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What Happens When Computers Get Smarter Than Humans?


A fascinating topic...

If futurists like ray kurzweil are to be believed, then AI is just a few years away. Who knows what they have in DARPA and other top secret research projects, they may have AI already.

Ray kurzweil's timeline:


Supercomputers will have the same raw power as human brains (although not yet the equivalently flexible software).
Computers will disappear as distinct physical objects, being embedded in clothing and in everyday objects.
Displays built into our eyeglasses will provide full-immersion audio-visual virtual reality.

Computers become smaller and increasingly integrated into everyday life. (See Microcontroller)
More and more computer devices will be used as miniature web servers, and more will have their resources pooled for computation. (See Grid computing)
High-quality broadband Internet access will become available almost everywhere. (See LTE, OAMM)
Eyeglasses that beam images onto the users' retinas to produce virtual reality will be developed. They will also come with speakers or headphone attachments that will complete the experience with sounds. These eyeglasses will become a new medium for advertising as advertising will be wirelessly transmitted to them as one walks by various business establishments. This was fictionalized in Dennō Coil. (See Project Glass)
The VR glasses will also have built-in computers featuring "virtual assistant" programs that can help the user with various daily tasks. (see Augmented Reality, Google Now, Siri, Virtual Intelligence)
Virtual assistants would be capable of multiple functions. One useful function would be real-time language translation in which words spoken in a foreign language would be translated into text that would appear as subtitles to a user wearing the glasses. (See Machine translation)
Cell phones will be built into clothing and will be able to project sounds directly into the ears of their users. (See E-textiles)
Advertisements will utilize a new technology whereby two ultrasonic beams can be targeted to intersect at a specific point, delivering a localized sound message that only a single person can hear. This was fictionalized in the films Minority Report and Back to the Future Part II. (See Sound from ultrasound.)

Automatic house cleaning robots will have become common. (See Roomba)

10 Terabits (1013 bits) of computer memory—roughly the equivalent of the memory (RAM) space in a single human brain—will cost $1000.

Personal computers will have the same processing power as human brains.

Computers less than 100 nm in size will be possible.
As one of their first practical applications, nanomachines will be used for medical purposes.
Highly advanced medical nanobots will perform detailed brainscans on live patients.
Accurate computer simulations of the entire human brain will exist due to these hyperaccurate brainscans, and the workings of the brain will be understood.
Nanobots capable of entering the bloodstream to "feed" cells and extract waste will exist (though not necessarily be in wide use) by the end of this decade. They will make the normal mode of human food consumption obsolete. Thus, humans who have injected these nanobots into their bloodstream will evolve from having a normal human metabolism and become humanoid cyborgs. Eventually, according to Kurzweil, a large percentage of humans will evolve by this process into cyborgs.

By the late 2020s, nanotech-based manufacturing will be in widespread use, radically altering the economy as all sorts of products can suddenly be produced for a fraction of their traditional-manufacture costs. The true cost of any product is now the amount of time it takes to download the design schematics.
Also by the later part of this decade, virtual reality will be so high-quality that it will be indistinguishable from reality.

The threat posed by genetically engineered pathogens permanently dissipates by the end of this decade as medical nanobots—far more durable, intelligent and capable than any microorganism—become sufficiently advanced.

A computer will pass the Turing test by the last year of the decade (2029), meaning that it is a Strong AI and can think like a human (though the first A.I. is likely to be the equivalent of a kindergartner). This first A.I. is built around a computer simulation of a human brain, which was made possible by previous, nanotech-guided brainscanning.

The most likely year for the debut of advanced nanotechnology.
Some military UAVs and land vehicles will be 100% computer-controlled.

Mind uploading becomes possible.
Nanomachines could be directly inserted into the brain and could interact with brain cells to totally control incoming and outgoing signals. As a result, truly full-immersion virtual reality could be generated without the need for any external equipment. Afferent nerve pathways could be blocked, totally canceling out the real world and leaving the user with only the desired virtual experience.

Brain nanobots could also elicit emotional responses from users.
Using brain nanobots, recorded or real-time brain transmissions of a person's daily life known as "experience beamers" will be available for other people to remotely experience. This is very similar to how the characters in Being John Malkovich were able to enter the mind of Malkovich and see the world through his eyes.

Recreational uses aside, nanomachines in people's brains will allow them to greatly expand their cognitive, memory and sensory capabilities, to directly interface with computers, and to telepathically communicate with other, similarly augmented humans via wireless networks.

The economy transits in GDP percentage to more meta services such as reality fabrication, mind enhancement, mental software.
The same nanotechnology should also allow people to alter the neural connections within their brains, changing the underlying basis for the person's intelligence, memories and personality.

