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What if your grow spot was haunted?


Active member
Got some weird news today...found out that the outdoor property that ive sunk a bunch of money into for OD 2012 has a sketchy past.

Basically an old guy committed suicide here by gun around 2-3 years back. since than another guy took over and grew outdoor in 2010, but left the next year and it remained weed free for 2011.

anyways....ive been up there alone and havent seen anything weird.. my friend who lives on the property by himself hasnt seen any ghosts and told me he doesnt believe in that shit...still a weird omen. wondering if i should pay one of those psychic ghost people to come and cleanse any bad spirits if they are around.

also we have a half built cabin on the property that looks like something straight out of blair witch project....i usually stay away from that corner of the woods..


ICMag Donor
if it almost keeps you away then it may just keep others away. sounds like a great spot!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i lived and grew at two SUPER FUCKING HAUNTED house before, no bueno!

id like to tell the story, but i have to go get my penis wet.....


"What if your grow spot was haunted?" :laughing:

NO seriously. Yes WE haunt LOTS of things.....

Dude remember tangled up things have a mind of there own!


Active member
I'd be a little scared if ghosts had a habit of dismembering people or maiming them...

...BUT usually they only knock over a picture or get caught in a photo and humanity loses their shit. If god's not flyin outta the sky delivering miracles, then there certainly aren't ghosts trying to pinch your buns.

Good luck with the haunted grow, though. You could scare the shit outta some people!


Active member
wondering if i should pay one of those psychic ghost people to come and cleanse any bad spirits if they are around.
You might as well just burn the money you would pay the "expert" and run around the property with your underwear on your head -- same result in the end -- less money and did something pretty silly.


Go to the cabin light a campfire at dusk...I like the spring solstice. Bring 'gifts' introduce your self. Smoke down with your new security personal.. That's just me.. I trust dead people better than live ones tho..;)


you dont have to call someone to get rid of the gost. i can do it for you, longdistance. all you have to do is send me 1500 euros, and a nice surprice. and then you have to be at the property at a sertan time, so i can longdistans dehaunt your place.


Lammen Gorthaur
Better call upon the weed gods and bring in the weedinator to bless the spot.


Active member
Just let them know that you are just trying to grow some great weed, and you don't mean them any harm. Whenever I start growing at a new spot, I always let any "inhabitants" know that I am a good person, and I am doing a good thing. I have never had any probs.............


Well... I've had some weird experiences in my past, smells, felt someone touching my feet, and thoughts popping into my head, all at the 400+yo home my grandparents used to live in. I never felt afraid or threatened, but Papa Bolo's cigar smoke bothered me and the smell went away as soon as I crinkled my nose and asked that it be put out (he used to sneak cigars in the room I used to stay in, which was his room when he was alive--this is my great-grandfather). This kind of thing would go like this: I'd wake up having to pee, I'd get up, hit the doorway and would suddenly smell the cigar smoke. I'm half asleep and so would just voice my opinion, which is that I don't like the smell of burning cat shit, please put it out. Back to bed, falling back asleep, and I would feel a tugging sensation of the sheets at my feet.

Early this morning I dreamt of ghosts.

If it were me, I would smudge and cleanse the area. The man who committed suicide is hopefully no longer a lost soul, hopefully he's moved on and understands the folly of the act. Either way, a good smudging and cleansing, if nothing else, would make you feel better. Remember the four elements--water, earth, fire, air. Use white sage, it seems to be most pleasing.

Yeah, I know, my husband thinks I'm whacked for it, too. Busts my chops all the time, but I calmly explain that with quantum physics, stuff like what we call ghosts can indeed actually be scientifically explained, if not well quantified at this time.

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