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What a sorry state of affairs...

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have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
well....if I feel that the political structure in one place on the planet is too restrictive towards me and my family.....and it deprives me of certain freedoms....rather than just talking about it........do something about it....

...Either become a politician yourself and get muddy in the murky waters of politics......or move to a place where you feel more comfortable.......generally I just move, but that's because I'm a Gypsy.....

*oh.....you could also try armed insurrection.......but I wouldn't suggest you do that.....you would just be labeled a terrorist and have an army with unlimited funds hunting you....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I had a bunch of people quoted and I was going to reply to them all...but it was going to be way too long...so here goes the "Cliff Notes" version...

I'm saddened that certain topics can't be discussed. Period... Who ARE we if we can't rationally discuss anything? Not just here...anywhere. I wasn't singling out ICMag.

THAT is the sorry state of affairs I spoke of. The lack of freedom of speech ANYWHERE.

I'm happy as shit that ICMag is here! I love being able to talk shop about Cannabis...really! Thank you.

Yes, it would be nice to find a bastion of free speech...a place where we could HONESTLY talk about the worlds problems and possible solutions. But EVERY time we try...there's always some "thin skinned little girl" (said to make a point about the most sensitive amongst us) who goes off crying or starts the name calling. And then it ends.

I'm saddened by our resorting to "the least common denominator", "the dumbing down", "everything geared to the most sensitive". We're becoming mediocre... Why? Because we refuse to hold anyone accountable. We refuse to place blame where it belongs for fear of offending people or groups of people.

I guess it's me...being a man, I expect others to be strong too. Able to defend their position or admit defeat.

It would be nice to have a forum called..."The free-for-all"...ANYTHING goes...enter at your own risk.

Anyway...I was just feeling sad when I started this thread. Sad that half the opinions in this country are being silenced.

I think the swing the other way is starting. These "tea Party" people seem to be the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more" kind of folks... I see some changes coming... The Liberals went too far this time...passing Obamacare after they KNEW most of the taxpayers didn't want it. Maybe I'm wrong...hopefully I'm right. I see conservatism coming back...in a big way. It's our only hope...look at the national debt!

That was political huh? Jeez...how can I make a point without it? I need a waiver!

Have a great day...smoke a bowl for me.

You talk like you're thinking globally but then when you get down to it you're really just interested in the USA because that's the politics you're indicating you want to talk about. The question is though, why should people from Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Greece, Italy and so on, have to endure American Politics? It means very little to them and the way American's typically "discuss" politics only serves to strengthen the poor image of Americans that many non Americans hold. If the site allowed politics then whose politics should it be? Shouldn't we allow a forum for every country then just to be fair even if the members from other countries aren't interested? Or do we do it by the nationality of the majority of members would that be fair? What if the majority weren't Americans would it still be fair? Should the site cater to just a portion of it's membership?

I hear you on the inability to discuss these things in a calm rational manner, that truely is a sorry state of affairs. Nevertheless that inability does exist in topics like politics and religion which is likely why those topics are banned. There is no right or wrong position in these topics, just opinions and you know what they say about opinions, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink except your own." Like for example you're an Independent American who believes Conservatism is the only hope for America's future. Whereas I'm an Independent American that sees Conservatism as what has brought the American economy to the edge of failing by trusting greedy corporations to do the right thing with few if any regulations insuring that they actually do the right thing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
+ I have never seen anyone with a formed opinion change their mind in the middle of a debate. just beat your head against the wall..... you get the same result!

Actually I have but good point, it really is quite rare because it requires actual facts supporting an opposing opinion for someone to see their opinion is perhaps more emotion then logic. Actual facts are very rare in political debates even though facts are usually the best support for a given position or view within a debate.

sac beh

Would you like a special waiver?

Got it...blame someone besides "white male european" and it's politics. Blame "us" and it's a discussion of solutions. Thanks for the clarification. If "we" went away...everything would be grand again...suggestion that "you" do the same is blasphemy.

I say these things because they are true! Some problems ARE the fault of conservatives/Rebs and some problems ARE the fault of liberals/Dems. Some problems ARE the fault of the "group" mentioned. People DO have agendas. You're living in a vacuum, a vacuum you made for yourself because you seemingly refuse to listen to ANYONE with a contrarian opinion.

