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What do YOU personally yield?


My last go 'round. Not quite as good as it could've been but I still yeilded okay for how much I smoke.
Yeild:77 grams
Lights: 300watts of HPS (two 150s)
Strain: 5 of my own creation (some sort of deiselxkush crossed with a fruity bagseeds strain)
Notes: was quite satisfied with this grow as this was my highest yeilder yet (this was like my 5th grow). Going to be getting better lighting the next run. Will use same strain and possibly another called Hashberry. I'll be back! :)


Yield: 12oz/month
Plants: 6 harvested/month
Strain: Satori
Light: 1kw
GPW (avg over 2 months): 0.7
Veg: 1 month from cutting to 12/12

I run a staggered 4x4 tent, harvesting half each month. If I avg over a 60 day cycle, gpw are pretty decent. This Satori pheno I've got yields fairly well. I use 7x7 square white pots.


Active member
1.6-3.5 zones per 5# bucket. not great, i know. but i try to concentrate on quality.. usually a little over 1 1/2 elbows w/ 1200w.. 8-10wk flower
Yield: 17 oz (plus whatever i smoked while "testing". :)
clones: two strains - stonehenge and matanuska tundra
Flowering Watts: 600 watt hps - vegged under 250 watt mh.
G.P.W: .79
# of plants: 18
vegged for a month after taking the clones.
Flowering time: 65 days (i should have gone another 10 days or so)
2 gall grow bags

i'm looking for mums. i have 22 seedlings in 2 gallon bags this time around. super silver haze, S.A.G.E. and swiss bliss - day 64 of flower and counting. let's see if i beat the .79 GPW. :)


Flowering Lights: 1kw x (none of your business ;) ) air-cooled
Flowering Time: 60 days
# plants: 20 (just upped it to 24 per but haven't harvested them yet)
Yield: 14.5z, current average; 18.4 current record
G/w: 0.4 current average; 0.515 current record
Notes: Hydroton/red lava rock mix in 1 gallon grow bags, ebb and flow. Veg in 3" net cups under 250w HPS for 30 days, then in 1g grow bags under 400w MH for 30 days. Lots of topping to keep them short and force the bitches to branch. I used LST back when I grew bigger bushes (6-10 per 1k), but it's too much work for my lazy ways these days, and my new strain doesn't take well to it. Now I like to just snip the dominant top to give the others a chance to catch up. Quick and easy. Letting the plant's growth pattern dictate the number of plants is working better for me than trying to force the plants to do what I want.

My yields have ranged between .3 and .5 grams per watt using 1ks. Usually it was some kind of disaster or problem, if it was at the low end. .35g/w seems to be the fall off a log mark for me with the strain I have; any less than that, and something went really wrong.

Once I got heat and humidity issues worked out, and went with a real strain rather than the one I grew out from bag seed, my yields went to .4 and haven't dipped below since. They get a little better each grow as I work out how many plants I need to best use a light's footprint, get better at training during veg, etc. I just took a really nice-looking crop that I think will push me up near my previous high of .51g/watt. I'll be surprised if I got less than .45g/w.

Best advice I can give:

#1: make sure your plants are well rooted in the containers they're going to flower in before you put them into flower. A properly vegged plant turns into a good yielder.

#2: make a screen to dry your flowers on. Makes all the difference in the world in finished bag appeal. Night and day from drying in cardboard boxes. Something about the cardboard turns flowers brown.
_Dude said:
This thing should be a sticky. Don't have details, but I get about .5 to .6 grams per watt, too (except for my most recent harvest, which was a disaster - temps and maybe other factors turned about half my crop to brown). Maybe it's time the guys getting a gram a watt admit .5 is much more normal?
Lol I don't know if I was using stoner math there or lying my ass off or what, but that's bullshit. I've never gotten .6, and .51 is the best I've ever yielded, which was long after I wrote that post.


Yield per square foot makes even less sense, especially when you don't even say how many square feet you're running. Like anyone wants to run 1'x1' square under a 1k, or the results tell us anything.

Personally, I gauge yield per square foot. GPW mean very little. It assumes that light is the limiting factor, when other constraints often dominate, like the available space. With that in mind:

Yield: 2-2.5oz dry/cured per square foot
Flowering Watts: 5x600HPS
# of plants: 24-36, depending
Strain: Various
Flowering time: 50-70 days
Vegetative info: 2x400HPS, 400MH, T-5s
Soil or Hydro: Soil (Pro-Mix)
Notes: All plants are LST'd, Jack's Classic ferts, no other nutrients/supplements



Weedomus Maximus
Yield per square foot makes even less sense, especially when you don't even say how many square feet you're running. Like anyone wants to run 1'x1' square under a 1k, or the results tell us anything.