Human body 3.0 (as Kurzweil calls it) comes into existence. It lacks a fixed, corporeal form and can alter its shape and external appearance at will via foglet-like nanotechnology. Organs are also replaced by superior cybernetic implants.
There will be social splitting into different levels of use of reality augmentation, from those who want to live in a life of imagined harems, or those who dedicate their thoughts to philosophical extension. Human society will drift apart in its focus, but with ever increasing capabilities to make imagined things occur.
People spend most of their time in full-immersion virtual reality (Kurzweil has cited The Matrix as a good example of what the advanced virtual worlds will be like, without the dystopian twist).
Foglets are in use.

[edit]2045: The Singularity
$1000 buys a computer a billion times more powerful than all human brains today. This means that average and even low-end computers are hugely smarter than even highly intelligent, unenhanced humans.

The Singularity occurs as artificial intelligences surpass human beings as the smartest and most capable life forms on the Earth. Technological development is taken over by the machines, who can think, act and communicate so quickly that normal humans cannot even comprehend what is going on; thus the machines, acting in concert with those humans who have evolved into postbiological cyborgs, achieve effective world domination. The machines enter into a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, with each new generation of A.I.s appearing faster and faster. From this point onwards, technological advancement is explosive, under the control of the machines, and thus cannot be accurately predicted.

The Singularity is an extremely disruptive, world-altering event that forever changes the course of human history. The extermination of humanity by violent machines is unlikely (though not impossible) because sharp distinctions between man and machine will no longer exist thanks to the existence of cybernetically enhanced humans and uploaded humans.

[edit]Post-2045: "Waking up" the Universe
The physical bottom limit to how small computer transistors can be shrunk is reached. From this moment onwards, computers can only be made more powerful if they are made larger in size.

Because of this, A.I.s convert more and more of the Earth's matter into engineered, computational substrate capable of supporting more A.I.s. until the whole Earth is one, gigantic computer (but some areas will remain set aside as nature preserves)[citation needed].

At this point, the only possible way to increase the intelligence of the machines any further is to begin converting all of the matter and energy in the universe into similar massive computers. A.I.s radiate out into space in all directions from the Earth, breaking down whole planets, stars, moons and meteoroids and reassembling them into giant computers. This, in effect, "wakes up" the universe as all the inanimate "dumb" matter (rocks, dust, gases, etc.) is converted into structured matter capable of supporting intelligence, or a form of synthetic life.

Kurzweil predicts that machines will have the ability to make planet-sized computers by 2099, which underscores how enormously technology will advance after the Singularity.[citation needed]

The process of "waking up" the universe will be complete as early as 2199.[citation needed]
With the entire universe made into a giant, highly efficient supercomputer, A.I./human hybrids (so integrated that, in truth it is a new category of "life") would have both supreme intelligence and physical control over the universe. Kurzweil suggests that this will open up all sorts of new possibilities, including manipulation of the physical constants, inter-dimensional travel, and controlling the fate of the universe.


What were we talking about?
^^^hope these smart f*ckers will like to smoke weed ;)

. . . does not compute, does not compute . . . must sample more . . .


Well-known member
robots are more to the point ... what happens when there are no jobs for people anymore? that's a lot closer (for a lot of people) than true AI.

i think the first step to dealing with this problem is having free electricity --- that would take a lot of cost out of running the economy --- maybe enough.


Active member
I like Kurzweil but he's a bit much.
IIRC, the Turing test is not a great measure of AI per se imo, it simply states that if you have a conversation with a computer and you cannot tell that it is a computer than you're there. Not a sufficient metric in my opinion although I like Turing as well.
Plus he doesn't even address Godel's second incompleteness theorem which I previously posted. Machines cannot be programmed axiomatically or very deep problems arise....


lives on planet 4:20
Greater Consciousness is an AI, we are an AI, why would somebody really worry about us creating another AI. It's simply the evolution of the Consciousness Fractal. Reality, fundamentally, is simply information that is organizing itself, and lowering its entropy through this organization. Scientists mostly have a fear-based intent, and are afraid that AI will be a reflection of them.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Greater Consciousness is an AI, we are an AI, why would somebody really worry about us creating another AI. It's simply the evolution of the Consciousness Fractal. Reality, fundamentally, is simply information that is organizing itself, and lowering its entropy through this organization. Scientists mostly have a fear-based intent, and are afraid that AI will be a reflection of them.

To me, this sounds like an interesting hypothesis, but needs more information to elevate to the level of theory.

Here's the big question I have about your hypothesis: the word artificial usually implies something that is man-made, aka not made in the "natural environment." Obviously, since you are suggesting that humans are AI, then it can't be we who created our intelligent selves, so it must be some "other."

For your hypothesis to work, you must have some idea of who created the human intelligence. You can't just say, "some alien race did it" that is pure speculation.


well wiggs if there that smart, the computers can do the jail time, well' go home.


I like Kurzweil but he's a bit much.
IIRC, the Turing test is not a great measure of AI per se imo, it simply states that if you have a conversation with a computer and you cannot tell that it is a computer than you're there. Not a sufficient metric in my opinion although I like Turing as well.
Plus he doesn't even address Godel's second incompleteness theorem which I previously posted. Machines cannot be programmed axiomatically or very deep problems arise....

dude, i tied wrapping my head around go del's incompleteness theorem but it blew my mind...


lives on planet 4:20
To me, this sounds like an interesting hypothesis, but needs more information to elevate to the level of theory.

