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what do i do now

so my sprouts are on day 6, under floros, in a humidity dome. they are in 1.5" rockwool cubes. i have a root coming out the bottom of 2 of them and im not sure if i should move it to a bigger cube and leave it in the dome or just leave it alone. Its still way to early to move it to my hydro right?


Active member
What hydro system you using?

I have started seeds in my dwc/waterfarm just dropped it n the hydroton.

You can put in it your system now or put it in a bigger cube
They are only starting their fist little set of serated leaves and are about 2-3 ins tall I'll post pics in just a.min after I make my morning tea ;)


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Active member
I have never done ebb n flow but i would think you put them in when the roots come through the 4in cube


Señor Member
Seedlings have taproots that go straight down, and will pop out of a starter cube long before the seedling really has much of a root system to speak of. What you are seeing is the taproot. Ignore it. It will be air-pruned on its own and the plant won't skip a beat. You'll know when a rockwool cube is ready to be inserted into a bigger cube because there will be roots coming out of the sides of the cube. And it won't be one or two... It'll be several roots on all sides. Something like this (not my picture):



Active member

Avoid pruning any roots at this stage tap root or not, any damage to the root zone of any plant at this stage of their life ...
will produce seriously small plants ...look to the secrets of bonsai as a method .....no thanks!


Señor Member
Avoid pruning any roots at this stage tap root or not, any damage to the root zone of any plant at this stage of their life ...
will produce seriously small plants ...look to the secrets of bonsai as a method .....no thanks!

It seems like you're responding to my post, and that's not what I said. Air-pruning of roots happens whether we want it to or not. It's a plant's natural response to exposed roots. My point was that seeing the taproot exposed like that does not mean the cube is rooted and ready for transplanting. It will be self-cauterized and more roots will grow, coming out of the sides of the cubes eventually.

I've been working primarily with rockwool cubes as a medium for twenty years now. Trust me, you want to wait until roots are coming out of the sides before you transplant to a bigger cube, or to a slab.

OP, check this link, and especially pay attention to the air pruning part: www.just4growers.com/stream/propaga...to-air-prune-your-seedlings-and-cuttings.aspx


Move 'em to a bigger rockwool cube. There's no harm in that, and it will give the plant a place to venture more roots.
I have never done ebb n flow but i would think you put them in when the roots come through the 4in cube

yea this is exactly what i had just decided on my own before i just came back a saw all the replys.

It seems like you're responding to my post, and that's not what I said. Air-pruning of roots happens whether we want it to or not. It's a plant's natural response to exposed roots. My point was that seeing the taproot exposed like that does not mean the cube is rooted and ready for transplanting. It will be self-cauterized and more roots will grow, coming out of the sides of the cubes eventually.

I've been working primarily with rockwool cubes as a medium for twenty years now. Trust me, you want to wait until roots are coming out of the sides before you transplant to a bigger cube, or to a slab.

OP, check this link, and especially pay attention to the air pruning part: www.just4growers.com/stream/propaga...to-air-prune-your-seedlings-and-cuttings.aspx

damn i wish you had posted like 20mins earlier i just came from moving to bigger blocks lol. Well atleast it sounds like moving now was more pointless then harmful right?
Avoid pruning any roots at this stage tap root or not, any damage to the root zone of any plant at this stage of their life ...
will produce seriously small plants ...look to the secrets of bonsai as a method .....no thanks!

could you please remove that pic its way to big, obnoxious, and most importantly dosent have anything to do with anything.
I have gone straight into my dwc from srouted seeding and under 24/24 300w LEDs and they seem to be thriving, lights are approximately 6" to 8" from the seedlings with maybe a 1-2% nute solution


Señor Member

Because you want to make sure the starter cube is rooted well before you insert it into a bigger one. Like I said before, the tap root will make it through the bottom of the cube before it's actually well-rooted, but roots coming out of the sides means lateral root growth. It doesn't mean that transplanted cubes that show no roots will automatically fail, either. It's just a rule of thumb to follow.

damn i wish you had posted like 20mins earlier i just came from moving to bigger blocks lol. Well atleast it sounds like moving now was more pointless then harmful right?

Correct, although they might grow a little slower now in the larger cubes. Starter cubes are small enough to begin with where it's really not that big of a deal, but if you planned on taking the larger cubes and putting those on slabs, you would definitely want to wait until the cubes are rooted through, if you want the fast, awesome growth of rockwool anyway.
I have gone straight into my dwc from srouted seeding and under 24/24 300w LEDs and they seem to be thriving, lights are approximately 6" to 8" from the seedlings with maybe a 1-2% nute solution

I keep hearing that but im not sure how much that transfers to ebb n flow. So i think ill let em build more of a root system first. But you post raise a question that has been bothering me for a while...

I read, at least 700 or 800 times, that you start at 25% nute strength but heres what i dont get and i never see mentioned, my nutes come with a schedule that shows the seedling stage mix at about 33% of what it is in the middle of flower (full strength?).

So do use 25% of the one 1/3 mix or is that 25% thing out there because so many people use the lucas formula, and therefore has nothing to do with me?
Because you want to make sure the starter cube is rooted well before you insert it into a bigger one. Like I said before, the tap root will make it through the bottom of the cube before it's actually well-rooted, but roots coming out of the sides means lateral root growth. It doesn't mean that transplanted cubes that show no roots will automatically fail, either. It's just a rule of thumb to follow.

Correct, although they might grow a little slower now in the larger cubes. Starter cubes are small enough to begin with where it's really not that big of a deal, but if you planned on taking the larger cubes and putting those on slabs, you would definitely want to wait until the cubes are rooted through, if you want the fast, awesome growth of rockwool anyway.

ok cool i made up a flood table with a lid that with hold the net pots that will hold my cubes, so no slab or bigger cubes.
For me and in my very new to this opinion,
for germination of the seed and for saoking the RW cubes ive used a very very small measurement of ph-, as my buckets and medium were all new i felt it prudent to prove all my equipment, my thought process is that if my seeds crack im pushing forwards with 12/12 any way so im starting of with a minute nute mix, then when relevant nodes show i will be increasing nute levels to 5% then 10%, once im at a specific growth level i will water change and increase nute level to 25% then 50% etc etc, im not going to get to full level nute solution until ive cloned a mother, moreover i have 2 differing strains in 2 seperate buckets but both running from the same res so im looking at general patterns of growth and recording how they react to the changing levels of nutritional feeds, speaking to some well established hydro growers im reliably informed that the levels stated on some products are more about quantity usage in mass production so im trying to be very careful with the amounts im using, i believe it to be easier to add nutes if they need them than try and clean up the damage caused by over feeding at such young ages.
This is obviously my own theory and im sure that someone will be giving me a straightener any way.