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What the fuck is going on in Ohio.


I for one am thrilled it failed. It is already decriminalized so the mass incarceration concern is not what everyone makes it out to be. It is still extremely disappointing for medical users who still cannot get access to their medicine however.

I share what I grow with friends and none of them could understand my opposition to issue 3 until I explained it to them. It simply came down to the fact that I have put over a decade into learning a skill (growing) and simply want to have the opportunity to turn it into my own business in a legit way. They like to throw back Budweiser or Pepsi or Coke as examples of the fact that even if an oligopoly is not created by legal precedent, odds are you will still not succeed in a marketplace against big business. My belief is that whether you can succeed or not is irrelevant... what matters is the fact is that it won't be against the law for me to throw my hat into the ring and give it a try.

I will say it was *hard* to walk in and vote against it. I honestly never thought I would be doing that, but I just can't support something that makes it illegal for me to be an entrepreneur. Growing is and always has been a hobby for me, but so was software development before it became my career. You never know what you can achieve until you put yourself out there and try, and hopefully in the future it will be legal for me to do so.


Well-known member
I understand your point of view MrAwder, but even as bad as government/corporate cronyism (regulatory capture) is under the various medical/recreational business regulation schemes nationwide it ALWAYS beats the unfettered criminal law prohibition scheme IMHO. Would you rather be robbed by rippers or the police, courts and prisons? Fighting the good fight with Big Business and Big Government looses it's shine when you leave needy medicinal patients hanging and vulnerable to the criminal justice system ...
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Space Toker

Active member
Yet again, I hope I remember to get back to a thread I just read the title of, prob won't but then someone can give me a helpful kick in the ass! :D But yes TG, this law or whatever it's called failed because those who conceived and promoted it were too greedy and only after their self interests. When will people learn, this is a sacred herb and we all brothers and sisters in communion with it. It has a valuable lesson to teach if we will all only listen... to help one another and reject greed and the wealthy building fools monuments to themselves (huge mansions, more cars than one could ever drive, etc etc etc)... no matter how wealthy or "important" you think you are in this life you will die forgotten totally and utterly in 100 or so years... whereas if you use your good fortune to turn some 3rd world country into a thriving society or help end poverty or disease or get people to expand the frontier and settle space, you will be far more important and significant in real terms and could make a real difference! If I get rich I will either donate outright all over 5 mil to charity or donate 90 percent of my ongoing income over 1 million a year or both. I will either outright donate or set up "foundations" or what ever they are called to various good causes, where money making ventures may be started but all the proceeds and eventually all the principle will go to furthering the human race. I think I have a good idea here. Anyway, I hope Ohio comes up with a better bill more in line with the proposed Cali initiative.


Illinois put a limit on the number of grows and dispensaries per state. Not quite as limited as Ohio proposed, but it seems this is the new norm. Complete shit.