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What if your grow spot was haunted?


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
we are also stocking up cats because i think they help keep spirits away and because i want to open my own kitty playland like bubbles from TPB...

I'd be careful of that dude. Some say that cats and the underworld go together. I'd check the superstition encyclopaedia..

Good luck with the business :)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Krunch? WTF happened????

when is krunch comin back? i want to hear his story......

hey krunch! you through checking the oil?
we want to hear your tale.

may be a while before he answers. off to the massage parlor for a rub n tug with harvest money in his pocket... bwuah!

you guys are funny!

first story was when i was 17, i lived with my mom and was growing in a spare bedroom, i always left the door open. the grow room was the first door on the right in a long hallway of 5 bedrooms, my bedroom the last on the left....

EVERY SINGLE time, someone would walk down the hallway, they would pass that doorway, stop, take a few steps back and ask "who is that in there?" there was ALWAYS a figure in there, standing...

had a couple who were friends of my moms sleeping over and i woke up to the husband yelling as loud as he could. as i ran down the hallway, i turned on the lights and he was swinging at something in midair, in the pitch dark, like he was trying to fight it. 20 minutes later, his wife, as they were packing up to leave, turns super white and passes out in the kitchen, had to call the ambulance to revive her. they NEVER came back and were my moms best friends....

in my bedroom, a dark shadow always chilled in one part of my room, i thought and my gf's thought it was just my pops watching over me at night. until.....

i was about to move out, i got a new spot with a grow buddy. i took him up to my house to grab my equipment. he proceeds to tell me about some minister, who lived across the street who killed his family and then killed himself. he said " i think his name was mr Jackson" i said "WHAT!!!!! WE GET HIS FUCKING MAIL!!!" TURNS OUT, THE MURDERS HAPPENED AT THE HOUSE i LIVED IN AND IT WAS NOT DISCLOSED TO US.....

many more storied about that house, but i wont get into that....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
another house i lived in was a two story on a hill, the first story is the main part of the house and the second in like a huge play room, basement kind of thing that i used to grow in, like 16k in lights...

i rented out the two bedrooms upstairs to a couple partners to grow in, paid my rent....

so, i slept in the living room on an double air mattress....

the doorway that went downstairs was at the end of the living room and had about a 3" gap underneath it....

on the other side of the door, i always kept the light on so no one would trip and fall down the stairs....

so, as i slept i can see the light underneath the door, through the gap....

EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, shit would go on on the other side of that door way, ALL I COULD REALLY SEE WAS SHADOWS but, i could see figures walking and shuffling, i could see upright beings, many of them. i would here them messing with the door, trying to open it, but i had some crazy locks on it. i could "feel" footsteps when i was in my bed...

it would make girls fucking scream and run out the house....

i was too scared to ever try to see what it was, i bought an automatic shotgun and slept with it IN MY BED I WAS SO SCARED....

i had a cat, so there were NO mice or critters in the house, no one had the keys but me. to this day i have no idea what those were, but they were some scary shit, ill tell ya....

typing it, it does not seem scary at all, i guess you had to be there....


They are not real to me and you can't prove ghosts exist.
This is true, no one can argue your experience. However, to consider absence of proof to be equivalent to proof of absence is fallacious reasoning, specious even.

Quantum physics, anyone? Quantum physics could explain quite a lot all by itself. I have this debate with my husband all the time when he mocks me for believing in spirits, ghosts, whatever you want to call them. And, here's the thing (says the student of Joseph Campbell), EVERY culture has stories, legends and myths about ghosts, angels, demons, spirits, whatever you want to call them. Why is that? Sure, we can attribute to the collective unconscious, but what if there's something more going on?

To the OP, if you've never heard of haints, look 'em up. Tradition says they can't (or won't) cross water, and there's a special color of blue called haint blue, beautiful color, that they also won't cross.


Active member
However, to consider absence of proof to be equivalent to proof of absence is fallacious reasoning, specious even.

Technically, but most times the fallacy is assessed within a particular context (the probability of the claim being true and the extraordinariness of the claim), so:

...the burden of proof is usually on a person making a new or improbable claim, and the presumption may be that such a claim is false. For instance, suppose that someone claims that the president was taken by flying saucer to another planet, but when challenged can supply no evidence of this unusual trip. It would not be an Appeal to Ignorance for you to reason that, since there is no evidence that the president visited another planet, therefore he probably didn't do so.


To quote Carl Sagan:

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

To just point at Quantum Physics with a nudge and wink isn't going to meet the grade.


Active member
This is true, no one can argue your experience. However, to consider absence of proof to be equivalent to proof of absence is fallacious reasoning, specious even.

