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What the fuck is going on in Ohio.


Active member
As bad as RO is the alternative is still worse. How many cell phone providers are there? American auto manufacturers? Oil companies? Less than ten for sure. Cartels are everywhere in our economy. You grow your 4 plants, or whatever, you'll probably grow a little more, and stfu about it either way, with or without a permit. I mean, how high of a priority will it be for the police to get a warrant to see if you're growing 4 plants without a permit? Grow your stuff without a permit and keep it on the down low. How hard is that?

Space Toker

Active member
admittedly I just saw the title, don't know what is going on in Ohio, but saw the last post about RO water, is it really true that we need 3 or 4 or or even 5 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of RO water? WTF, we can't do better than that? Well I guess that option is out now got to go with 109 ppm well water I guess!

Space Toker

Active member
I know the cali measure is a whole lot better than the far more limited Mass measure, but even that is better than nothing. What is the jist of the Ohio proposal?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You grow your 4 plants, or whatever, you'll probably grow a little more, and stfu about it either way, with or without a permit. I mean, how high of a priority will it be for the police to get a warrant to see if you're growing 4 plants without a permit? Grow your stuff without a permit and keep it on the down low. How hard is that?

It could be very difficult.

If you want legislation then you want to follow the law.

If you want to break the law, wouldn't you do it in a decriminalized state without severe penalty versus doing it in a newly christened "legal" state that just doubled sentences for violations against their new taxable interest?

When has the man ever cared about the individual over the tax dollar?

What are you smoking??


Active member
It could be very difficult.

If you want legislation then you want to follow the law.

If you want to break the law, wouldn't you do it in a decriminalized state without severe penalty versus doing it in a newly christened "legal" state that just doubled sentences for violations against their new taxable interest?

When has the man ever cared about the individual over the tax dollar?

What are you smoking??

Man, all I'm saying is that I'm of the opinion that enforcement of the home growers won't be priority. 4 plants under a 400 watter? Who gives a shit? 40 plants under several 1k's? You're begging for it.

You know, keep your grow small and personal and you should have no worries under this environment.


You know, keep your grow small and personal and you should have no worries under this environment.
unless you earn a living by growing weed (or would like to someday), and you didn't make it on the list of 10 approved farms.

although i guess you could go work for the big 10. thats what we need a society of laborers with 10 owners.


Active member
ICMag Donor
do you think those ten want you or anyone else over their own people? From what I hear the ten are all owned by the same people..


Active member
unless you earn a living by growing weed (or would like to someday), and you didn't make it on the list of 10 approved farms.

although i guess you could go work for the big 10. thats what we need a society of laborers with 10 owners.

Which could be amended in the future to allow for more growers. In the meantime, you have a whole separate ancillary business opportunity waiting. Retail smoke shops, grow shops, pot friendly cafe's, ect. Lot's of room for other creative business ventures centered around the cannabis industry.


Which could be amended in the future to allow for more growers. In the meantime, you have a whole separate ancillary business opportunity waiting. Retail smoke shops, grow shops, pot friendly cafe's, ect. Lot's of room for other creative business ventures centered around the cannabis industry.
No way can you convince me that putting production in the hands of 10 people is a good thing, regardless of how many lame service-industry jobs are created as a result of people opening the type of businesses that you described, trying to get a piece of what the big-10 are making.

That kind of thinking is why everything you own is made in asia, and USA economy looks like this:


Active member
No way can you convince me that putting production in the hands of 10 people is a good thing, regardless of how many lame service-industry jobs are created as a result of people opening the type of businesses that you described, trying to get a piece of what the big-10 are making.

If you think growing it is where the money will be at five years from now, you should check out some supply and demand graphs of some agriculture commodities and compare that to what the farmers are pulling for profit and see why they get subsidies.

There will be service and manufacturing jobs created. Actually, forcing the home grower underground helps out the indoor hydroponics industry. There's a shit ton a money to be made there. More than anywhere else in fact.

Karmic Farmer

Active member
It was written and is being sponsored by a group in California, they are trying the exact same thing in Michigan during the 2016 election. Watch out which petition you sign in Michigan as there are a few circulating and only one is worth it.



Active member
Please think a little past the weed issue, folks.

I would vote no on the Responsible Ohio amendment for reasons that have nothing to do with weed. The scheme to enshrine a monopoly in a state constitution for a few private interests horrifies me. The purpose of a constitution is to build a foundation for the institution of public business. The constitution applies to everyone. Giving a few people a constitutionally privileged financial position amounts to the same thing as establishing a hereditary royalty. Don't be blinded by the lure of legalized weed. Constitutions are hard to change.


Active member
Please think a little past the weed issue, folks.

I would vote no on the Responsible Ohio amendment for reasons that have nothing to do with weed. The scheme to enshrine a monopoly in a state constitution for a few private interests horrifies me. The purpose of a constitution is to build a foundation for the institution of public business. The constitution applies to everyone. Giving a few people a constitutionally privileged financial position amounts to the same thing as establishing a hereditary royalty. Don't be blinded by the lure of legalized weed. Constitutions are hard to change.

It's more like a cartel rather than a monopoly. All big business essentially operates as a cartel, to the dismay of small business owners. I don't like it. It's not fair, but you'll never find fairness in this world.

The only things going for RO is the retail end of it, the ancillary businesses, and the right to grow your own. I said previously, enforcement of home grows in this environment will be next to nil in my opinion. Hydro shops will flourish as a result and that is where the real money is.

So, take the good with the bad. You can always amend next election or legislative session to try and make it fair for everybody. Till then, let's stop arresting people, and start growing our own.


Well-known member
There is a term for this type of government cancer: Regulatory Capture.

"Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure; it creates an opening for firms to behave in ways injurious to the public (e.g., producing negative externalities). The agencies are called "captured agencies""

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