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What are you smoking right now UK?


Active member
Got a little bit of Amnesia Haze tonight... lovely stuff, tastes sort of incensey.
First bit of weed in ages aswell.

No pics though, not enough... plus have smoked it now! hehe


Well-known member
Just had the last bowl of some White Russian....No smoke now for a few weeks, 20 quid for 1.8 round my way these days.

Dr. D

Active member
Smoking a new Gh33se pheno...fuely along with the other 5 phenos but this one is my fave for the moment...:D


yeah im on the quiso honey topped with a bit of cali trainwreck with a side order of powerskunk and as afters ive got the bubble cheese,

none grown by me but i made the quiso from psycosis trim lemon venom trim, and some nl x exo trim. loves it.

hey herb i just got some jungle cheese beans as a gift, germed 6 and got 6 plants cant wait to try these i loved the pursang haze.


Well-known member
Took delivery of my roor phunky feel tips today. They are glass roaches and I shall never be rolling a spliff with out them. They make the weed Taste awesome. It's amazing how much a normal card roach detracts or even ruins the flavour. I hilly recommend all you spliff smokers buy your self a pack, and a can or two of pressurised ipa so you can clean them after each use.


Sounds interesting never heard of glass roaches. Smoking some Power Skunk at the moment very resinous reminds me a lot of Amsterdam coffee shop weed. It's from the same seed company that does the LA Blanca only tried two of their strains but well impressed with both.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah must look out for those, i use ultra slim filter tips in my joints which is much better than cardboard roaches


Well-known member
I would say they are about an inch long, but you only roll the first half into the spliff. There are 3 different tips in the pack, 2 with a flattened mouth piece and one traditional round roach type.

Check out phunkyfeeltips . Com. They really are very good.


Active member
bubble cured for 3 months, shame its the last of it :joint:

herb, thanks for the heads up, what size are the glass roaches?

smoking some killer queen and cheseil ...this cheseil as gotta be the strongest weed ive toked in a long time!! proper heavy hitter lung expander mind fuker

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