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What did she do this time?


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JJScorpio said:
It could be as simple as life is catching up with her and she realizes that she needs a break. And she may be wanting you to take the kids for a week.

Its not easy being a single mother with a fulltime job. We men don't get it because most of us, me included, never had to worry about taking 100 percent care of my kids.

What concerns me is that you have discussed this with your mother and your mom intends to turn her in if she's done something wrong. You need to put all bad things aside and remember that she is the mother of your kids and you may end up with them full time if something is wrong. That doesn't usually work out very well with the girlfriend. Also, a sudden change like that is quite difficult on most kids. I think you should have held off on talking with the mother about yours and her business.....

well I have school and work and the kids have to stay with my mom during those times. I don't have a choice in it, no way around telling her about the kids coming home. The turning her in thing was a half ass joke really, I expect if she tells me something really bad I am just gonna give her some cash and tell her to hit the road. Least it will be neat to have the kids back for a while.


Active member
:yeahthats Rastas were offering kidneys for 500, lungs for 800 and hearts for 1200. I'd be suspicious about them trying to sell you a pig heart, though....

Stealth, whatever it is, I hope everything works out ok....

You say she's pretty much a non-user of anything that might create a serious problem. So, she prolly didn't DUI into a homeless and isn't making a run for it. Also, it's prolly unlikely that she's been doing blow, and was fronted an ounce she was supposed to sell, but has snorted instead. Big Worm. What does that leave?

Women be SHOPPING!!!! I'm betting she's in debt up to her occulars, and is just peacing out. Straight fronted a large cash advance on the one good card she had left, and BOOM! Puerto Vallarta here she comes!!! "Here baby, take the kids, I'll be back in a few days" You here that shit, make her cut you a check for half the college tuition, cuz she aint coming back!

Good luck man, let us know!



Active member
Shes a born again Mormon and its time to go on her mission?

If she comes to by door I'll tell her the kids are fine!

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
stealthballer said:
labor and delivery nurse with less of a drug history than me by a factor of ten.
makes a great living pretty stable other than her being completely out of her gourd at times. I actually had hoped it was me that made her like that more than her, apparently not. At least she isn't the slightest bit violent.

Stole shit from work and they're investigating it. Possibly was selling pharmies.

Just my guess from the nurses I've known over the years.
Mr Celsius said:
Stole shit from work and they're investigating it. Possibly was selling pharmies.

Just my guess from the nurses I've known over the years.

^I'll go with that one too. probably going to end up being something much less than what we're all guessing :redface:


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
hope all things are well with the kids. i dont have as much sympathy as JJ as far as the single mom thing. i am in the same thing as stealthballer in regards to having a ex-wife (mine was your basic whore, still is) and two beautiful children. i kinda like the way the courts work as far as the treatment of the kids which their main concern. the courts dont give a shit about "what your going through" if the kids safety is in danger than they go to me or atleast thats the deal i have. dont do the crime if you cant do the time

just because shes the mother of your kids doesn't make her anymore or any less than anyone else. i have my court papers set so that if she slips up even slightly i would have grounds to take my children. yeah it may be upsetting at first, but like i told my kids, as their father it is my eternal job to make sure they are safe at all times, since they are from NY they have already stated that they would not mind staying with me at all.

nurse or not, man just make sure your kids are alright, let that trick go on about her business and fall how ever she has to
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I'm guessing new boyfriend who wants to spend some time with her without the kids.


From your brief description she doesn't sound too out of this world crazy. I don't think it was something like she just wanted a break from the kids because stealth doesn't seem to mind taking them, so why wouldn't she just come outright and say, "Hey, I need a break, mind helping out?"

I'd say its something where she had to go on the run.


Active member
I got everything settled and out of the house in under 4 hours, that's pretty impressive, I don't know if thats don't get busted impressive but I didn't break anything and got it all packed in the attic now, so no matter what her motives may or may not be, nothing I am doing wrong.

Found out from one of her friends more of the story, but it was all third person and a ton of it was speculation, so I will wait to hear from her.

She is a moron, I will leave it at that until the morning. Now, I gotta clean up the mess I made cleaning up my mess.


TELL us dude ive been waiting since yesterday lol this is awesome, this is definately like the game of clue.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
(Beavis and Butthead ) duhna duna duhna duna.. THey come to snuff the ROOSTER!!!


Active member
Haha this is the coolest thread I've seen in a long while!! Ok, my guess, she did it with Colonel Mustard in the Billiard Room on the pool table and got caught by Scarlet....LMAO ya gotta love this shit!! Seriously bro, as a father of three I do think the kids should be and are the concern here. I dunno your "ex" or her lifestyle but if anything fucked up is going on in her life, that wouldn't play well in a custody hearing. On a lighter note, ya gotta give her credit for thinking enough of them to get them away from whatever is going on. Many single and even married parents don't have that kind of courtesy, concern or common sense....I'm pulling up a front row chair for this one....Where's the popcorn? :lurk:


Active member
I have to take a guess here.

My Official Answer: I trouble for stealing prescription strength drugs from the hospital, for her new man.

For real though, at least you get to see your children and spend some time with them. If all is that bad, they may be around for longer than the week she thought, so that could be a nice little surprise......looks like it is time to go stealth in the attic with appropriate locks on everything.

Best of luck to you