I had to look back at my post and see when I pulled so little. As for the critique, time-irrelevant, it may be safe to assume there's more than one square foot at play, as the post cites 5x600. Granted, it's been a while. lol

Here are some examples of what about one square foot produced this season under 1Ks:




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Speed of Dark
Clocking in for fun, not too much detail.

5000 watts, 2240 LED, 2800 fluorescent in the budroom.
Yield is .37 gpw, has not changed in years, same with the 2240 watts LED as with the 3600 watts HID.

More than happy with the yield, pumped it up to .85 gpw but did not like the additional work nor the finished product.

Not that I minded 6 pounds instead of 3, but this is not about volume.

This is the next tray due for harvest, 6 indica surrounding 2 sativa, yield will be over 20 ounces in five more weeks.

And it is pleasant just to be in the room with.


  • 2 sativa, 6 indica.jpg
    2 sativa, 6 indica.jpg
    115.4 KB · Views: 18
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Active member
I usually run two 600s and get 750g.. between 24-27 zones, no popcorn.. organic soil, vegd to 15-20" above soil in a 5gal smart pot. 15-18 ladies packed in a 3.7x6.1 closet.. hardcore lolipopped.. 4-8 mains with 3-4 nodes each..


What do YOU personally yield?

I wield nearly six inches (semi soft)



:laughing: Funny Shit!!!

That made me want to post....

(since most everyone I meet (that does not know!) thinks I lie about it anyway...LOL)

Yield: 12 lbs GOAL: If around 2lb per 1k light then I had some SERIOUS problems.
Flowering Watts: 4400 (4ks) per room
# of plants: 20
Flowering time: 67-70
Vegative info: 2 wks cloner on 8xt5s 65oo k, then 6 days veg 4400 hps
Soil or Hydro: Coco DTW
Notes: Co2 1500 ppm. Umm.... Blueprinted!

master shake

Active member
Cool thread, here's how my last grow went.

Strain: Power Kush
Yield: 360g
Flowering watts: 400w hps
GPW: .9
Veg watts: 400w cmh
Veg time: 1.5 month for mom, 2wk for clones
Grown in Roots Organics coco mix, hand water, NO pH adjustment, FloraNova nutes and dolomite lime mixed in coco.




350lbs off a solo 100w light? From my knowledge, eother you are using a new style of light or its bs which I thibk is more of the case.

I got 3.15 lbs off of a single sativa outdoors back in 2008 in the fiji islands. From seed to harvest total time was 5.5months
Yield:24.5 ozs
Indoor or Outdoor:Indoor
Flowering Watts:1200 Digilux HPS(two 600 bulbs and digital ballasts) Basic econo wing reflectors(not air-cooled)
# of plants:4
Strains:THC Bomb-2 Great White Shark-2
Flowering Time:THC Bomb(67 days from first signs of flower, about 10 days into 12/12)
Great White Shark(69 days from first signs of flower, about 7 days into 12/12)
Veg:96 watts T5s 16 days from seed-Transplanted day 17-400 watt MH day 15 to 50.
Soil:Fox Farms Ocean Forest with 30% chunky perlite and 1 TBS dolomite per gallon.(5x5x5 square pots from germinated seed to day 16-4 gallon square pots day 17 to harvest)
Nutes:THC Bomb-Full Fox Farm lineup. Grow/tiger/big bloom, including OS-BB-CC. Also humic acid from week 1 to week 4 of flower. EJ Hi-Brix molasses week 4 to week 8 of flower. Some Calmag+ in veg.
Great White Shark-Full Original Earth Juice Line-up. Grow/bloom/micro/caty/metaK/. Also humic acid from week 1 to week 4 of flower. EJ Hi-Brix molasses week 4 to week 8 of flower. Some Calmag+
Extras:A few secrets, everyone has them.
Co2:Never. Fresh outside air, lots of ventilation and circulation.
Temps:Veg-day 83/night 70. Flower-day 84/night 70. RH always around 50%.
Flush:Yes. 18 and 20 days of straight pHed water at normal amounts, molasses is used up to day 7 of flush.
Water Source:Tap. Sits out for 48 hours before use.
Light Tricks:36 hours of darkness before 12/12. Dimmed from two 600 watts to two 400 watts first 5 days and last 7-10 days of flower.

Bear in mind this was my first grow in over 8 years, so I think I did OK. Need to get temps down a tad, maybe time to grab a few air-cooled reflectors, some more fans and ducting.

It ain't easy but it's fun. Peace :headbange