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What happens after the police get a "tip"?


Active member
lol or hire her as a lawyer, if that would work, would be cool .:)

(unless she is completely turned to the dark side and might offer you to her bosses or something. (in which case she needs severe hugging for a week and lots of icecream, she is your sister after all. :))


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
My sister is a trimmer, Co and Cali, this problem I don't know anything about. That aside family is family and they can find the door...

Id say you have to be ridiculous to even include her in her life. I myself have a nice open door policy with people like that... Family or find the beginning of the road to forever. If she has some great girlfriends and some cash to keep her happy what does she need a free spirit in her life for anyways.

What kind of Lawyer is she>? I think she wants a bribe lady. Try giving her some shoe polish or whatever...


Active member
Yes....sister please call the DEA and pigs for my 4 plants. Those dudes will roll up and look at your sister and laugh at her.

Dank Frank has the advice.

Or germinate some beans in her backyard and take photos lol jk


What happens after the police get a "tip"?

I she callsthecops and says I think my sister is growing pot...what is the likely outcome? Copsbust down my doorin a hour or so? They "watch" me? Nothing? I live in a medical marijuanastate...

While I agree you should get your card, everyone seems to have ignored the question you asked.

I have a friend whom several years back had someone phone in a tip on him. The cops picked up his trash from the curb 3 times over the course of a year. The last time they found a seed (or added their own) and got a warrant, raided his house etc..

Even as a legal patient I have very strict garbage polices. I never put any garbage out the night before and I watch the garbage until it is picked up. (Yes, this is my life) Along with my many other rules.


If the police get tipped, they'll probably do a little surveillance. Drive by and check out the place, look for high traffic, covered windows, security cams, etc. They will also get an administrative subpoena to compare your electric bill with a few other comparable residences nearby. Next, most likely, will be garbage pulls. If your electric bill is higher than average and they pull anything from the trash they will get and execute a warrant within 24-48 hours. Even if your electric bill isn't high, a tip plus anything in the trash will probably also get a warrant. If your lucky they won't lie about finding stems or seeds or whatever in your trash.
Give her a check tomorrow for consulting fees and take a xerox of it. That would be your get out of jail card. You can write on the inside, "Thank you sis for the legal advice." Dank frank has a good idea ~!


having actually been down this road..shut down..move away and lose all contact with people who threaten to hurt you...heed my advice or get ready my friend because its only a matter of time,,,and serious alot advice here is just horrible


I'm a public school teacher.....

Nothing quite fucks me off like an honest dude who has a legit job teaching our next generation, who is growing for personal use having to deal with this type of shit. Your sister sounds like a real c... Sorry to say bro

She needs to read this thread imo and see ppls reactions.. However once one turns to the dark side there's rarely anything that will change their mind.

Some good advice in this thread
Stay safe man all the best!!


They will also get an administrative subpoena to compare your electric bill with a few other comparable residences nearby.
Not saying they wouldn't do it, but what would it prove to compare the electric bill to a house that looks similar? Would they get a warrant for the other house's bill? Do they raid they other house first to make sure it's not a grow house?

If your lucky they won't lie about finding stems or seeds or whatever in your trash.
That is why I don't put my trash out early, no trash to plant shit in.


Not saying they wouldn't do it, but what would it prove to compare the electric bill to a house that looks similar? Would they get a warrant for the other house's bill? Do they raid they other house first to make sure it's not a grow house?

It's done to show that your bill is abnormally high. When requested through subpoena the electric company shows your usage compared to 3-5 other similarly sized residences in your area. If your bill is $300 and the other houses are $50-100 (for example) then the cop writes in his application for a warrant that your house uses 6 times as much electricity. Just knowing your bill is $300 is useless unless they can put it in context.

That is why I don't put my trash out early, no trash to plant shit in.

Lol, it's not like the cops drive by and drop stems in your trash can. They pull your trash and then when it's back at the station they can just say whatever they want was found in it. They'll even take stems from wherever (evidence, personal bag, idk) and take pictures of it like it was in your trash (ask me how I know). Also, if they see you put your trash out late, they will put that in their warrant application too - "trash was put out shortly before pickup, which is common for a grow house." Basically, the cops just say anything is common to a grow house (like, "they kept their window shades shut").


Active member
a friend of mine sells mexi . and old crazy ex customer of his has called cops and mailed the dea a letter stating he is a dealer and has been busted before. he has done this several times. nothing has happened yet. glad i aint him tho


Thanks for the replies.

My 75 year old straight-as-an-arrow mom knows i grow and always tells my sister that she's crazy and there's no growing going on and to mind her own business.

It doesn't stop her from her damn high and mighty attitude, and wierd allusions to her "duty" as a lawyer to rat me out. She says it some kind moral code she took when she was sworn in as a lawyer. She is currently out of a job because about every six months she gets fired for being a whiny bitch. I think the last lawyer job she had was those people who sue places. Like those billboard lawyers.

Are you guys sure that a teacher can get a med card and the school district can't find out? Where does that info get "recorded"? Anywhere?

I NEVER throw anything like that out. I can't believe people would throw that stuff in their personal trash can. In the state I live in, I have never heard of someone getting busted for 100's of plants, let alone four. We are a very poor state. But given I am a teacher they would probably jump at the chance to put my face on the news. I do think there is a reason they don't drug test teachers in this state, because they wouldn't have any teachers left!


Active member
Although privacy is probably the most important rule on this forum, you should probably disclose what state you're in for people to help answer your questions regarding your occupation and a medical recommendation. Either that, or just research yourself.

I've met plenty of individuals similar to your sister. It's in your best interest to eradicate her from your life, or to mindfuck her into thinking you are of no importance to her and that she has better things to do (seems as though she doesn't, which makes this difficult).

I saw a teacher in the news caught with $500k CASH and plants, and that only made local papers. If you have more fingers than you do plants, you have nothing to worry about. Go get your recommendation!

Also, maybe you should look into relocating. My buddy is a HS teacher 3 hours from here, and he joined the local union. They cannot drug test him without him getting injured now ;) against union policy to test people at random or to target individuals. This is a non-med state, but it is decriminalized...just look into your options! Your freedom is nothing to be taken lightly, and as of right now you have everything to lose!

Best of luck with your situation! I've never understood the bond(or lack thereof) of 2 sisters...

Thanks for the replies.

My 75 year old straight-as-an-arrow mom knows i grow and always tells my sister that she's crazy and there's no growing going on and to mind her own business.

It doesn't stop her from her damn high and mighty attitude, and wierd allusions to her "duty" as a lawyer to rat me out. She says it some kind moral code she took when she was sworn in as a lawyer. She is currently out of a job because about every six months she gets fired for being a whiny bitch. I think the last lawyer job she had was those people who sue places. Like those billboard lawyers.

Are you guys sure that a teacher can get a med card and the school district can't find out? Where does that info get "recorded"? Anywhere?

I NEVER throw anything like that out. I can't believe people would throw that stuff in their personal trash can. In the state I live in, I have never heard of someone getting busted for 100's of plants, let alone four. We are a very poor state. But given I am a teacher they would probably jump at the chance to put my face on the news. I do think there is a reason they don't drug test teachers in this state, because they wouldn't have any teachers left!
Set her up on a blind date with Yummybud, she'll think twice before making that call.Lol

Back to your question "What happens...", when a complaint is filed a report is written and an investigation is started. An investigation may be cursory or through.


Active member
Set her up on a blind date with Yummybud, she'll think twice before making that call.Lol

Back to your question "What happens...", when a complaint is filed a report is written and an investigation is started. An investigation may be cursory or through.

omg its NOG!