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What year do you see Marijuana being Legalized?


Eugene Oregon
I think by 2012 It will be legal =D
What about you guys?
With all these people dedicating time/money into it It really should be legalized in my opinion
And its like it will reduce Crime,Goverment could get tax of it just like cigs.
And the price would drop and people kill for money.
So what do you gals/and guys think?


My little pony.. my little pony
" In the year 2000, in the year 2000. "



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
HerbGlaze said:
I think by 2012 It will be legal =D
What about you guys?
With all these people dedicating time/money into it It really should be legalized in my opinion
And its like it will reduce Crime,Goverment could get tax of it just like cigs.
And the price would drop and people kill for money.
So what do you gals/and guys think?

2012 was actually about the time frame I was thinking too. Popular opinion is starting to realize that Marijuana is not the demon it has been made out to be.

I could see it happening.


when you are Pres. NT.
I don't count on shit. Even though many are seeing the truth, LEO is stepping up its campaign... must have forgotten that Ice, crack, and heroin are running rampant.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Damn straight, I get elected, and some shit in this motherfucker gonna change with a quickness :biglaugh:


Sleeping Dragon
NEVER unless we all Make a few calls..

as stated above even though its becoming comon knowlage its medicaly good etc.. the POPOs are ramping up there eradication efforts.


Well-known member
I remember ten years ago, before the whole killer skunk / weed psychosis hype, everyone seemed certain that it would be made legal imminently. There was real hope in the air.

These days.... I think we're further from legalisation than we were ten years ago. The misinformation campaigns have continued and the government's cowardice to openly discuss cannabis has been interpreted by the public as a perceived danger. Just like the weapons of mass destruction, where they said "we have evidence he's got them - but we can't show the evidence to you" the government are playing the same hand now with cannabis. How many times have we heard the news where they pull figures from the air and quote "experts" which directly contradict all the real expert conclusions. And despite these flagrant lies, nobody has ever been held accountable. It's still like discussing sex with 12 year olds - everybody giggles and makes jokes about hippies being too stoned to do this and that. It makes me sick.

And how medical MJ hasn't been legalized is a stain on our humanity. We'd prefer people to lie dying in pain than allow them to use free medicine that really works. We as a species have morally regressed.

So what date will it be legalized? About 10 seconds after humans have become extinct. And personally, I can't wait.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
By 2084 every state will have medical marijuana laws, but the plant will still be illegal to own for most people. The new drug will be an LSD variant that is like a sleeping pill where 45 minutes after popping, the user falls asleep and has a massive 14 hours trip. Of course three day after, they tend to jump in front for moving trains, but no one will have made the connection.

I don't see it as ever being fully legal. A lot of decriminalization for personal and private in home use, but public intoxication, sales and distribution will remain, and have stiffer penalties for non medical uses.
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I think it'll be legal in America either after the nation's collapse, or after politicians realize they can profit from it, whichever occurs sooner.

Hell, I think the surest path to legalization isn't through wild ideas like "science" or "logic and reason". I think it's by convincing the people in Washington that legalization directly makes them slightly richer.


Active member
lets see, maybe when BIG pharma corps. stop giving money to polititions, or may be when BIG wood corps. stop givving money to our polititions, no wait maybe when BIG oil corps. stop giving the money or the cotton industry, or the ,,, oh man the list is getting way long and its early in the mornin and i gotta hit a bowl, but you get the picture,, i hope. you can make evrything from ice cream to the hull of an airplane with hemp. how many corporations would that put out of buissiness? thats alot of money being given to the polititions.

united we stand devided we fall,,,,,,,,,,,,,ron paul 2008.com,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,life,liberty, and the persute of happyness

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well forty years ago when i was a teen we all thought that when our generation came into power the MJ laws would change. Sorry I guess we dropped the ball. :(


Babbabud said:
Well forty years ago when i was a teen we all thought that when our generation came into power the MJ laws would change. Sorry I guess we dropped the ball. :(

haha, no hard feelings :joint:

Anyway, can't put a realistic time frame on it, because it's going to take a lot more than what's happening already. Until politicians can't get support without supporting legalization, which won't happen until a large number of people speak up. The people need to know that legalizing marijuana is the answer. Not only does it let the money from the war on marijuana be redistributed to something that's actually useful, but it would generate more income for the government. Those who wanted to buy it highly taxed in stores would be welcome to, and the select few who wanted to just grow it would be allowed to. It would take those billions of dollars out of the hands of violent organized crime rings (excluding our own government, of course). Everyone already knows it's harder for kids to get alcohol than it is to get pot. The regulations on alcohol are clearly more effective than those on marijuana, so why not protect the youth and set an age restriction on it. I would love to see a sign at a store saying "It's YOUR ID. Don't use it to buy marijuana for minors."

the list goes on and on. I'm sure everyone here knows the majority of it.

So, my long winded answer is: maybe someday
herb is legal for medical purposes, a man(or woman) can even grow it, in select countries of commun sens ... for the average joe(or joesefinne)--> never .


