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What Male to use in a cross?


ICMag Donor
HortaPharm BV is pulling all the right moves,,,,,,,WHY IS NO1 TRYING SHOVE A STICK UP Dave Watsons BUM........lol,,,,because the guy takes the piss out us


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Clarke and Watson's emails are on the articles. Why don't you email them and ask where the number came from. Since you have no clue where they got the number I think it's pretty funny you just assume they estimated it solely on statistical models. :D

You accuse them of pulling the number out of the air when you are bolding parts of an abstract trying to make a point with a completely different species when you don't even know the numbers they were running. Nice try tho...


ICMag Donor
The Rye was used as a tangible example,, draw your own parallels GitT,, :yes:

Now everyone got beef vocab off their chests this discussion is starting to get interesting :yes: Keep it up folks ,,, :D

The original thread question was

"What (grammatically should have been "Which") Male to use in a cross?" :canabis:

It's still a very good question,, one that the thread didn't unanimously,, or at least agreeably answer in the majority yet...

Which male you gonna use,, a vintage, heirloom landrace OP or a hack-bred poly-hybrid?

Peace n love


ICMag Donor
what do you think of Sams methods of presevation GreenInTheThumb?,,

sam seems to be preseving things perfectly,,,NO?,,,,hes even making designer seeds for the real medi market NO?,,,,,,,,,good sh1t eh?

more than good sh1t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ICMag Donor
Please can we use online names,, those that ppl are accustomed with.

Otherwise rational discussion may get deleted on privacy issues!!!

Hit edit and amend please!



Please can we use online names,, those that ppl are accustomed with.

Otherwise rational discussion may get deleted on privacy issues!!!

Hit edit and amend please!


Ok so for **** we put Online users at icmag ?

fuggin censorship
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fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Doc- but the way jones tried to make his point I found very off-putting. Since he doesn't know the number of rye used to maintain the populations who cares. Furthermore, even if the number was 5000 or 500 it wouldn't really tell us much. The number required to bring as many alleles into the next generation is ENTIRELY dependent on the number of alleles present in the population. The best thing to compare drug cannabis to would be hemp. Any other species is ballparking at best. So what was Jones point? That it's easy to lose alleles? Well, no shit. That's why we're on here talking preservation with big numbers and OP.

Rick- I think Watson is perhaps the greatest cannabis breeder to ever walk this earth. Certainly he's done more for education and preservation than anyone else. I love his contributions to our community.

Doc- Most people are familiar with Watson's nick on here. But it makes more since to continually refer to him as the name on the scientific papers. Besides, we're not in the outing game on icmag. If someone was clueless as to his identity well...they are clueless. (waits for Rick to come in here and say "ooooh, THAT'S who Watson is" :D)


ICMag Donor
Doc - So what was Jones point?

Thanks for being civil :yes: As we understand it Jones is stressing that even within a seemingly large population only a certain percentage of genetic diversity is preserved in lineage. The number of which are irrelevant to his/her line of debate, point being that even within the larger populations of plants that ganja breeders are currently working with,, then nature dictates the rate of survival in OP species not ppl in lab coats... indoor or outdoor.

Might be wrong completely , since we're smoking Blues n schartjes mixed,, :joint:

I still think personal IDs should be respected out of respect!
Please get a grip!



Good luck getting any sense out of him, he wants to babble on what he thinks is the truth.

He will ignore reason and any reasonable questions that aren't in line with his "truths".

It's quite enjoyable at this point to simply let it settle... I've been out of this conversation from the start it seems :biglaugh:

nvisionary -- Could you please honestly answer one question: ARE YOU DUTCH?

:laughing:.... i poured bubbler water out on myself when i caught your question mustard, had me in chuckles:D!

The question of this thread, "Which male to use" should of been answered by now; and this should NOT have dragged on into a 30+ page rant... Perhaps the questions answer is dependent upon the breeding wants/needs of the breeder! Specifically what their intent (or idea for project) is, and how they go about achieving it will determine what male will be needed...

Oh, and tis the season.... bitches:thanks:


ICMag Donor
The question of this thread, "Which male to use" should of been answered by now; and this should NOT have dragged on into a 30+ page rant...

Simple answer was.... use nice males,, the best ones you got in the garden at the time,, :yes:

When Suburban did this cross they rejected our Saxon Axe male,, we didnt mind,, the better male was used on the day and the dope it made is dope :bandit:



Cheese x Strawberry Diesel


Otherwise,, long haul,, use several males and keep the line open.

Peace peace peace

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