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The Mites are taking over!


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I'm also growing chives and garlic chives along side all of my plants.. Apparently the borg hates the smell and it forces them to flee. I've seen some plant garlic/chives in their pots with their plants to discourage any mites from climbing up from the soil.. As long as you don't have your plants touching, this is an incredible way to reduce them from getting on your plants

i know i plant chives under my apple trees for similar reasons, good info and welcome to the forum.
mites are your friends, spray once or twice a week with neem and some bronners soap and your good, inbetween that foliar feed your girls well, mites are always present, when my medium gets to dry or i dont do the once a week blast they show up, i worry none at all, indoors u have to foliar feed atleast, some people never even do that n plants never get rained on n washed off properly. mites arent much of a challenge in a healthy soil with a thriving plant to manage, if buds over mature there def on it quicker then usualy, nature scavanges in many ways and shell always win, why fight her, just work againt the mites molting cycles, bascially keep them from having a bang party on your buds n multiplying.


Active member
use multiple types of pesticides, both systemic and poison..and they will be gone for good...

i had a few outbreaks of spider mites last year....used a combination of floramite, avid, azamax, SNS17, and safe tree and shrub and i havent seen a single mite in months. if i see them again i just break out the spray bottles and drop napalm strikes on them every 2-3 days for a week...(only in veg though)...in flower i just let the mites live, use a vaccum cleaner or spray them off with water. i would rather smoke weed with mites in it than smoke weed laced with floramite...


Sativa Tamer
use multiple types of pesticides, both systemic and poison..and they will be gone for good...

i had a few outbreaks of spider mites last year....used a combination of floramite, avid, azamax, SNS17, and safe tree and shrub and i havent seen a single mite in months. if i see them again i just break out the spray bottles and drop napalm strikes on them every 2-3 days for a week...(only in veg though)

In light of your statement below, I'm curious why you don't take preventative measures as opposed to waiting for the mites to come and then going nuclear on them?

Also - this is the organic forum and if you are keeping an organic garden you cannot use Avid, Floromite, Bayer Tree and Shrub, No Pest Strips, ect.


i would rather smoke weed with mites in it than smoke weed laced with floramite...


New member
Unlucky man but shit happens, I never had any bug problems and all I do is clean everything with dettol each time I restart a run.
Skilled enemies make epic battles, so good luck ;)



I'm gonna toss mine in here while were at it..
I live in the tropics and bugs are a bitch..
I make 2 sprays for the mites one from the leaves of the neem tree I boil it untill its brownish and smells like hell and spray it all over someone said run your hands up the shaft (hush yo mouth,,,but i'm talkin bout shaft) and I do this twice a week.. the other spray is a wild rosemary and garlic mix I use between neem sprays,,, both work great on mites and white flies,,, but the key is to get started before they show up,I start spraying about the 2nd week or when I think the plant can handle it, and Ive got multiple plants in different growth stages so I'll jump on the neem wagon for this one..


Also - this is the organic forum and if you are keeping an organic garden you cannot use Avid, Floromite, Bayer Tree and Shrub, No Pest Strips, ect.

There is another larger issue here as well, with specific consideration to this being the organic forum, and that is the issue of how quickly and ably mites can build resistance, and HAVE built resistance to each and every one of the noxious chemicals listed.
no pest strips if ya aint in flower. azamax too

No pest strips SUCK at getting rid of mites. I placed a hot shot nopest strip in a small bathroom, a foot tall plant in a 1 gallon pot and actually placed the no pest strip on top of the pot. NOTHING was dead after 7 days. Mites just kept on going.


Mighty Wash, Mighty Wash, Mighty Wash....works better than anything ive tried other than Avid and you can spray in flower.

Can you tell us what's IN Mighty Wash? I've read plenty of people using it to good success, but the most information I can get from them or searching on it is that it's "frequency" water. This is voo doo, and at this point I'm sure there's poison of some sort in it, but who the hell knows exactly what it is?

Is it at least NOP-approved? OMRI?
(Yeah, I know! But we consumers need SOMETHING to go by.)


New member
Well, shoot, I took precautions this time and microwaved all my soil mix, but the little buggers found their way back into my grow. Maybe I let one bowl of dirt through without nuking it enough, but damn. I was wondering if anyone has used spinosad with good effect. I think it's organic, like produced by bacteria or something. Anyways, I just noticed them last night and I am going to be going out to pick up some neem, pyrethrin, spinosad, I don't know what else, as soon as the stores open. They made my life hell last run and I just want to get an early jump on them this go. That's a good tip about the lavender and rosemary oils, I'll have to look more into making some, sounds expensive to buy though.


You may have them living somewhere else. Never forget what a great vector we humans make for moving teeny tiny little bugs from one place to another with a quickness.

How about you just try the isopropyl alcohol mixed at around 50-50 with clean water, spray EVERY three days (and I do mean EVERY THREE DAYS)? I haven't had an opportunity to find success with the lavender, I don't think I had enough.


Feeling good is good enough.
I would like to do some bitter wood tea experiments:


The heartwood of Quassia amara, known as "bitterwood" or "quassia", is used as a febrifuge.[citation needed] It contains quassin, a bitter-tasting chemical that is the bitterest substance found in nature.[citation needed] Extracts of Q. amara bark containing quassinoids are used as insecticides, being particularly useful against aphids on crop plants.[1] It is also used to flavor aperitifs and bitters which are added to cocktails.



Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Sirocco®. Miticide


That combo can stop any Spidermite in its tracks.... but those plants of yours my friend would be best suited for the nearest Dumpster... No way that gets that out of hand overnight.... next time keep up with the Neem treatments


New member
SeaMaiden, thanks for the reply. I'm sure they are living somewhere else. Going to do a total scrub down of the room and as much of the house as I can. I have never had a problem with mites on the plants' stems or leaves, but I can't seem to keep them from multiplying in the root-zones. I want to attack them in the soil mix. I will definitely be spraying with that isopropyl alcohol mix, maybe some other stuff like neem, bronner's soap, coconut based surfactants, and some orange oil I found in my basement.

What I feel like I need is a soil drench. I microwaved my soil mix, but have supplemented the soil life with micorrhizal granules and some beneficial bacteria. I don't want to use anything systemic or with pbo, I want to smoke this stuff and no use harming stream and wild life, but if the microfauna dies (I'd prefer it not to come to that) it's not a problem because they can be replaced (brutal but true).

Miticide soil-drench, anyone have suggestions? I am definitely getting neem, but I don't have any experience with much else and know you have to change up the game to win. Cheers, and thanks.