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What is your best advice for getting over a women?


Recovering Seed Whore
ICMag Donor
Yes Zombieland rocks!!!, and don't worry about the anxiety it should get better over time. When I first got clean I was having panic attacks all the fucking time. Now its been over 5 years and I just get nervous when I have to speak in public, almost back to normal. Listen to Ween's "Baby Bitch" over and over that helped me get over an ex-fiance for sure. Go meet some new ladies is a sure cure, sometimes we don't realize how we deserve to be treated until we find someone who treats us better. Don't sell yourself short man, stop living to please everybody else and take care of you.


Active member
Yes i am a very lucky man and karma is real. My friends refuse to see me in a bad mood. Young but not to young. Now just got to kill her take some acid and mdma and then leave where i live and i will have taken every peice of advice given.
Speedy weed makes me post alot. Saw zombie land in theaters and now rented it, best zombie movie ever, so off topic.

haha did you just say you were gonna kill a young girl and take her acid hahaa wtf are you talking about.

i know some people say they "slayed" a bitch in reference to fucking her, but damn!


JB its good to see that your attitude is positive nonetheless and your resilience for a better life is stronger than ever.

Just a quick story that karma does work bro:

Thought to be love and life, absolutely committed, yada yada, she got pregnant I find out post break up that she had an abortion. She took some cash too not no 13k but about 10k, sucks nonetheless.

Anyways like my previous advice, I became bitter and was in pro bachelor mode. Fuck 'em all only person matters right is myself. I was so bitter man I was trying to fuck other people, I was just trying to fuck up other peoples relationships, just being a destructive ass hole.

Back to the point... without even trying man I was partying with a coworker, who in time became my friend, and in more time got pregnant and we have our son now with another one on the way!

JB i'm not saying have kids but when you atleast expect it life will provide you of what you deserve. I was a bitter asshole and it served its needs to get me to where I am now. I'm not bitter, I'm fucking happy really really happy. My son is amazing and I can't wait for my next. In my bitter perspective I never wanted nothing like this but now being a family man (for me) is the best thing thats ever happened.

This lifestyle isn't the answer but it just goes to show, their is something out there bigger and better for, so much better you don't even know it! waiting to bite you in the ass!


I had my dream dog, damn i had completely blocked that out of my head. A amazing looking huge red Doberman. Loved it like it was my son. Anyhow around the time I was going to get a dog it was around christmas and "the evil one" sister said she would pay for the dog. There for, I lost my big baby. :(

I won't be getting another dog for awhile that shit hurts to much.

Prop215 I was a bit baked when posting last night I didn't get the words out right. What i ment was I am going to try my hardest to take all advice given to me. I was able to have the pleasure of "slaying a bitch" "putting my swollen member into a females love pocket" whatever u wanna call it. I have also acquired 2 nice hits of acid, rolls(X) are easy to find but not pure mdma(atleast for me). So no killing young girls.
I have also started looking into different areas of the country to see how easy or not it would be for me to pick up and move.


what's the difference between love and herpes?
herpes lasts forever.

seriously though. you are probably going to feel the same way about her forever. after many harvests, after many women, after years and years ...the feelings that you have for her will begin to fade.

eventually you settle in with someone else and life will be sweet again. ..and then that bitch will contact you through some social network like facebook or myspace and tell you that she should have married you instead of her douche bag husband.

shit sucks man. stay active, get faded, get laid and find love one or two more times while you suck it up.


Active member
Just one day at a time. There's lots of us in the same boat, women can be ruthless and manipulative.

The new hobby/self-improvement thing is a damn good start though.


yoga is awesome for mind body spirit. Not to mention, the women that do yoga OH MY. Thanks for reminding me i must start going to real classes again.


There is an alchemy in sorrow. It can be transmuted into wisdom, which, if it does not bring joy, can yet bring happiness.

Pearl S. Buck


I had my dream dog, damn i had completely blocked that out of my head. A amazing looking huge red Doberman. Loved it like it was my son. Anyhow around the time I was going to get a dog it was around christmas and "the evil one" sister said she would pay for the dog. There for, I lost my big baby. :(

I won't be getting another dog for awhile that shit hurts to much.

You lost your wonderful dog because of her? Now thats going too far,anybody who really loved you would NEVER make you do that!:fsu:Thats awful!