Politics would be me ALWAYS on the same side in EVERY discussion. I'm not...I go to the BEST (in my mind of course) position. You on the other hand are like clockwork. Should I answer my own questions? I'm beginning to think I know you well enough.

Believe me...you don't have many "true" Rep/conservatives here...not many smoke the herb. Not as many as "you", the liberals. So, I try to inject a little of the other sides thinking just to keep you honest. You have to admit...smoking weed is a pretty liberal thing. Not many Southern Baptists here I'd bet. Well not ALL Rep/conservative ideas are bullshit...and I'm here to tell you about a few.

I'll take that as a yes, then. You require the waiver.

If he gets one then I want one as well along with some sweet tooth.

Good idea, and its really the only logical solution at this point:

Get a free TOU Waiver with the purchase of Sweet Tooth or genetically related product. Offer valid until Christmas, 2010.

And remember kids, Santa says vote YES on 19 :yes:

Big D

well yeah there was that one time, lol!

like Gypsy says... don't talk about it, be about it!


Active member
well....if I feel that the political structure in one place on the planet is too restrictive towards me and my family.....and it deprives me of certain freedoms....rather than just talking about it........do something about it....

...Either become a politician yourself and get muddy in the murky waters of politics......or move to a place where you feel more comfortable.......generally I just move, but that's because I'm a Gypsy.....

*oh.....you could also try armed insurrection.......but I wouldn't suggest you do that.....you would just be labeled a terrorist and have an army with unlimited funds hunting you....

Believe me...I tried! I was ready to run until I found out the requirements. I'd be wasting my time, tens of thousands of signatures...advertising...not with my budget. Besides, independents get less than 1% here. I ALWAYS vote for them...because I know what they went through to get there. They REALLY want that job. The Reps/Dems won't have be...I'd be a rogue.

It's funny you should mention that...I'm working on N CA as I type...I have been trying to sell my place...paid for in full, so I can't just walk away like some some folks can.

I think you're on to something...the gypsy thing. I've asked in another thread recommendation where to go...I'm not sure. I was thinking Vegas for a while...have some fun...then off to CA for some growing. I'd like to make it a serious full time retirement hobby.

You talk like you're thinking globally but then when you get down to it you're really just interested in the USA because that's the politics you're indicating you want to talk about. The question is though, why should people from Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Greece, Italy and so on, have to endure American Politics? It means very little to them and the way American's typically "discuss" politics only serves to strengthen the poor image of Americans that many non Americans hold. If the site allowed politics then whose politics should it be? Shouldn't we allow a forum for every country then just to be fair even if the members from other countries aren't interested? Or do we do it by the nationality of the majority of members would that be fair? What if the majority weren't Americans would it still be fair? Should the site cater to just a portion of it's membership?

I hear you on the inability to discuss these things in a calm rational manner, that truely is a sorry state of affairs. Nevertheless that inability does exist in topics like politics and religion which is likely why those topics are banned. There is no right or wrong position in these topics, just opinions and you know what they say about opinions, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink except your own." Like for example you're an Independent American who believes Conservatism is the only hope for America's future. Whereas I'm an Independent American that sees Conservatism as what has brought the American economy to the edge of failing by trusting greedy corporations to do the right thing with few if any regulations insuring that they actually do the right thing.

Why DO they endure American politics? ARE we that powerful? Then I guess American politics is all that matters...got to get that in line first, then work on the small stuff...right?

You might not have guessed...but I'm not a big believer in "minority rights". If you want something that bed...go make your own place where you all agree...and work together. I believe in "human rights" as in "I" have the right as a human to do whatever "I" feel is right as long as I don't harm anyone else purposely. I will show you the same respect...you can do whatever you like as long as you don't interfere with me. I don't expect you to bother me, I don't expect you to beg. You do your thing and I do mine. I also believe "if you don't work in the garden...you don't eat". I HATE welfare!

Then it wasn't "conservatism" that failed...it was Greedy Corporations...right? Conservatism as I read it is nothing more than not spending more money than you have to. And ESPECIALLY not going into debt for entitlement programs. If we don't have the cash on the table...we don't borrow to give it away. And we are...because we borrow. They may SAY it's for another "project", but in the end...we're borrowing money...and we're giving money away. I say we go dollar for dollar...cut back on welfare until we're no longer having to borrow. If that's unacceptable...then cut something else to bring the borrowing back to zero.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't give a shit about "politics"...Fox news disgusts me most times...that's all they seem to talk about. What I care about is what it DOES to me and my country. There's a lot wrong, a lot we can't fix because we can't talk openly about it, and you're the problem if you just "go with the flow".