Quantum physics, anyone? Quantum physics could explain quite a lot all by itself. I have this debate with my husband all the time when he mocks me for believing in spirits, ghosts, whatever you want to call them. And, here's the thing (says the student of Joseph Campbell), EVERY culture has stories, legends and myths about ghosts, angels, demons, spirits, whatever you want to call them. Why is that? Sure, we can attribute to the collective unconscious, but what if there's something more going on?

To the OP, if you've never heard of haints, look 'em up. Tradition says they can't (or won't) cross water, and there's a special color of blue called haint blue, beautiful color, that they also won't cross.

That sounds great and all, but if you make the claim that ghosts exist, the burden of proof is on you.

I can not bring myself to believe in things like luck, ghosts, spirits...
It seems counter to a rational existence.

Just like I think lying is bad for a rational mind, I think believing in superstition/ghosts/luck is bad for a rational mind.

I like the idea of looking at ghosts from a physics standpoint. Matter can not be created or destroyed, just rearranged. But that right there points to energy be distributed, not as a whole.

I'm not saying it is impossible, but I have not seen any evidence of ghosts myself, nor have I been offered any solid evidence of ghosts existing.

Maybe ghosts are afraid of people that do not believe in bullshit?


Kiss My Ring
infinete possibilities offer infinite results.
clutching reality will stymie acceptance of that fact.

why do 'ghosts' always appear malevolent in our interpretations? because they fly in the face of reality. step away from reality and experience things you would never have believed possible...


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
infinete possibilities offer infinite results.
clutching reality will stymie acceptance of that fact.

why do 'ghosts' always appear malevolent in our interpretations? because they fly in the face of reality. step away from reality and experience things you would never have believed possible...

This is a good point. I studied (as part of my degree) the cosmology of certain eastern religions. There are more races of spirits, ghosts and ghouls than there are in the human race. Some are to do with plants, some are of higher plains, some from lower plains; some are human, some animal and others that can't be fathomed. Like humanity some spirits will do you harm if you piss them off, some will always help you, and some don't care. And then there are those who love your energy and will do anything to have it..... The list goes on.

It's a subject too long to go into here but very very interesting.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If there are real ghosts out there then how come that show Ghost Hunters is on it's seventh year and still hasn't gotten one credible bit of evidence?


If there are real ghosts out there then how come that show Ghost Hunters is on it's seventh year and still hasn't gotten one credible bit of evidence?
Being able to pierce the vail allow spirits the good sense to avoid reality TV???


Active member
damn krunch i hope none of that shit happens..

i drove up to the outdoor property yesterday..my grow partner was out running errands so i spent a good 3 hours by myself at the house, just with the dog and some cats...

i sat in the house drinking jamesons and blue moons and waiting for some ghost nonsense..

i heard some noises on the stairs outside, thought it was my friend coming home...turns out it was just one of the cats jumping around outside.

then just now i heard some thumping in the bathroom like someone was trying to open and close the cabinets...thought it was a ghost for sure. turns out the bengal cat is banging on the door....

so no ghosts yet...just a bunch of damn cats that keep making ghost noises..


Andinismo Hierbatero
great stories krunch!

this subject is very interesting; however, the tv shows on it suck and are lame.

I have seen a few weird things myself; about 12 years ago or so, some friends called me to tell me they were going to make a jam session at some dude's house, so I needed to get my gear ready to go jam, so I prepared all my stuff, they came and picked me up; we went to this dude's house; the entrance of the house was the upper-floor, and then you had to go down stairs to go to a big salon with a big glass-door that opened into a nice back-yard. also, adjacent to the salon, there were three doors, two of which were of bed-rooms and the other for a bathroom.

so we started to get all our gear out of the cars, and moving them into the big salon downstairs; we finally had brought everything downstairs and we were waiting for the drummer to show up, he shows up and needs help to get the drums downstairs, so everyone goes up to help him while I stay down connecting all the cables and shit together.

while I'm down there, other guest started to arrive, but most everyone stayed up-stairs and went to the kitchen to start preparing drinks and things to eat; so I stayed alone down there for a while, and then this girl comes down, and we started to chat a little bit; as we talked, I see a woman with two boys come downstairs and enter one of the bedrooms, she opened the door and then closed it; I thought it was the aunt and cousins or some other relatives of the dude in which house we were in; I asked the girl if she saw them and she said yes; a few minutes later the dude of the house comes down stairs and we tell him that we think his aunt or something arrived; and he looked at us like we were crazy; we tell him yeah man, they went into that room there, and he looks surprised, and starts walking towards the room, we walked with him, he opened the door and entered and the room was empty; so we ended up checking the other room and the bathroom and found nothing.

to this day I still have the vivid memory and image of the lady comming down the stairs with the two kids and entered that room.


I personally have started to feel some things a couple of minutes ago...

same feelings I felt when I experienced a poltergeist...
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