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What Plants Hide MJ Best?



I had 4 growing along the side branches of hibiscus plants and they blended in well.


althea cannabina:

On a large scale Pearl Millet BUT the millet is very sensitive to a cold snap in the fall, if it gets cold damage the pot will stick out like a sore thumb in a matter of 3 days.


Well-known member
Why not breed irregular plants, that look somewhat far from MJ? They would blend better in most cases depending on the what they've been selected towards. These pictures are of others work.


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New member
All these shrubs are good but if youre growing giants then you need well established trees (20ft+) to hide em, preferably ones that put out a lot of heat similar to MJ, madrone is a good example. In all honesty though if a chopper flys over your garden then can easily distinguish mj plants from most others. Ive got 60 200gallon pots and had 2 chops fly over today, one must have been about 100ft above the garden and if it was me sitting passenger I can spot those plants even without binoculars.


New member
I keep seeing people suggest nettles. apart from camouflage, they're supposed to increase the oils in your buds when grown as companions.
If you're an Aussie outdoor grower, Murraya (orange jessamine) grows like a weed in any conditions. You can keep them trimmed to a desired height or, if you let them go, they'll grow to over 20 feet. I just finished planting a few Murrayas before I sat down and came across this thread. I had some flowers as camouflage but the drought killed off most of the surrounding vegetation that I used to keep things hidden from the neighbours the last few years.
Just want to say this is a great thread. I'm starting 4 plants in my backyard and wanted some coverage. Even though there is a chance of bugs, I think I might try tomatoes because i can put up a small trellis or two which would also help hide things. I think i might also do some basil, cilantro and peppers. I figure I might as well make this garden help my salsa habit also.

Does anyone know if there are certain plants or veggies that might "hurt" my mj plants if they are planted too closely?



I have a good sized space that gets full sun and almost complete privacy. I've been scared to plant weed, though, because I don't want anyone to see it from a distance. After looking at this thread I went and walked the area today, and HELL YES I'm going to grow the everloving shit out of some weed this summer.

:dance013::thank you::woohoo::huggg::tiphat:

The only thing I have to worry about is the neighbor who mows it down for me on a riding mower every now and then. But because it's all so wild back there and there are areas he can't get to, spaces between trees and bushes where there is all kinds of stuff growing, I can plant some of the larger sativas and I bet no one will ever notice.

I have pampas grass, dead trees with vines growing up, and a bunch of tall green stuff about the same size and color as weed. So my plants will be scattered all over the yard rather than in a clump.

I'm also going to plant weed among my tomatoes, cucumbers, and flowers closer to the house in another very private spot with full sun.

Hot diggity dog, thanks everybody.


durante la fase vegetativa la cannabis si mimetizza bene circondata da qualsiasi tipo di vegetazione mentre in fioritura avanzata e piu complicato mimetizzarla forse le conifere oppure il pinus sylvestris alto 2 o 3 metri o piante similari sempreverdi


New member
There is a whole bunch of plants that will hide your marijuana plants from those kids. Honeysuckle, tomato and bamboo are all pretty good at hiding them. Make sure the plants that you grow around are the same color as marijuana plants and yes, more heighted too!

Cleomes and castor bean plants are also great options, but nothing beats ferns when it comes to camouflaging marijuana. The leaves are pretty much the same and more importantly, each plant grows 6-feet tall or more. Since ferns have almost all shades of green, dark and light, they are able to reflect the sunlight off the leaves, making it tough for the onlooker to recognize other plants under them.


There is a whole bunch of plants that will hide your marijuana plants from those kids. Honeysuckle, tomato and bamboo are all pretty good at hiding them. Make sure the plants that you grow around are the same color as marijuana plants and yes, more heighted too!

Cleomes and castor bean plants are also great options, but nothing beats ferns when it comes to camouflaging marijuana. The leaves are pretty much the same and more importantly, each plant grows 6-feet tall or more. Since ferns have almost all shades of green, dark and light, they are able to reflect the sunlight off the leaves, making it tough for the onlooker to recognize other plants under them.
I gonna try some fern this season,thanks for information!


Mike. You hit it on the head with cleome!!!! One of my favs, especially for fat, squaty indicas! Those tall ferns are quite rare around here, we have a shit load of small ones. Lupine is another good one, but one of my favs is an annual vine called cardinal vine. Leaves have the 'fingers', but also has a small 'palm'. Tiny, cardinal red flowers shaped just like a morning glory. Let it vine around the pot plant & the steaks & never again worry about heavy buds breaking! Camo so well you can't see them yourself!
- I like this thread! Been thinking of making a list like this myself to post up. Kept putting it off, so I'm glad you did it! I'll be following, adding a post or two when I find more good ones! Lots of weeds are great camouflage. I found one with yellow daisy flowers. STAY AWAY FROM THAT ONE!!! ITS SEEDS ARE STICKY AND CALLED .... HITCHHIKERS!!!! LOL! :)