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What if your grow spot was haunted?



Ghosts hate frankincense... Smoke a fattie of Haze everytime you go there.


Active member

The ghosts are in your head.


The cat that loves cannabis
What if your grow spot was haunted?

I'd make the ghost water the plot, less time I have to spend there.


Kiss My Ring
the only effect ghosts manifest is fear.

be fearless my friend, but be careful.

embrace it. ask for its protection. make offerings...think of things that you would miss without your body (life)...and share with it.

sounds insane, but who are we to say?

yous might grow some otherworldly green.


Feeling good is good enough.
Go to the cabin light a campfire at dusk...I like the spring solstice. Bring 'gifts' introduce your self. Smoke down with your new security personal.. That's just me.. I trust dead people better than live ones tho..;)

Like pouring some strong liquor on the ground just before starting a long solo mountain hike.

Spirits love booze (no pun intended)... LOL




Active member
haha awesome responses, some funny others serious...

like yall said, ghosts arent going around maiming or raping people, usually just close a door shut or make the lightbulb go out...i did tell my grow partner up there that i heard some stories about ghosts raping people when they sleep lol. he says he doesnt believe in ghosts or spiritual nonsense....

also since this guy committed suicide and wasnt savagely murdered, id assume his soul is at rest, and has left to go travel somewhere...i may be really high off cookies right now, but if i committed suicide it would be to "escape" and get the fuck out of there...i bet his ghost spirit is knee deep in brazilian ghost pussy down south right now...

anyways....we will pour out liquor and throw half doobs into the forest so hopefully he will bless our grow spot with a nice harvest. we are also stocking up cats because i think they help keep spirits away and because i want to open my own kitty playland like bubbles from TPB...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I think I would like it if a place was haunted. At least then you'd know there was an afterlife.