soon. No matter how your town, city, or state votes.

Stop dreaming of your little petitions and community and state actions. They don't mean a thing until the laws are changed at the federal level.


Sleeping Dragon
we dont listen to the UN any ways..

as far as pot being whatever..
change the law based on the fact all the other info is lies..
and ur lil treaty goes away..and any ways if it is deemed medical its legal...
(not me but i know some can get cocaine Legally.. and a few RX Halusnagins

u forget in reality if everyone stood up the feds wouldnt bother starting a revalution over weed..

thats the thing we have to stop any more crap from hapining and we need to teardown the crap they put up..
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blAsia said:
when you are Pres. NT.
I don't count on shit. Even though many are seeing the truth, LEO is stepping up its campaign... must have forgotten that Ice, crack, and heroin are running rampant.

those are the drugs....they put there....to make minds numb and docile....the things leo is after is the light....


Active member
*mr.mike* said:
Unfortunately, most people don't realize that even if every voter in a country voted to legalize marijuana, it still couldn't happen.

I definitely disagree. This has never been done before, so how would you know? Alot of us like to assume most people in the country would vote to legalize marijuana, probably based on some activist poll done in NorCal. But what they don't understand is that while several localized populations are overwhelmingly pro-pot, the majority is still against it. 90% of the people DO NOT want to legalize pot (perhaps some would like to lower the penalties, but that's a different story).

I think what most people don't realize is the power of the vote. I mean actually setting up an initiative and voting on a federal level. Not straw polls, or online petitions. Get up out of your seat and do something! You'll start noticing more perspective once you get out of your social circles and online forums.


I found this thread by accident, the author said 2012... here it is 2011 and no end in sight. My opinion... it will be legal within the next 20 years. What stops it from becoming legal in my opinion is the refer madness generation. They still have a lot of pride and get out to vote in big numbers... once that generation is gone, and the elderly in this country are the people who grew up in the 60-70's.

Why do I think this? A good majority of people of that age group know pot isn't harmful.. even if they may be non - smokers themselves. Medical has become more tolerated. The kids of parents from the 60-70's grew up with more laxed parents when it comes to smoking pot ( that's my generation )... and anyone younger are pretty laxed when it comes to marijuana... everyone is starting to get more educated on the subject whether they like it or not. So just a matter of time before the majority of voters are ok with the thought of legalizing marijuana without the ignorance and uneducated biased opinions.

Any takers on this old subject?

Yah`mon :tiphat:


U p from the grave lol .....
Answer= I have already accepted that it will not be in my lifetime. I am 31. Fuck them, I could care less this train is gonna keep on rollin' choo chooo motherfucker!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I am a numbers guy, and the numbers I seen says by 2020 it has to be legalized. As old fucks who were fed anti propaganda their entire lives pass away, the baby boomers and their kids will be running office and voting. Approval ratings are constantly rising, at the current rate by 2020 the shit would have to be legalized.


May your race always be in your favor
I've been waiting since the sixties. Still wrting my congressmen and Senators. Who know with the economy the way it is maybe they'll(the gubbmint) will wake the fuck up.:smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed::smoweed:
Just a note the U.S.Gov't was the main pusher of the UN treaty that the wholle freakin world signed.
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The year that everyone gets together and lets these fuckers know that we will not tolerate their bullshit laws. Like how alcohol prohab was squashed. When the people rebel they have no other choice than to expunge the law. Seeing as we are up against billion $ Corporations all we would have to do is shut them down (don't go work for them... work for mom and pop or start your own business by yourself or with a partner). Don't go to work for BIG Co. esp any drug maker. You are making them money to pay these fuckers (politicians) to keep the herb down. All big Co. do is... they fuck us over constantly while they feed us some psyco illusion from their sick twisted minds... to make you think what they want you to think. Which is brainwashing/mindcontrol ... so you don't think for yourself you do as told and you make you little ends meet and keep your mouth shut and dont rebel. FUCK THAT SHIT REBEL FOR YOUR FREEDOM (that has been fought for)of life ,liberty,and persute of happiness (right to property)!!!! OR BE A HEARTLESS, COWARDLY, SPINELESS WASTE AND DO NOTHING and as the man would say "get your slaving ass back to work" you have cash to make for me...