That's what I'd tell my wife when her opinion wasn't wanted (ignorance of the subject) and I want her to just keep quiet while I concentrate on doing it my way. Sound familiar? That's what "they" your representatives ARE doing to you...you've buried your head in the sand, they know it, they're changing everything to how THEY want it.

That's all I'll say...it's getting political.

First of all Fox News is anything but News, then again most News really isn't News but rather a distraction from the real news going on at the moment.

Also maybe if you're going to try to discuss politics you should try to do so in a way where you're not telling people what they do or think. My representatives aren't doing anything to me because none of them have ever been elected to a position of power to be able to do anything to me. Nor is my head buried in the sand. I see very clearly how the two major parties prevent any other parties from gaining enough traction to make a difference. If I could have my way I'd impose mandatory 2 term limits on every political office, I'd do away with the electoral college, I'd ban outside contributions to political campaigns, the only office a seated politician could run for would be the second term of the seat they already have. After that I'd tried to get the country to recognize that 30% turnout at the polls isn't a news worthy event to be celebrated but rather a national disgrace.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Why DO they endure American politics? ARE we that powerful? Then I guess American politics is all that matters...got to get that in line first, then work on the small stuff...right?

You might not have guessed...but I'm not a big believer in "minority rights". If you want something that bed...go make your own place where you all agree...and work together. I believe in "human rights" as in "I" have the right as a human to do whatever "I" feel is right as long as I don't harm anyone else purposely. I will show you the same respect...you can do whatever you like as long as you don't interfere with me. I don't expect you to bother me, I don't expect you to beg. You do your thing and I do mine. I also believe "if you don't work in the garden...you don't eat". I HATE welfare!

Then it wasn't "conservatism" that failed...it was Greedy Corporations...right? Conservatism as I read it is nothing more than not spending more money than you have to. And ESPECIALLY not going into debt for entitlement programs. If we don't have the cash on the table...we don't borrow to give it away. And we are...because we borrow. They may SAY it's for another "project", but in the end...we're borrowing money...and we're giving money away. I say we go dollar for dollar...cut back on welfare until we're no longer having to borrow. If that's unacceptable...then cut something else to bring the borrowing back to zero.

They don't endure it because most of them don't want to discuss it on a canna site but if you opened up a political forum here the majority speaking in it would be Americans speaking about American politics but Americans aren't the majority on the site so they (the non American majority) would be forced to endure having something they don't want (a political forum) on this site.

Okay so maybe I should have said Conservatism as it exists in American politics failed. Conservatism in America claims to be about responsible spending but isn't. The vast majority of our national debt was accumulated under "conservative" leadership as it exists in America. The Conservatism you speak of doesn't exist in American politics other then as a smoke and mirrors trick to lure in those who are easily misled.

Oh and by the way in case you haven't noticed you've been allowed a political soapbox to express your views for two days now and people have discussed your views with you. So is it really censorship you're mad about or the fact that your thoughts aren't being immortalized for future members?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Realize that perhaps we all have more freedoms in this day and age than our predecessors/ancestors had.......and we do have many more choices to go where we please...

I come from very humble origins.....and I can go when I want or need to go, whenever I feel the need.....and where-ever .....unless you are talking about outer space I suppose?

You choose to live in one country......and I choose to live in any country I choose to live in......simple really....

reverting to an old-old cliche'....'If ya can't stand the heat.....e.t.c.'


The Voice of Reason
I believe in "human rights" as in "I" have the right as a human to do whatever "I" feel is right as long as I don't harm anyone else purposely.

2 things:

1. Where on earth is there a country in which individual perception of right and wrong supersedes that society's collectively agreed on definition of right and wrong? Is there anywhere that lets yo do anything you please, as long as you don't think it is doing any harm?

2. The lifestyle of the average 'westerner' does do harm to others.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Okay so maybe I should have said Conservatism as it exists in American politics failed. Conservatism in America claims to be about responsible spending but isn't. The vast majority of our national debt was accumulated under "conservative" leadership as it exists in America. The Conservatism you speak of doesn't exist in American politics other then as a smoke and mirrors trick to lure in those who are easily misled.

