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what would you have done different?


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the only thing i can really truly say i regret was 'having to' sign my letter of intent to play college football the first day of the signing period (I had a big ego then hahaha young dumb and full of...) and therefore choosing to take the scholorship offer to a university in kentucky.... rather than have waited a few more days to get the same offer, but from san jose st.... oops

I was playing ball to man Div I. i cant say whether or not i regret not being a part of the team anymore. I wasent happy in what i was doinging and i basically was going for free school. Like i said i hated my life and now im soo much happier. I can blaze when i want. I dont have to go to mandatory shit like study hall all the time anymore like a little kid. my crib is 100x nicer (granite w/ stainless steel opposed to a freaking dorm), I have a shit ton more cash to spend and do what i want.

On the other hand. if i stayed at the first school instead of moving to atl, i would be finishing university in a semester instead of 2 years. I also did enjoy the fame involved in playing on a DI team. Guys wanna shake your hand and buy you drinks, girls wanna fuck u all the time. Its great.

any detroit lion fans? I actually shared a bedroom/bathroom with matthew stafford for almost a year.

but other than that cataclysm in my life, i feel good. I want to finish uni asap and travel. Hopefully get out to cali, then down south to Latin and south america.


Everything with the exception of my wife and daughter.

Since I'll be turning 30 this year, I'm really hoping the next decade goes better
Well, my list is short, never drink alcohol, I definitely cut 10 years off my life with all the drinking. Got acid reflux just thinking about hard liquor. But I think the key for me is that I openly discuss all my fuck ups with my kids. No fucking way will I let them go blindly into the night. They probably get sick of me yapping at them but my parents failed to talk about a lot of shit and like all young men I made a lot of decisions based on pussy and drinking. Shit just about all of them up to 35ish had one or the other mixed in there probably pussy then alcohol.


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In October 08 the woman that I married in March 08 left me in anger. she went back home to Seattle. I had all kinds of fun, met lots of women and lived like I want. In March 09 I let her move back in. She was living in poverty and I had a flu. In a moment of weakness I let her back in.

Since I let her in she committed countless offenses, threw away hundreds of dollars in hash, pot and booze, dunked my $400 phone in a sink of water, and finally left again (Monday). When she left she took the Ford Explorer I bought, most of my high end electronics and all of the cash I had on hand (about $4000). She took one of my favorite cameras and even my electric tooth brush. She helped herself to what she wanted while I was at work and left before I come home. Much like a common thief.

But she is gone now. I have filed for divorce and I can replace everything she has stolen. I am free.

So in a nutshell my biggest regret in my life was letting her move back in. You think I will do that again? Nope.

ya but is she allowed to take the car like that ?

it's replacable but you gotta fork out the $
still, we live and learn


The one thing I wouldn't change for anything is my significant other. He means the world to me and I find myself happiest when I am with him.
He has helped me learn to see things from other peoples perspectives and appreciate so much (especially ganja). I am proud to say he is my bestfriend and my life long partner.


I would have done more stuff that people said I shouldn't do.
I would have taken grade 1-10 less seriously and grade 11 & 12 more seriously.
I would never have started smoking cigarette's.


Active member

Uncle: This company pfizer is gonna release a pill soon that allows impotent guys to get
Me: Why you telling me this, I'm ok downstairs.

Uncle: No you twit, I'm gonna buy some shares of the company, you want in?

Me: Naaaah A)men hate going to the doctor's office
B) It would be too embarassing to talk about with a Doctor.
C) men would rather buy those pumps and creams on those late night infomercials instead.

I currently have two cousins attending a near Ivy leauge level school, paid for with penis pill money.


1. Been at my best friends wedding, then he may not have broken his neck.....

2. Never gambled, and instead deposited all that money in the bank.

3. Bothered to get in shape earlier in life.



I guess the one thing I would have done differently is smoked a whole lot more shit while was growing up! Wish I would have started smoking MJ instead of cigs! Maybe would have saved a year or two of my life. Otherwise I am very happy where I am with my hubby and kids!


Active member
Grown more weed
Worked on a fishin boat already
spent less time workin for other people and started workin for myself earlier

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I dont know..... Im pretty happy with how its turned out so far. I never wanted to have any children, and bam... got pregnant with an awsome son. No regrets there. If it wern't for my abusive 1st marraige, I wouldn't have met the awsome husband I have now. So no regrets there. I smoked ciggaretts for 14 years and recently quit.... If I never started smoking, would I still be as cool as I am now, or was before quitting?


I regret doing hard drugs,
I dont regret having my son,
and im putting off moving somewhere anywhere


Wish I wouldn't have left the elite high school I was once at in exchange for public school in 10th grade. It all went down hill from that point to some degree

Wish I studied harder in math

Wish I fucked more underage girls while I was still legal(oh shut up, you do too)

Wish I was more emotionally independent at a younger age, thus having the self confidence to not take bad advice from people in my family who are dumb as fuck. Now everything is glorified patch work; hard to get ahead at that pace

Wish I would have made friends with smarter people instead of just picking the most accessible social outlets that also liked drugs

Wish I would have never joined the military

etc. etc. etc.


i regret getting married the first time
but not the second I love my family kids are the sunshine in my life

i regret not voting against bush


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I regret not growing more Bud back when I had tons of safe outlets for it, and back before all the hills around me started filling up with people.


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Man one time I was 22 and I was Eiiiing face at a gay bar (my girlfriend and I at the time had 2 male gay friends) and a supermodel bitch of my dreams wanted to have a threesome with us.We were snorting pure exstacy and drinking drinks and smoking kind bud .Kinda like that chic from the Aerosmith video. My girlfriend kept telling me and telling me but I was so crippled I couldnt even put it together. That is a big regret for me.

Also wished I never tryed cocaine and wished I could have had more affairs in high school.


Active member
id like to say i would change something, but good and bad i would rather everything stay the same so i could experience all the things and people good that have come into my life. if i changed that one time something i didnt like happened, it might have changed the people i met and i wouldnt have had the good friends i have now.

Cookie monster

id like to say i would change something, but good and bad i would rather everything stay the same so i could experience all the things and people good that have come into my life. if i changed that one time something i didnt like happened, it might have changed the people i met and i wouldnt have had the good friends i have now.


Bad thing have happened in my life as i'm sure everybody else's but were i to change them then there's a lot of things lessons in life i would have not learned.
Without going through all the bad crap i would not be the person i am today.

If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger type o thing