Kiss My Ring
perhaps when we shed the illusion that the corporate oligarchy will somehow cave to the voting public, we will accept that it will take more than public opinion to change the classification or legalize cannabis.
we will never 'come together' to face this demon, they have already drowned the din of dissent, and our opportunity dwindles with hints of internet censorship.
the time is now, not years from now, and we're late as is.
we could use a strong sober spin on things. :scripture:


I have had my daily dose of flouride... I guess its effects are reverse on me. EVERYONE go get your fast food, watch your television, drink you booze, and porn/fuck yourself to death. Its all rdy for you TYCA.


When will we learn our votes mean nothing!!!!!!!!!!!
Change in this county (US) will not come by way of the ballot!!!!!!!!!

Hate to be bearer of bad news but someones got to do it...


I don't think it will ever be legal in any way federal wise. Even medical states are/will try and rescind their medical status, look at Montana right now. Proposition 19 scared the hell out of the federal government. Like it or not the no vote sealed the deal on legalizing cannabis. They knew they had to react with something, and as soon as the schedule 3 whole plant derived THC pill becomes mainstream news that will probably be the end of even any new states becoming medical. .02


Active member
Too bad the 'movement', NORML etc, didn't keep going for decriminalization back when some states were doing that. Instead, they switched to the medical strategy. Which worked for a time, but now, the new model, ie AZ, will ruin what we hoped it would be. Personal growers(patients) and caregivers will not be allowed to grow and all mmj will be from dispensaries. Which is great I guess, if you have 400 bucks a oz to spend. I don't, which is why I grow. If I register to be legal, then I have to stop growing or end up in worse trouble than I could be in now. And you know if I get popped with weed in the car, I'll have to prove it came from a dispensary or be just like no card.

Decrim would probably have been better.

In our world of growing and icmag, we see great progress, but in the real world, the masses may be more easily moved to a feeding frenzy of reefer madness. And I know those old codgers hate pot and will soon die, but look around, it's not just them. Very few people would speak publicly in favor of marijauna being legal. All it takes is someone shouting about the dangers to children.
Oh, guess what, the future may be great for seriously ill folks who can't get out of the house, but for every one who likes to drive, ha ha. The limits are going to be set so low, You won't be able to drive for 5 months after you stop smoking.
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Active member
Logic doesn't work very well when it comes to cannabis. Its all about perception, and not facts . A vibe [spiritual] told me 2017 for Oregon and I'm going with it . [laws on paper in the fall many times go into effect Jan 1st of he next year]
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Aren't you the optimist?

Aren't you the optimist?

I think by 2012 It will be legal =D
What about you guys?
With all these people dedicating time/money into it It really should be legalized in my opinion
And its like it will reduce Crime,Goverment could get tax of it just like cigs.
And the price would drop and people kill for money.
So what do you gals/and guys think?

My best guess would be within 2 years of either the total economic collapse of the current corporate-centric USA government, or the populist revolution (Libyan, not Egyptian) that overthrows the current corporate-centric USA government. The corporate kleptocrats and the politicians they own are too firmly entrenched to willingly yield a significant portion of their power over the economy and the working class for that to happen otherwise.

FWIW, I consider myself to be a realist rather than a revolutionary, a spectator in the nose-bleed section of the bleachers rather than a "player" on the field. :tiphat:


I also don't see legalization coming within a lifespan (not in the lifespan of a mediocre big animal - and not a sea animal)
Anyway just yesterday my wife told me that after 7 years of marriage and 15 years of knowing me and my beloved plants she still thought the cannabis was a drug - rather than herbs or plants or whatever.
I sat there and felt like some Heroin addict or something.

When its this hard to change the opinion of the person who loves you, i don't think that it will possible to change the way society thinks about it.

After all: Marihuana is a Drugs and Drugs are dangerous and therfore must be forbidden :comfort: