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what would you have done different?



I should never ever had let my brother become involved with my growing even though he can move lbs like the wind.They say dont tell anyone.I say you have to tell someone if you're a commercial grower lol.Just dont let that someone be family..

pine boy

I wouldnt change a thing.my experiances are unique to me and they make me who I am.I can be proud of only that.


I should have never bought my first home in 2000. Now I'm stuck with an unsellable major asset that is worth much less than I owe on it. It's like owning my own prison. Every mortgage payment I make is like throwing money into an incinerator.


All my regrets deal with women... I wouldn't have let "the 1" get away... I still think about her everyday... I wouldn't have been such an asshole to most of the women I've been with... I really hurt alot of women and I regret that... I also would have picked a different place to get a haircut in the summer of 2006, because of this mistake I was robbed and shot, my best friend was shot to death and I was charged with attempted murder and sat in jail until my case went to court... And I have to say it again I wouldn't of let my "true love" slip through my fingertips... True love is truely a rare occurance...

Owl Mirror

Active member
I wouldn't have placed so much trust in Doctors.
In the end, it was I who diagnosed my disability and had to fight both the doctors and insurance to receive the proper care I needed. Perhaps had I not deferred to the doctors early on, I would not have lost everything ?