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What can we do about Climate Change?

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The Voice of Reason
I cannot understand anyone who derides equality and favors elitism.
that is the heart of evil in humanity as far as I am concerned.


Active member
it is in our nature to destroy everything in our path.humans are a disease....period.as long as we get what we want in the meesly time we are here thats all that matters to us.ever heard the saying"he who dies with the most toys wins"?and the thing is the only way we will ultimately change is to be at a precipus of change.that only comes when we would be faced with extinction.it is not aq problem to us unless it is in our own backyrard,until then our mentality is FUCK IT!WE WONT SEE IT.BUT LET ME TELL YOU,AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION.......WE ARE DOOMED,WE CANT SUSTAIN THIS FOREVER,NO FUCKING WAY.WE ARE ANIMALS WHO WERE MADE TO LIVE OFF THE LAND.BUT WE ARE PUSSIES CAUSE WE WONT DO IT.I ACTUALLY WOULD NOT TOTALLY MIND IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED AND WE WERE FORCED TO LIVE THAT WAY.I WOULD THRIVE IN THAT ENVIORNMENT,THE RICH PEOPLE WOULD BE THE ONES WHO COULD NOT SURVIVE WITHOUT GUYS LIKE ME.



Put your emotions in check bud. This is supposed to be a discussion, not a "knock down fight".


The Voice of Reason
Originally posted by Grat3fulH3ad...
Kudos for Maine !!

We have known about Tidal Power technology since at least the 60's ( I have a Master's in E.E. and studied it back then ) Why is it taking so long to put into practice?

$$$ to be made by Fossil Fuel Nuclear Energy mongers!


Given that you have a masters in a related field... How would you characterize ibjammins assertion that nothing can replace oil?


Originally Posted by Grat3fulH3ad...
Given that you have a masters in a related field... How would you characterize ibjammins assertion that nothing can replace oil?

That it was not firmly grounded in reality...
I'm trying to be nice here...


Active member

Put your emotions in check bud. This is supposed to be a discussion, not a "knock down fight".

You're right...I'm a little pissy today... But damn it...I'm tired of people spewing politically correct bullshit. Let everyone speak...don't muzzle certain ideas...any ideas.

Given that you have a masters in a related field... How would you characterize ibjammins assertion that nothing can replace oil?

I'm waiting too...

Where's the burnable substance as abundant as seawater? Because we burn several MILLION gallons a day. And don't forget...we use a whole lotta plastic...all of that is oil.

Nope...oil will be around a long time. Until we can manipulate atoms at huge efficiencies.


The Voice of Reason
You're right...I'm a little pissy today... But damn it...I'm tired of people spewing politically correct bullshit. Let everyone speak...don't muzzle certain ideas...any ideas.
certain topics are against the rules here on this forum.

the idea that white people are superior to brown people being one of them.

racist hatred and nationalist fervor has NO place is this community, and offers no viable fair solution for any od the problems which have been discussed.
I'm waiting too...
No need to wait. Your assertion was properly characterized.
That it was not firmly grounded in reality...
I'm trying to be nice here...
Where's the burnable substance as abundant as seawater? Because we burn several MILLION gallons a day. And don't forget...we use a whole lotta plastic...all of that is oil.

Nope...oil will be around a long time. Until we can manipulate atoms at huge efficiencies.
So you completely ignored the articles I linked to... right on.

But, guess what... Id does not have to be one singe tech to completely replace fossil fuels. Different replacements are better suited to different situations. You really should study up, before making ridiculous assertions.

Converting CO2 and Methane into Gasoline could replace a huge portion of our fossil fuel consumption, since it would require zero infrastructure retrofitting.

Converting piss into electricity in individual communities (every community has somewhere to process sewage, right) could vastly reduce the need for huge fossil fired power plants.

In areas where homes are too far from sewage treatment to draw that power... Photovoltaic paint could power an entire house for very little initial cost...

If you are looking for one single 'catch all' tech to completely replace oil, then your assertions might hold some water, but in the real world... Lots of small scale solutions can add up to make a huge difference.

Don't let ignorance drive apathy. Educate yourself!


Active member
i agree,there should be no racial slurring here.we are all human.i thiunk it is extremely stone age to judge someone by the colour of their skin.another human nature,we critisize and hurt people who are different.i never understood that at all.it just makes no sense to me at all.and people call me stupid because i talke like this.i just said what a lot of people are afraid to be judged for saying.i just dont give a slice.what you see is what you get.it is more than fossil fuels and methane,its human interaction with the planet,every bad thing that is and will happen is DIRECTLY affected by man.some of you guys are missing the big picture.you are placing the blame on corporations and such,we shoiuld all share the blame and just take responsibility.if everyone in north america recycled,composted,followed trash procedures,bought products good for the enviornment and so on and on and on.....then over time there would be a quantafialable difference.to take the blame away from ourselves is giving the problem to someone else to try to solve.we all have to take action and try a little harder instead of rushing to save things in a last ditch effort to survive when it all comes crashing down....and it will someday,somethings gotta give eventually.im not saying that thse big companies are not to blame either,i think there should be a new law,if you spill the oil,the heads of the company should be executed.i mean you just killed thousands of animals and fucked up the enviornment in a huge way.you should have to pay with your life.this BPO spill is going to have astronomical effcts to the planet,effects that we will see for decades to come...al from one spill.that is worht a life if you ask me,instead its just a fine.well let me tell you if you are making billions of dollarsss a couple million does not hurt a company enough to even care.you have make them accountaBLE.if this BPO ceo was to be executed,i tell you i dont think you would ever see a oil spill ever again.i know it is extreme,but we live in extreme times.i mean common,you get busted with 10 pounds of weed in the states and you go to prison for a while,spill oil that kills i dont know how many animals and drastic effects for years to come nad its a fine....does that make sense?

sac beh

Listen...I don't give a damn about "your" studies...I can always find a study or two to support "my" side...to support ANY side...let's be honest...OK?

And speaking of being "honest"...I noticed you have Jamaica listed in your top 4 of "wonderful places to emulate"... I can't take seriously ANYTHING you HAVE or WILL say after seeing that!

JAMAICA!?!?!?!? Jamaica is your SHINING EXAMPLE of the utopia you seek?!?!?

FUCK THAT...I'll say it even louder...FUCK THAT!

I've been to Jamaica sister...it's the absolutely LAST place I'd EVER want to be! (My opinion of course, no offense to Jamaicans

All of your problems stem from the fact that you make conclusions before informing yourself. Again if you had read the study, it is explained why Jamaica is ranked #3 in the world. Or shall I quote it for you?

Jamaica’s appearance in the top three of the HPI table comes somewhat as a surprise. It is fair to say that the country has been in some economic trouble for over 30 years, resulting in high levels of inequality and unemployment, and some of the highest homicide rates in the world. Moderate levels of life satisfaction perhaps reflect this reality.

And yet, despite these problems, the island is able to maintain some of the best levels of health in the developing world, as indicated by its high average life expectancy. Together with its very small ecological footprint, it is this which puts Jamaica towards the top of the HPI table.

In his book Poverty and life expectancy: the Jamaica paradox, American historian Professor James Riley traces the roots of the island’s good health.119 He finds that gains in life expectancy began to be made in the 1920s, as the British imperial apparatus began to pull out of the island, and continued for 50 years. What is notable is that these gains were made regardless of economic growth. For example, between 1920 and 1950, life expectancy increased from 36 years to 55 years, despite stagnant GDP growth. He attributes the progress to well-targeted low-cost government solutions such as good sanitation and public awareness campaigns. As a result, most Jamaicans have access to improved water – unusual in a county with a GDP per capita one-tenth that of the USA. Also of note are the conditions around childbirth in the country: 97 per cent of babies are born with the assistance of skilled health professionals, and only four per cent of children are underweight – a figure comparable to richer nations such as Argentina. Lastly, it is worth noting that, despite high inequality, Jamaica is able to ensure that few people fall in the most extreme poverty bracket. The proportion of people living on under $1-a-day is less than in richer countries such as Costa Rica, Argentina or Turkey.120

With regards to its ecological footprint, Jamaica is starting to move towards renewable energy sources. The Wigton Wind Farm, constructed in 2004, provides 63GWh per year of electricity.121 Currently, approximately five per cent of its energy requirements are met from renewable sources – a low figure but roughly the same as that of the UK.