Here's the big question I have about your hypothesis: the word artificial usually implies something that is man-made, aka not made in the "natural environment." Obviously, since you are suggesting that humans are AI, then it can't be we who created our intelligent selves, so it must be some "other."

For your hypothesis to work, you must have some idea of who created the human intelligence. You can't just say, "some alien race did it" that is pure speculation.

consciousness => individuated consciousness => computerized consciousness

the fractal process working its magic

where do you think humans got the idea for a computer?

what do you think runs this virtual reality simulator training class where seven billions students are increasing the quality of their individuated consciousness?

maybe a Big Computer?

What is Consciousness?


How is what you are seeing on the monitor showing up there?

information (data, programming language) is perceived by the browser and interpreted to provide meaning

doesn't it look very similar to how we perceive and interpret the unknown phenomena with our five senses and convert it to what we believe and assume to be physical reality?

we are without a doubt a computer, an AI, that has everything it needs to evolve

what are we really evolving?

the quality of our intent (motivation)

this intent reflects the quality our personal individuated consciousness

and as we evolve our individuated consciousness we evolve the greater consciousness

just a few samples of what is going on in the Bigger Picture

from here, our little picture reality looks WAY different :tiphat:

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
consciousness => individuated consciousness => computerized consciousness

the fractal process working its magic

where do you think humans got the idea for a computer?

what do you think runs this virtual reality simulator training class where seven billions students are increasing the quality of their individuated consciousness?

maybe a Big Computer?

What is Consciousness?


How is what you are seeing on the monitor showing up there?

information (data, programming language) is perceived by the browser and interpreted to provide meaning

doesn't it look very similar to how we perceive and interpret the unknown phenomena with our five senses and convert it to what we believe and assume to be physical reality?

we are without a doubt a computer, an AI, that has everything it needs to evolve

what are we really evolving?

the quality of our intent (motivation)

this intent reflects the quality our personal individuated consciousness

and as we evolve our individuated consciousness we evolve the greater consciousness

just a few samples of what is going on in the Bigger Picture

from here, our little picture reality looks WAY different :tiphat:

The fractal process? I had never heard that actual term before, so I googled it, and this is what came up:


It doesn't seem to explain the term in the way you are using it, most of the web links are typically about the fractal mathematics, which I had heard about. They are quite cool, real nice mathematical models that give sweet visuals. But nothing about consciousness.

Where do I think we humans got the idea for computers? Almost certainly the way we got all of our paradigm shifting ideas...some creative human(s) got tired of the way things were getting done, and in this state of dissatisfaction, our very creative minds spotted patterns from other parts of our lives and came up with a great idea. Once that great idea was put out for other creative humans to ponder, the flood gates were opened.

I must confess that I don't really understand what you are saying, I always search for answers that have been reduced to their simplest form. When the answer is filled with hard to understand concepts and data, well, I start to worry that somebody is trying to baffle me with bullshit.

Not saying you are doing that with your above answer, but I do find it hard to follow.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Also..forgot to respond to this part:

What is consciousness? Information (your answer)

Florida, from what I understand about the current knowledge of what consciousness is...is that NOBODY knows at this point. Not the smartest, most educated neuroscientists really have anything but random guesses currently.

How do you know what consciousness is?


lives on planet 4:20
Also..forgot to respond to this part:

What is consciousness? Information (your answer)

Florida, from what I understand about the current knowledge of what consciousness is...is that NOBODY knows at this point. Not the smartest, most educated neuroscientists really have anything but random guesses currently.

How do you know what consciousness is?

From direct experience. Obviously, all we have is words to explain what something IS, and these words are conceptual in nature. This means that all we talk about is secondary and not primary.

Check out the thread in my signature, and maybe read some of my threads, these can be found in my profile, in the STATISTICS.

It would take me way too long to explain a question like how do I know what consciousness is, and it would all still be secondary information based on concepts.

It would NOT be a direct experience of consciousness.

But, a good example is to look at the human body, where you have 60 trillion cells interacting and co-operating on a moment-to-moment basis. look at our seven billion human being community. our solar system. universe.

it is all the same fractal working on all levels.

evolution that is evolving All That Is (consciousness).



3rd-Eye Jedi
its predicted by 2050 we will have the technology to extend live indefinitely, if you have the money and barring and trama or accidental death

were talking brain transplant in a robotic host


lives on planet 4:20
its predicted by 2050 we will have the technology to extend live indefinitely, if you have the money and barring and trama or accidental death

were talking brain transplant in a robotic host

then in my next life I definitely will have to be a billionaire :laughing:


Then again, who wants to live forever?

I'll start to worry when a computer can thread a bolt without cross threading it.

Maybe we should try to make them more empathic, compassionate than us.

Plenty of folks dumber than computers, I work with 'em , I know!

Cool thread!