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What is the last good movie you saw...


Active member
Tropical Thunder is hilarious, I literally LOL, which I rarely too..even know I type LOL a lot...

I'm sure they had a blast filming that....safe in Hawaii.
Those were real Papaver Somniferum's (Opium Poppies) see my albums :D
ArcticBlast, Thanks!!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
wicked, i'm glad you liked it! i ordered it OnDemand a couple of nights ago, and "literally LOL'd" the whole time, haha.

Take a step back...and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE haha



Active member
Kid (General Of the Drug Cartel): "You said rice field now, You say POPPY field"
RDJ: Oh...Yes...I grow... both...
I diversify...


RDJ: Heres my mother fucking Farm!!
I'm a lead farmer MOTHER FUCKER!!



Man Tropic sucked but movies are all based on opinions so thats why I always take critic views with a grain of salt. Anyway Elite if you haven't seen Layer Cake I would defintely check that out and also check out Outlander came out in 2008 watched it last night and I would say I enjoyed it. By the way next time you make a movie thread we should be co-authors hit me up I've probably seen just as many as you.


Active member
I would have to sayyyyyyyyyyyyy the wire, its a 5 season movie basically. more complexity in the storylines then ive seen in any movies in the past 5 years. angels and demons was pretty dope tho!


Rosemary's baby evillaugh.gif


This is a pretty good thread...

last good new movie I saw was Gomarra. The new Terminator movie wasnt bad either pretty good.

h^2 O

1408 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1408_(filmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1408_(film)
Not bad, pretty creepy, but I was disappointed with the ending

The one before that was Zombie Strippers :D - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_Strippers

if you haven't read the book you MUST. It was in...."Everything's Eventual" (King, of acid flashback boogeymen). I read the book when it first came out (I don't buy fiction anymore) and it scared the living SHIT out of me. In the book he's going on with some mellow dialogue about something boring, and then there's a line that reads "it was a minute or so until I realized I had lit myself on fire." And then the hotel manager rescues him. Movie was like 70% scary as the book. 1408= 1+4+0+8=13<<<<<<<<<

h^2 O

Hell yeah use to love watching that shit on sci-fi that show and sliders.
"Sliders" was the shit. It had that fat kid from Stand By Me. and the girl was HOT...I don't know what else she's been in.


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but I vote for Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood is old, haggard and bitter..........fuckin great.


I second Gran Torino. Great movie. Clint is a badass.

Just saw Star Trek, and it was worth the $20 (+/-) to see in the theater. Also watched Taken, and it was a pretty good action flick.
Really want to see Terminator (and super bummed they canceled T:SCC)

O, and Quantum Leap- love that show. I grew up when it was first on the air- I still remember my mom making me eat all my dinner before I could leave the table so I could watch QL. O Boy..


Active member
Man Tropic sucked but movies are all based on opinions so thats why I always take critic views with a grain of salt. Anyway Elite if you haven't seen Layer Cake I would defintely check that out and also check out Outlander came out in 2008 watched it last night and I would say I enjoyed it. By the way next time you make a movie thread we should be co-authors hit me up I've probably seen just as many as you.

Its a free country...(Is it still:rolleyes:??) Well, Its a free thread!! Take it away...

I may check out this "Layer Cake"as I have nothing for tonight to watch...K+

killa-bud said:
not a movie....but
anyone watch quantum leap? good show,they'er replays btw

Quantum Leap was the shit, I can still hear the sound "Ziggy" made everytime "Al" smack because it had a "few bugs" :biglaugh: K+ Bro

MyAssIsGras said:
1408 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1408_(film)
Not bad, pretty creepy, but I was disappointed with the ending

h^2 O said:
if you haven't read the book you MUST. It was in...."Everything's Eventual" (King, of acid flashback boogeymen). I read the book when it first came out (I don't buy fiction anymore) and it scared the living SHIT out of me. In the book he's going on with some mellow dialogue about something boring, and then there's a line that reads "it was a minute or so until I realized I had lit myself on fire." And then the hotel manager rescues him. Movie was like 70% scary as the book. 1408= 1+4+0+8=13

My Take on Stephen King:
Stories are INCREDIBLE!! Endings suck!!
The Stand, is one of my favorite stories...WTF's with the ending...
The Mist, IT ect. Bad endings...
"Secret window" was a good flick and that ending was pretty decent twist.

Thanks for everyone contributions...
If they're is something I must see please let me know...If you've followed my thread you should have an idea what I like.

But by all means state you favorites too...your opinion matters,
LOL typing that reminded me of "Kingpin"


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