Active member
YOU SEE THATS OUR PROBLEM YOU GUYS ARE TOO BUSY POINTING OUT EACHOTHERS FAULTS INSTEAD OF PUTTING YOUR HEAD DOWN AND TAKING YOUR OWN STAND.who really cares about those studies anyways?seriously!did you do the studies yourself,then you have no real weay of knowing if the results are real or not.


The Voice of Reason
YOU SEE THATS OUR PROBLEM YOU GUYS ARE TOO BUSY POINTING OUT EACHOTHERS FAULTS INSTEAD OF PUTTING YOUR HEAD DOWN AND TAKING YOUR OWN STAND.who really cares about those studies anyways?seriously!did you do the studies yourself,then you have no real weay of knowing if the results are real or not.

If there are studies or statistics which can be used to support or to effectively communicate one's stance, and if the data upon which the study is based are clearly accounted for and empirically verifiable, then what is wrong with including them to substantiate your assertions?

I am not busy pointing out anyone's faults, but pointing out flaws in another's reasoning is integral to the discussion/debate, imho.... and Staying within site guidelines in integral to maintaining an ICmag membership in good standing.

peer review of studies helps to validate the data and observations.

opinions which are not based on good information, or which ignore portions of the available information are not usually valuable opinions.


Active member
All of your problems stem from the fact that you make conclusions before informing yourself. Again if you had read the study, it is explained why Jamaica is ranked #3 in the world. Or shall I quote it for you?

I HAVE read studies more than you can imagine.

You're not going to convince me to trade The United States and it's standard of living with...Jamaica! It will NEVER happen. It's like trying to get me to trade a Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout for a Coors...it ain't gonna happen. Like getting me to trade my homegrown for some Mexican schwag...IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. And if "you" (liberals) think you can sneak it past the rest of us...God help you when the rest of them figure out what you're up to!

Your problem is right there in your signature... You think you can make what's real...what's reality...better.

The trouble with pseudo-intellectuals...they read only the books on their side...and they discount "lab work"...the real world. They have "one sided book smarts" and no clue about what's down the street.

I told you...you want America to be just like Jamaica...I don't. End of the discussion on that...OK?

Let's now move away from countries we're "supposed to emulate" and back to reality.

So...what are you going to use instead of oil for plastic? Or do we have to do without plastic? Is that part of the "live like the Jamaicans"? I'm willing to forget about gasoline and diesel for now...how do we replace plastic?


The Voice of Reason
No one has suggested that the US should become like a third world country.
That's a complete mischaracterization of this thread.

I am still amazed that you support this neofeudalistic paradigm, in which nations of elites subject nations of serfs... and then try to blame the harm which industrialization has caused, on the subjected serf nations.

If you kill off all of the world's poor, who's going to make cheap smartphones for you to buy?


The Voice of Reason
all im saying is start where it directly effects you.

AGW directly affects the entirety of the world's population, but only a few of the world's nations are the principle drivers of the warming.

Solutions must span from the small things individuals can do, to the major changes inventors can invent, to the policies which drive corporate agenda... It will be a myriad of small solutions which add up to a greater whole, that will be able to mitigate problems and adapt to new paradigms... Killing off people so we can continue to behave in a self destructive manner for a bit of extra time is no solution.
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So...what are you going to use instead of oil for plastic?

Only modern plastic are made of oil, mostly because there has been no research to further the original plastic formulations. The original plastics were made from cow urea. Oil has no monopoly on plastic production.

Next ....


The Voice of Reason
Only modern plastic are made of oil, mostly because there has been no research to further the original plastic formulations. The original plastics were made from cow urea. Oil has no monopoly on plastic production.

Next ....


"oil dependence" is a propaganda concept made up by oilmen.
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