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What was THE best weed you ever smoked?


ICMag Donor
From the younger days the road kill skunk ,great powerfull buzz and you actually knew for sure, what it was,when you bought it.In the past 5 years ,anything with romulan in it.


donut engineer
A joint of Colombian sativa my girlfriend (a local) picked up in Cali on a recent trip. It was super creepy, super trippy, but clearheaded at the same time. I've never had a sativa like that and I doubt I ever will again.


love machine
ICMag Donor
A joint of Colombian sativa my girlfriend (a local) picked up in Cali on a recent trip. It was super creepy, super trippy, but clearheaded at the same time. I've never had a sativa like that and I doubt I ever will again.
I'm really surprise that there is still Colombian herbs going around especially California, really wish i could get my hand on some of those beans ( or maybe i need to get out some more ) :D



Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
really, my buddy did the MLI a few years ago & i thought it didnt smell all that good, kinda sour..mabey you got a killer pheno(or we got a bad pack)

it was descent smoke but not "the kill"

One man's 'best weed' will always be another man's 'that weed sucks'.

If you keep on puffing on the world's strongest weeds all day long, then lighting up another hit will probably only procure you a sensation of irritation that you can't get as high as you'd like, while lighting up a mediocre weed after a three week drought might send your head spinning, colors dancing in front of your eyes, and every cell of you body is a ringing bell.

My strongest weed came out of a trip through southern India. I'd been dry for a few days, and I picked up this great weed laced with opium (often they put opium to shitty weed to give it a boost, not this time). It was a great trip that took me into realms where normally only stronger psychedelics go. Awesome.


I was just talking about this today mine was THE RED PUSS a strain my friends old school brothers grew back in the early 90's that was around every year about xmas time it smelled just like christmas trees & the buds were very dense & frosty, the stone was very strong & it always gave me the twitches ....ive been trying to find out the linage but no one seems to know.


Registered Med User
A bunch of shake joints from my grandmas shake she had when I was like 14, I dont know where she got that shake, but it had me sittin on my sisters couch fealing like I was GLUED down and fealing all my body parts so comfortable I just sat there for about an hour, then raided the fridge.


Captain Expando
My introduction to grow my own = Skunk in 1981... that was some unreal stanky green roadkill with extremely swollen calyx's. We would do bongers of nothing but calyx for hours straight.
In my memory bank the best weed I ever smoked was White Rhino in the mid to late 90's. Who knows how good it really was, but at that time, it was the tits. Nowadays I'd have to go with some good ol Sour D. Is there anything better than good Sour D?


Active member
for me its JLP's HxUM (heaven x ultimate moonshine) it wasnt properly cured but it had a very goofy feeling to it i just felt stupified,it was pefect for the 04 world series. i will always remember that stuff. i only had a micro grow at the time so i only got a 1/4 dry out of it


New member
the best weed i had was catpiss which i bought in ny was very good trippy and smelled like a hazy urine almost as if a cat had pissed on it great bud


Smokin on that serious...
alegria from the former umma gumma coffeeshop (now a dampkring). shit blew my mind and almost made me puke it was so strong, and the taste, muah!

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Some really nice herb over the times...my favorite would be a Kali Mist x Hawaiian

Not really sure if that's what it was. We got it in San Diego around 2001.

It was really special. Amazing flavor, crazy clear high, and a smell that you could smell in the air after you smoked it. If someone was upstairs they could tell what you were smoking downstairs. Really Really special.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about PM me. Would love some more information.
Nowadays I'd have to go with some good ol Sour D. Is there anything better than good Sour D?

So very much THIS!

My favorite smoke was a little over a year ago, when I first scored the D. I didn't know ahead of time, and I am not even sure that I had heard of it at the time. The only thing I'd been told is "stock up, you'll be glad you did"

So I bought a zip, and I wished I'd gotten a pound, lol.

I'm not sure what, exactly, it was...ECSD, one of Rez's lines (<- this is my guess :) ), or what, but holy shit...

When I got home and got to really examine it, sack is filled with beautiful dense, light neon green buds that are absolutely sparkling with crystals.

And I realized how farking stinky it was.

If I opened my jar in the back room for just a minute, the whole house reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeked of lemony diesel mouthgasm. I'm getting a hard on just thinking about it.

I cried when I smoked the last bowl. I was going to share some buds along the way with a few good friends, but I never did manage to part with any, hahaha.

I've scored several Z's since of "sour d", but each time I've been underwhelmed. Only one was anywhere near the same league in terms of smell, taste, and beauty, and that's this last batch. Big beautiful greenhouse buds, but....still not quite right.

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