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what would you have done different?


Active member
...so over say the past 10 years or so what things do you guys wish you would/could have done differently in your life?

...any really bad mistakes/regrets?

...anything you wouldn't change for anything?

...anything you really wanna do that you regret putting off?


yeah, I have a couple that I can share...

First thing...I would've hooked up with the blonde girl that really liked me in high school. I know now that I passed up a great opportunity to be with her.

Umm..second thing...I wouldn't have sold my 'stang..that car ruled!


Active member
i messed up the 1 relationship i cared about....and maintained the ones i didn't care so much about....funny how that works.

i sold all my fav. vehicles too (77 chevy truck, 79 camaro, 74 dodge camper van)....miss that van the most (took me to alaska and back a few times).

love my current whip tho...('07 toyota fj).


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'd have to go back 30 yrs myself to any regrets with the potential
for a 'do over' and that'd be my cocaine addiction it cost me count-
less thousands of dollars but my biggest regret was that I lost what
was probably to be my one true love Britta.......



We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I would not have wasted my time with the ex wife.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I would have stared more openly at bosoms, I would have groped my wife a little more in public, and I would have probably told myself not to worry too much about the future.

h^2 O

you know, i've had some low times in these past ten years, but everything's working out, im about to graduate from the best school in the world. I am lonely though. So I would have not broke up with my best friend because she wouldn't leave her dude, and killed him and made it look like an accident, and comforted her and married her.


Active member
i regret cutting my dreads off too.

i quit buzzing my head last month...so prolly let the shit grow a year or so then start dreads again


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
1- I wish i would have known how weak my ex bitch aka wife was..
2- I would have listened to my dad more..
3- I wish i would have took a different job path early on. And started the mma career sooner..
4- lastly i wish i would not have been addicted to gambling especially horse racing.. peace.



I wouldn't have ever drank a drop in my life if I could go back and do it over. It came very close to killing me. I haven't drank for 3 years now. What's weird about it is I don't miss it one bit. But when I was drinking I didn't think I could ever stop and was convinced it was gonna end up killing me. I had a guy (an old drinking buddy) offer to pay me to drink with him just last night, I semi politely told him no thanks.

I would have kicked my ex-wife out sooner, as soon as I found out she was having every guy in town stick it in her.

I wish I wouldn't have dropped out of school.

The list goes on and on and on... :fight:


hmmm not too many regrets really. This isn't really a regret but I wish I somehow could have found out what my health issues were earlier in life. I sometimes get down on myself because I feel like I've "wasted" so many years feeling like shit and missed out on things.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
My immediate thought is "Not one freakin bit of it!" :D

I could not imagine doing anything else. If you always do what you do you can't do it any other way... if you made a clone of me and we would bet on any various outcome of its actions in any situation, I'd be rich :biglaugh:

Now if you're talking about the moves I've made in which I've come out on the losing side of things... I wouldn't change those either. That is what life throws at you to teach you your shit. Lessons apply to persons personally...

Anything you screw up should tell you things you obviously didn't know before. If you knew and then screwed up anyway and that is one of those things you would do differently -- well I'd guess you might die in a corner due to stubborness.

Theoretically the corner I might be found dead in is tobacco. :bat:

I suppose if you would use the question what would you do differently tomorrow... well that's a horse of a different color altogether :)
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the only thing i can really truly say i regret was 'having to' sign my letter of intent to play college football the first day of the signing period (I had a big ego then hahaha young dumb and full of...) and therefore choosing to take the scholorship offer to a university in kentucky.... rather than have waited a few more days to get the same offer, but from san jose st.... oops


Not making regular deposits into savings accounts as religiously as I've bought weed.
I'd be fricking rich by now.


My biggest regret is that I stayed home one night. 2.5 years ago my best friend in Cambodia called me and asked me to go out. I've told him that I've been out 3 days in a row and that i needed a break. He said he was bored shitless and that he needed to go out.
Well i got a phone call the next day.
I took the call and started to cry. He died that night. As this is Cambodia no autopsy was made. It is suspected that he overdosed on pres pills and alcohol.
Since then I have to life with what if I were with him that night.
The funeral was one of the biggest for an expat in Cambodia ever. Nobody could say a bad word about him.
He was one of my true friends in life.
I still have nightmares about the whole thing. One good came from it I haven't touched pres pills since.
Phnom Pehn lost one of the most loved expats, and probably the best teacher Cambodia ever had.
miss you mate. I named my son after you.


Active member
I try not to regret things because I believe our choices and action shape the people we become and I like the person I am now, but there are some things in life I would have done different given the chance.

Some things I wont mention but a few that come to mind are finishing with a girl when I was very young,very stupid and even more horny- i think things would be very different if I still had her in my life. Not persuing football(soccer) and boxing when I was in my early teens- there's no doubt I could have gone pro in both sports had I stuck with it, but I would have been a low-end pro. But neither made me truely happy.

But what I wish most is that I'd started riding motorbikes earlier, its a true true passion of mine. I'm never happier than when Ive got a sports bike between my legs cranking it round some corner at awfully fast speeds.
Its not like I could of ever made a career from riding bikes but I've found something that makes me truely happy and in my opinion thats all any of us can really hope for.

Guv'nor :wave:
I wish I:

-grew more often and more consistently, instead of taking breaks and resorting to buying
-banged all the girls I could've in high school
-didn't go to college and instead go for an apprenticeship in some trade like plumbing/electrical. I'm just not a college person.
-got the outdoor vegetable garden in better order. next season I guess
-didn't pick at/squeeze the whiteheads on my nose. If it's a big one you get a sunken/collapsed pore that's like a scar.
-got into pirating DVDs on ebay sooner before they started cracking down on it. Made a decent amount of money for a year that I somewhat regretably used to help my mom and grandma buy property and pay her back for community college.

roor smoker

In October 08 the woman that I married in March 08 left me in anger. she went back home to Seattle. I had all kinds of fun, met lots of women and lived like I want. In March 09 I let her move back in. She was living in poverty and I had a flu. In a moment of weakness I let her back in.

Since I let her in she committed countless offenses, threw away hundreds of dollars in hash, pot and booze, dunked my $400 phone in a sink of water, and finally left again (Monday). When she left she took the Ford Explorer I bought, most of my high end electronics and all of the cash I had on hand (about $4000). She took one of my favorite cameras and even my electric tooth brush. She helped herself to what she wanted while I was at work and left before I come home. Much like a common thief.

But she is gone now. I have filed for divorce and I can replace everything she has stolen. I am free.

So in a nutshell my biggest regret in my life was letting her move back in. You think I will do that again? Nope.

good shit man.. you went through a lot with her based on your threads.

mean mr.mustard, you have it on point. i wouldn't have learned shit if i didn't get out their and do it. going bad once is enough. you learn from that shit eh