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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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A zip-car commercial just came on and told me to "zip somewhere that has good pot"

Shit is getting weird


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
“We Are This Far From A Turnkey Totalitarian State" - Big Brother Goes Live September 2013
George Orwell was right. He was just 30 years early.

In its April cover story, Wired has an exclusive report on the NSA's Utah Data Center, which is a must read for anyone who believes any privacy is still a possibility in the United States: "A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks.... Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”... The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013." In other words, in just over 1 year, virtually anything one communicates through any traceable medium, or any record of one's existence in the electronic medium, which these days is everything, will unofficially be property of the US government to deal with as it sees fit.

The codename of the project: Stellar Wind.

As Wired says, "there is no doubt that it has transformed itself into the largest, most covert, and potentially most intrusive intelligence agency ever created."
And as former NSA operative William Binney who was a senior NSA crypto-mathematician, and is the basis for the Wired article (which we guess makes him merely the latest whistleblower to step up: is America suddenly experiencing an ethical revulsion?), and quit his job only after he realized that the NSA is now openly trampling the constitution, says as he holds his thumb and forefinger close together. "We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state."

There was a time when Americans still cared about matters such as personal privacy. Luckily, they now have iGadgets to keep them distracted as they hand over their last pieces of individuality to the Tzar of conformity. And there are those who wonder just what the purpose of the NDAA is.

In the meantime please continue to pretend that America is democracy...
This may or may not represent a problem for growers starting 2013. If Uncle Sam deems us a threat to national security then it will. Probably not, but it's fucking creepy that it even exists.

Pathetic. What a farce America has become.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai

will this pick up short wave shit??? or cb's??? it may be time to go back into are past to communicate...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Not sure about short wave or cb's? May have to go back to hand written letters and snail mail or string and cups lol.

The state doesn't even pretend there is a Constitution or freedom anymore. The authoritarian state is openly flaunted. Even still most people still believe in the illusion of "America."


What? Nobody chanting USA USA USA? The culture of make believe...bunch of fat idiots drooling all over each other at Wal Mart...complaining about liberals or conservatives....totally lost in their own irrelevance beyond the existence of their straw men.

It's a reservation...you can't blow it up...because you have lost your abilities to revolt. Bellies are too soft. Comforts too coveted. Minds weathered by pharm dope...and endless disinformation. What are you going to revolt into anyway?

The US military is nothing but mercenaries for the Saudis....the people are nothing but slaves to convenience and Chinese. Bought and sold.

Shackles are much more expensive to maintain than is economics.

Double F

that shit is downright scary...fuck thank god i bought my bug-out spot in the mountains already. i feel sorry for the city folk its gonna be a mess...


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen

This is what happens to the USA the next days. :)


Kiss My Ring
omfg the things i have said.
the things i want to say...

choked of breath
shackled and stomped
queued and screwed

i was someone once
now i'm everyman
how did they steal my being
was it when i looked away?


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Meh. To people like The Pablos I would say speak for yourself. I dont know if you are an American but if not then you obviously dont know shit about us. Not all Americans are "bunch of fat idiots drooling all over each other at Wal Mart". Far from it.There are plenty of us who are ready with the experience to effectively bring the fight to the enemy. The whining between left and right is merely a distraction created and used by the .gov to keep the populace preoccupied and not paying attention to what is really going on. When the .gov's veil of deceit is finally pulled the majority of the people will rise to the occasion. Americans may be divided now but past history proves what we are capable of when we put our minds together and decide to take action.
There are worse ways to die than fighting for what you believe and all our children's future.
damn reading this shit is straight depressing. what can you do but become a squarebear and just go with the flow, raise some kids into an existance without true freedom. fuck im moving to alaska and buying an arsenol of guns and booze.
I think everything is better than it's ever been, and it's not particularly close.

I think a lot of people move from "I don't agree with this policy" to "this policy is fascism" with very little pause for big picture reflection.

I think a lot of people blame their own mistakes on society.

I think living well in the USA is easy as fuck if you're not dumb as dog shit or extremely unlucky.
Too much fascism, too much greed, and inequality has never been worse! All levels of government are corrupt. Unfortunately, it is all over the world. Sometimes I wish about leaving it all behind and living in the wilderness like a hermit.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Nothing to see here. Move along.

Egan Jones Downgrades USA From AA+ To AA, Outlook Negative
A few weeks ago when discussing the imminent debt ceiling breach, and the progression of US debt/GDP into the 100%+ ballpark, we reminded readers that in February S&P said it could downgrade the US again in as soon as 6 months if there was no budget plan. Not only is there no budget plan, but the US is about to have its debt ceiling fiasco repeat all over as soon in as September. Which means another downgrade from S&P is imminent, and continuing the theme of deja vu 2011, the late summer is shaping up for a major market sell off. Minutes ago, Egan Jones just reminded us of all of this, after the only rating agency that matters, just downgraded the US from AA+ to AA, with a negative outlook.

From Egan Jones:
Inflection point - when debt to GDP exceeds 100%, a country's financial flexibility becomes increasingly strained. For the first time since WWII, US debt exceeds 100%. From 2008 to 2010, debt rose a total of 23.6% while GDP rose a total of 1.6%. Unfortunately, with an annual federal budget deficit in the area of $1.4T, debt is likely to reach $16.7T as of the end of 2012 while assuming GDP grows 2.5%, total GDP is likely to reach $15.7T. Therefore, as of the end of 2012, debt to GDP is likely to be in the area of 106%. Assuming the federal deficit for 2013 remains at $1.4T and GDP growth is 2.5%, the total debt will rise to $18.1T and GDP will rise to $16.1T, resulting in debt to GDP of 112%. In comparison, France's and Italy's debt to GDP are 81% and 117% respectively. Regarding efforts to address budget problems, the Super Committee was seeking spending cuts of $1.5T over 10 years or merely $150B per year, and was a failure. Obviously, the current course is not enhancing credit quality.

Without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult. Yields on 10-year treasury notes have fallen to their lowest since early Feb 2010 with US Federal Reserve's aggressive purchases of US Treasuries. A concern is the rise in interest rates placing higher pressure on the US's credit quality. Excess growth of money supply (i.e., debt monetization) harms creditors and ultimately, the economy. Weak debt reduction efforts force a neg. watch.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
At least we are not Greece. At least not yet.

Violent protests erupt in Athens over debt suicide
The pensioner, named locally as Dimitris Christoulas, shot himself with a handgun a few hundred yards from the Greek parliament, which has been the focus of numerous violent protests against tough austerity measures in recent months. Witnesses report he claimed to be concerned about leaving his children in debt before he took his own life.

Pensions in Greece have been slashed by up to a quarter as part of harsh austerity measures designed to bring down the country's deficit and qualify it for bailout packages from the EU and IMF.
In a suicide note left at the scene the man said the Government had "nullified any chance of my survival which was based on a decent salary that for 35 years I alone (without state support) paid for".

"Because I am of an age that does not allow me to forcefully react (without of course excluding that if some Greek took a Kalashnikov first, I would be the second) I see no other solution than a decent ending before I start looking in the garbage to feed myself," it continued.

"I believe that youth who have no future will one day take up arms and hang the national traitors upside-down in Syntagma square just as the Italians did in 1945 to Mussolini."

bench warmer

What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

Everyone, regardless of borders, could benefit from watching a documentary called, "Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Century".

With all the behavioral manipulations & mind control experiments affecting people in the modern era, it's not too much of a surprise to see the world of "humanity" in it's current state.

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