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What was THE best weed you ever smoked?

My strongest weed came out of a trip through southern India. I'd been dry for a few days, and I picked up this great weed laced with opium (often they put opium to shitty weed to give it a boost, not this time). It was a great trip that took me into realms where normally only stronger psychedelics go. Awesome.

My brother told me that the Pakistani hash we got in Bahrain had opium in it; I thought he was bullshitting me. Maybe he was right? I've never had hash that texture or potency, before or since. :dunno:


back in 1990 a $160oz of some compressed as shit, almost black in color, tasted and smelled like sausage seasoning herbs...hard as a rock...incredible expansion in the lungs..

put many on the floor in the fetal position
It didnt have a name..but for some reason I want to call it "Nigerian Death Weed"

after 20 years of smoking every day nothing has come close to that stuff
I asked the dude I got it from ...but he couldnt remember anything...LOL


Some old school weed back in 1994 when i was 16, was told it was African Red Beard. Smoked it with my cuz & started to trip out. My vision was only registering about 12 frames a second, turning my head was like watching a film on an old pc which slows down & you just see a still of the frame for a split second before your vision catches up.
Amsterdam 1996 & i was 18. Cant remember what coffeeshop, but it could of been Resin, it used to have a big, wooden, native american stood outside. I bought a gram of Silver Buterfly & my mate got a gram of White Rhino, we skinned up a joint each & shared them. Its the only time i have had visuals of "skunk weed", everything was purple & green. I was so mashed i had to go back to the hotel for a few hours.
More recent was some mr Nice G13 x Hash Plant by Sensi Seeds grown by a friend. We smoked one joint at his house before going to my house, a trip we had made 100`s of times but we were so out of it we got on the bus on the WRONG side of the road & ended up going in the wrong direction!


Was in Amsterdam in 1983, and smoked a Lebanese\Nigerian\Hawaiian.
Had a monstrous panic attack, during which-I headrushed and lightweight fainted. I came-to a drooling mess.
Next 37 times I smoked it, it was utterly crippling!
I still never experienced power like that. Was all I smoked that trip.


A blueberry in Hawaii in 2003... All of the bud was blue, maybe only a speck of green here and there. Every hit taste sooo good, even the last hit on the bowl.... only chemD could compare to how good the taste that bag of BB was. Ceiling was very high, more I smoked, higher I got. Not a soaring, more like laughing gas high... you just feel ticklish and euphoric, much preferential to up highs IMO.


Active member
Hmmm it seems a lot of ppl call weed best if it leaves them "devastating"

That is not what i wopuld call a good quality in weed... party killers thats what they are

I wouldn't call a devastating weed best. I call best those that leave a lasting uplifting high / impression

Also, home grown weed, is soo much better that what you get in Amsterdam.. or from a dealer


LOL funny thread- Our family tradition on thanksgiving is to get high just before the big dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie,the whole deal.
I had picked up some sort of haze, light green, very fluffy, chrystally as hell, and smelled/tasted like cherries. Rolled up a little pinner joint for mom, my brother and I, and came back in to pig out. We all loaded our plates to the brim........ but then........ we all just sat there. Not talking. NONE OF US COULD EAT. I was seeing patterns in the mashies, the turkey was damn near moving, tense fluttery stomach feeling, absolutely hiiiiiigh, just like we were on acid. We all laughed (kind of) said fuck it and went into the living room to try to veg out and listen to/play music. About four hours later, we finally went back in and devoured both pumpkin pies. We still laugh/ wish we had some more of that to this day..... just not before thanksgiving dinner!


I'm not a real goat.™
The highest I've ever been was after smoking Sensi Star about 13 years ago....my first taste of quality non-schwag herb. I was absolutely blown away and it opened my eyes to a world of fine cannabis that I had no idea existed prior. I'm certain I've smoked more potent strains since, however my tolerance is many, many times higher than it was back then. God damn you tolerance...god damn you!


Active member
Hmmm it seems a lot of ppl call weed best if it leaves them "devastating"

That is not what i wopuld call a good quality in weed... party killers thats what they are

I wouldn't call a devastating weed best. I call best those that leave a lasting uplifting high / impression

Also, home grown weed, is soo much better that what you get in Amsterdam.. or from a dealer
And MLI beat C99 according to your criteria? The Cindy I grow is a far more uplifting experience than the head numbing body jello MLI I used to run. Why do you think what others call Good Quality and what you do differs? Do you think it's because we are Individuals? Would you like the world if everyone thought just like you? I wonder about you being Complete Bullshit with some of the things you start threads about and the opinions you offer to those that participate.


Active member
When I was like 14 years old my best friend bought a glass bong for 10$ from a local drug dealer who was stopping by hanging out with his older brother.

When he brought the bong over he brought some "humboldt" weed, which he proceeded to turn the zipblock back INSIDE OUT, and FLIP the back over as if he was trying to LAUNCH the weed INTO space...

The weed just STUCK to the bag, like it was saturated in sap,,holy shit.

he proceeded to load the bong and I took the biggest bong hit of my life. I went up stairs with my buddy and we proceeded to laugh our asses off while I was sitting there daydreaming of looney toons hahaha.

good ol days.
7 new years ago, my friend arrives at my place and comes to me all excited he pulls out 1/4oz and puts it in my hand. I ask him what it was and he goes "P something I wasn't really listening". I of course role my eyes thinking he got taken ($70 1/4...) and go about rolling two joints and a blunt. We smoke a joint and I'm barely feeling it, I give him a punch in the shoulder and tell him to be smarter about picking up. I get up and go get another pinner, light up and smoke it. I start feeling pretty good so I get up to join the company in the living room. I walk in and thats all I remember.... Apparently I walked in stood still and quiet for 5min walked over to one of my friends and said simply "mushroom..pillow... unicorn" and face planted into the floor. Needless to say I apologized for giving him a shot to the shoulder, apparently it was Peace Maker.