I'm a non-religious, anti-war Conservative and I completely agree with your sentiment. I would have phrased it as "Neo-Con" philosophy has failed.

However, I also believe that Neo-Liberal philosophy dominates the other side. They are both Corporatist in their actions and corrupted to the core. I do believe there is a false left-right paradigm that dominates modern day politics in this country.

I also believe that the reason American politics has become so heated is because our political system is at the end of it's road and people are beginning to realize that we are more or less a failed state. The people across all political spectrums are mad and probably only going to get madder as we progress through what, IMO, will be Revolution 2.0. Be it peaceful or violent. :dunno: This is only the beginning of it though. We are done with cyclical political and economic cycles. IMO, we entering a massive secular change. Demographics of the aging population plays a considerable part in it.

I try my best to not get too political on here these days. It's hard for me though as I'm a political science major lol. I see politics in everything as politics is an extension of philosophy.

I love the spirit of our Constitution. I signed up to die for it. I despise the bankster tyranny we have become and I fear for our freedom in the future.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I tend to look at my life from a global perspective.......and don't pay much mind to American politics unless it's cannabis related....

I guess a whole bunch of you guys/gals live in the U.S.A. and possibly don't travel or think much beyond those borders?

There is a much bigger picture out there......and if you look at America from say Asia or Africa, Australasia, or even Europe.......it's a long way away and doesn't really make a lot of difference to you in daily life.......hence the difference between a local and global perspective.....

and....really what made America what it is today was people choosing to 'up stakes' from where ever they were in the world and moving there........it might well work the other way in the future.....


Active member
Give them a little Fight Club forum. :prettyplease:

NOW I understand your quote...

They don't endure it because most of them don't want to discuss it on a canna site but if you opened up a political forum here the majority speaking in it would be Americans speaking about American politics but Americans aren't the majority on the site so they (the non American majority) would be forced to endure having something they don't want (a political forum) on this site.

Okay so maybe I should have said Conservatism as it exists in American politics failed. Conservatism in America claims to be about responsible spending but isn't. The vast majority of our national debt was accumulated under "conservative" leadership as it exists in America. The Conservatism you speak of doesn't exist in American politics other then as a smoke and mirrors trick to lure in those who are easily misled.

Oh and by the way in case you haven't noticed you've been allowed a political soapbox to express your views for two days now and people have discussed your views with you. So is it really censorship you're mad about or the fact that your thoughts aren't being immortalized for future members?

You're blaming the wrong people AGAIN...it's not conservatives you dislike...it's the Republican party. THEY had the power. Vote for neither if you want real change... Ooops...sorry.

I'm a non-religious, anti-war Conservative and I completely agree with your sentiment. I would have phrased it as "Neo-Con" philosophy has failed.

However, I also believe that Neo-Liberal philosophy dominates the other side. They are both Corporatist in their actions and corrupted to the core. I do believe there is a false left-right paradigm that dominates modern day politics in this country.

I also believe that the reason American politics has become so heated is because our political system is at the end of it's road and people are beginning to realize that we are more or less a failed state. The people across all political spectrums are mad and probably only going to get madder as we progress through what, IMO, will be Revolution 2.0. Be it peaceful or violent. :dunno: This is only the beginning of it though. We are done with cyclical political and economic cycles. IMO, we entering a massive secular change. Demographics of the aging population plays a considerable part in it.

I try my best to not get too political on here these days. It's hard for me though as I'm a political science major lol. I see politics in everything as politics is an extension of philosophy.

I love the spirit of our Constitution. I signed up to die for it. I despise the bankster tyranny we have become and I fear for our freedom in the future.

Bingo! NO political system has EVER worked. They ALL fall apart...from corruption.

Yup, us old people...the boomers...we're on our way out. You guys are left with the bill. What are you going to do?

That's what I was trying to convey to the others...politics enters into EVERYTHING. Your marriage is political.

People are blaming the wrong people for our mess. The problem is the system. The system is broken, it's become corrupt. Revolution 2.0 IS coming. It will come in full force when there is half the population over 50 and needing support...with nothing to support them with. Overpopulation buddy...it's a bitch! The young people, never having to "do" anything for themselves will be lost deer in the headlights. I see lots of starving. But I can be a fatalist sometimes...