Sleeping Dragon

sorry but i hear all these why nots.. do something..
as said above we are further away now than 10 years ago....
how sad is that.. and theres been new orgs for the past 10 years...

I dont ever see it being legal.. To many corupt people and TO MANY LAZY ASS stoners ya that includes you and me..


Well-known member
I am asked all this all the time..

I am asked all this all the time..

Once States rights are restored back to the states soveregnty, and people start getting what they vote for without Federal interference, we might legalize. Big pharm is making synthetics and extracts that dont do a lot for many.
With Big tobacco ready to mass manufacture marijuana cigarettes, The Dollar falling, the truths of its harmlessness vs. alcohol or cigarettes, and how damn prosperous it is for everyone, including those in the fuel, toiletry, textile, aerospace, and construction materials manufacturing companies, its a possibility.
MJ and hemp are americas number 1 cash crop, it should only be legalized to really capitolize on it..I can go on and on, but its going to take a couple of generations of the ol timers who have been misinformed to die out before we see a change.
Medical states help the cause as it shows progress. it shows that over half the state understand how beneficial and virtually harmless.Once over 26 states are legal, and over half the country has shown our government that "we the people" demand reform, it will be a unanymous descision to go legal, and let big tobacco and big farm as well all the mfg's of hemp goods make money, and we see a lot more DUI charges w less fatalities..
How many other states do you think will follow suit? a problem many overlook is that is a carcinogen. Yes Big tobacco is getting away with it, but they have been going through there share of regulations. Its getting tougher and tougher to smoke anywhere these days in the US. I guess I'm saying its gonna be a while if ever. 2012 is the supposed year of the apocolypse. could happen by then I suppose.. if my smilies worked I'd drop one..


Sleeping Dragon
i dont get u u diss what i say then say the same dam thing..PHHH

Once States rights are restored back to the states soveregnty (WTF)
dood u are a lil late on the times. our chance to have that happen ended when the hippies let the Movment go.. (we are headed to a one world Gvt.. state controll is GONE,, u gonna relize that or continue being ignorant..
we are even past a point of a revalution..Fact..
STAND UP NOW OF LOOSE WHAT LIL U DO HAVE>> every right has been taken away one by one.. and they going after the rest..

unfort your WRONG>> 26 states then they legilize it..,,,,,,, my ass..
MARINOL was sched 2 now sched 3 OKLAHOMA was the last state to move to Sched 3..years after the other states..ur missing that big point....its one big circle and unless u turn it into a line it will allways clyce back to illegle... Like i said for every block i found a way around i found 2 more supporting and working toghether..

why just last night i Reported 2 separate DUIs.. it was to funny.. so sad to. almost died bad.
both where going in oncoming trafic the one guy was so drunk when he pulled over for i dont know why..the cops took forever to get there he was so drunk he just sat there didnt try to run

yes i am a NARC when it comes to DUI everyone should be..
if u dont like it dont drink and drive around me.. i have lost freinds because others have decided to DUI>>> u wana drink and drive i wana put a cap in u ass.. FACT>. your playing rusion rulet with some one elses life or a babie or childs life for what 1 hour of fun and a hour of pucking.. i care about the people u might hit.. i want the DUI driver (if no passangers) to 10-50 and be DOA, sorry but u think u can drive dui.. u belong 6 feet under.

i have no probs with pot and driving well most people... (why last night i know i Smelled like a Skunk bad infront of the cops but they didnt say shit or search why.. cause they know it not as bad as the DUI.. (i just saved his or another life),, and i not a tweaker AKA im not worth there time
i think that says something when "med-users & pot-heads" (yes im both) are taking a stand against alc (dui) and Meth (hard drugs) says we are still Smart enough to know theres bad crap out there and to stay away from it and try to help fix it..
ASA claims 2010 My ass if they doing it..

this country is in a buble state and so ready to burst.. its such a sham..
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Kailua Kid

Active member
I don't think it's going to happen in our lifetime. In fact I think that even MMJ will be totally illegal starting in 2012. I don't think the North America Union will tolerate cannabis in any form. And I don't think the new constitution will allow what where states to have any say in these matters either.
The war against freedom & democracy is almost over. Unfortunately, we've lost.


Well-known member
KK you are probably right

KK you are probably right

simba.. you obviously missed my point about DUI's as so many other posts..
I'm spaking of pot related Dui's.. under the influence of marijuana.. a controlled substance. whether or not inhibits your driving, the local police and state courts can make a bundle on pulling over people and charging them all this money.

Anyway, I see the clubs getting raided, small grows being raided again. you are right. we have no control over our state, and the Feds are comin down on growers. Espescially the ones that put others in harms way and it should be. I think its one thing to grow a couple plants for your own consumption and personal hobby. Commercial ops should be regulated BY THE STATE like Canada does with there inspections of construction,Plumbing and electricity to make it safe for growers but we have so many criminals out ther to jack you in the US, I couldnt trust the state if mandated...Perhaps its time for revolution??? Hello?? Thomas Jefferson... uh, yeah...

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