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What did she do this time?


Active member
My crazy ex-wife, with whom I have 2 children, just called me balling saying she needed to drop the kids off with me for like a week because she is in big trouble. Now, she lives three states away, so this aint a little jog across town this is a cross country trek. Said she would tell me when she got here. We also haven't spoken in months.

Best guesses as to what she did this time?

whoever gets it right gets a cookie(imaginary cookie).

My current GF said she killed someone, so now I am slightly nervous.

she should be here in the next 12-13 hours, so I will update then, assuming nothing really fucked up is going on.


taking a vacation with her new "meth dealing" boyfreind and needs to get rid of her responsibility now and you're the fall guy.



lol thats crazy.. What kind of person is she? What kind of background?


Active member
xXPoThEaDXx said:
lol thats crazy.. What kind of person is she? What kind of background?

labor and delivery nurse with less of a drug history than me by a factor of ten.
makes a great living pretty stable other than her being completely out of her gourd at times. I actually had hoped it was me that made her like that more than her, apparently not. At least she isn't the slightest bit violent.


Well, isn't this a little more exciting than than the usual 'I got busted' thread. :redface: I'm strapped onto this thread, starving for more details. :headbange


lol I am anxious to know what she did... im strapped also ;) Let us know when she gets there bro lol this is exciting


Resident pissy old man
Unless you already have partial or joint custody, have her sign a power of attny over the kids, in case there are legal or medical problems. If she is in big trouble(legal) and she has total custody, the state could wind up with the kids if she gets caught.


Registered Cannabis User
does she drink? my guess is vehicular homicide (god forbid)

if she doesnt drink...I'm taking another guess...I WANT THAT COOKIE!


I was thinking the same think token... maybe she got drunk and hit someone?


Active member
Pops said:
Unless you already have partial or joint custody, have her sign a power of attny over the kids, in case there are legal or medical problems. If she is in big trouble(legal) and she has total custody, the state could wind up with the kids if she gets caught.

joint custody with her as the primary care giver with me paying every month.
The original custody case though was voided when she left the state.

She goes to jail I get the kids, especially since she will be in my home state where the paperwork is still valid.

I gotta clean my house and get rid of a ton of "stuff" before she gets here.

If she did do something horrible, I am not sure I can turn her in for it, I called my mom and she said she would be happy to.


Active member
ToKEN said:
does she drink? my guess is vehicular homicide (god forbid)

if she doesnt drink...I'm taking another guess...I WANT THAT COOKIE!

she does drink but not all that often, unless something has changed in the last few months. She is pretty anti drugs too, since she blamed a ton of our problems on my smoking. I am driving myself crazy trying to figure this out.


Resident pissy old man
Maybe she was just harvesting body parts from the patients and selling them on the black market. No big deal. Everybody does it!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Pops said:
Maybe she was just harvesting body parts from the patients and selling them on the black market. No big deal. Everybody does it!

I would not worry about it dude
if she said it is only a week, how bad can it be?

Maybe the IRS is talking with her about back taxes


ICMag Donor
It could be as simple as life is catching up with her and she realizes that she needs a break. And she may be wanting you to take the kids for a week.

Its not easy being a single mother with a fulltime job. We men don't get it because most of us, me included, never had to worry about taking 100 percent care of my kids.

What concerns me is that you have discussed this with your mother and your mom intends to turn her in if she's done something wrong. You need to put all bad things aside and remember that she is the mother of your kids and you may end up with them full time if something is wrong. That doesn't usually work out very well with the girlfriend. Also, a sudden change like that is quite difficult on most kids. I think you should have held off on talking with the mother about yours and her business.....


This is like a game of Clue or something. Rather suspenseful. I agree with JJ in that aspect, however, if she's done something recently that was intentional and dangerous/malicious or highly irresponsible, I'd say she needs the kids taken away and I'd imagine any court would agree. Of course it could be something from her past that caught up with her (maybe the IRS or something?) The way you describe doesn't put her in the light of a drug addict, murderer or thief...so what could it be? I'll be watching this thread for sure! :joint:


Active member


Well , My guess is she has/had a boyfriend , and she got caught with "Doc." at work . If its only a week ? Well let us all know man .


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