Enough of that...it's political.

Bottom line...we own it, we tried it, it gets fucked up, sorry.

You can close it now if you'd like. We're moving off topic.

sac beh

You're blaming the wrong people AGAIN...it's not conservatives you dislike...it's the Republican party. THEY had the power. Vote for neither if you want real change... Ooops...sorry.

Bingo! NO political system has EVER worked. They ALL fall apart...from corruption.

Yup, us old people...the boomers...we're on our way out. You guys are left with the bill. What are you going to do?

That's what I was trying to convey to the others...politics enters into EVERYTHING. Your marriage is political.

Look for one of these in special packs of the new Sweet Tooth :)


Big D

The only way to change politics in America IMO, is to not participate! If at the time of the next election no one showed up to vote.... things would change!

but then again maybe I'm an idiot :D


The Voice of Reason
Bingo! NO political system has EVER worked. They ALL fall apart...from corruption.
Top Ten Least Corrupt Nations: CPI Index Rankings
10. Iceland
CPI Score: 8.7

Surveys used: 4

Confidence Range: 7.5-9.4

Iceland is perceived as the “most developed country.” Its economy is known to have freedom in business, investment, trade, finance and property rights. They have efficient business regulation; the island has a modest domestic market. However, Iceland does have rigid labor regulations, as well as very high government spending.

9. Canada
CPI Score: 8.7

Surveys used: 4

Confidence Range: 8.5-9.0

Canada is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, and is also one of the world’s ten top trading nations. Its economic freedom is lower than the US but higher than most of Europe. It also has a relatively low government debt.

8. Australia
CPI Score: 8.7

Surveys used: 4

Confidence Range: 8.3-9.0

Australia has one of the most laissez-fair free market economies in the world. Its per capita GDP is also higher than the US, UK, Germany and France.

7. Netherlands
CPI Score: 8.9

Surveys used: 6

Confidence Range: 8.7-9.0

The Netherlands was one of the first parliamentary democracies on earth. The Netherlands’ city, the Hague, is called “the world’s legal capital” The Netherlands also has one of the most free-market economies in the world.

6. Finland
CPI Score: 8.9

Surveys used: 6

Confidence Range: 8.4-9.4

Finland is also marked as the second most stable country in the world. It is also 1st country in the 2009 Legatum Prosperity ranking, which is based on wealth, health, governance, economic fundamentals, education and personal freedom.

5. Switzerland
CPI Score: 9.0

Surveys used: 6

Confidence Range: 8.9-9.1

Switzerland is also one of the richest countries by per capita GDP. Zurich and Geneva always rate as having some of the highest qualities of life. Though Switzerland has long held neutrality in wars, there have been some behind-the-scenes shady banking activities throughout the years.

4. Sweden
CPI Score: 9.2

Surveys used: 6

Confidence Range: 9.0-9.3

Sweden in a highly developed country, and often maintains neutrality during wartime.

3. Singapore
CPI Score: 9.2

Surveys used: 9

Confidence Range: 9.0-9.4

Singapore started out as a small fishing village, and then went through several periods of colonization. After its independence, its economy developed rapidly. It is a very rich nation with a high standard of living. It is a very expensive place to live, and laws that seem petty can be strictly enforced.

2. Denmark
CPI Score: 9.3

Surveys used: 6

Confidence Range: 9.1-9.5

Denmark also has a mixed market capitalist economy and a huge welfare state; it has the world’s highest level of income equality. It always ranks as having one of the best business environments in the world, as well as being one of the happiest places to live. It is the second most peaceful country in the world.

1. New Zealand
CPI Score: 9.4

Surveys used: 6

Confidence Range: 9.1-9.5

New Zealand is the most peaceful country in the world, partially due to its isolation. It is also a developed country with high human development, quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, economic freedom and press freedom. One of the best places in the world to live, whether you’re a native or expat!

The above information is based on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The scores indicate the perceived level of corruption in the public sector for each country. The CPI had 13 surveys, but not all of the surveys were used in each country. The confidence range shows the margin of error in these surveys.

Here is a Forbes article about the most corrupt : http://www.forbes.com/2007/04/03/corruption-countries-nations-biz-07caphosp-cx_da_0403corrupt.html
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