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What a sorry state of affairs...

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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
So who wants to talk about Sweet Tooth? :biggrin:

He just never ever fails, most the time I expect to see his name and sweet tooth pop up, its almost a gurantee. But sometimes, like now, when I am least expecting it, I am reading this thread and BAM there it is....lol Crack me up man! When is the estimated time frame for release?


I come here to learn about weed and talk about weed, politics bring out the ugly sides of people and divides the room. I think by banning political chat allows better flow of info, peeps dont let differences of opinion get in the way.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Koot said around end of this year near Christmas probably, I'm crossing my fingers! :rtfo:

I will hit you back with + rep bro when I recharge, I've been giving it out all day so it says I gave too much out in last 24 hrs again. :canabis:
See, that's what I love about icmag. People around here really have a sense of humor and I end up having at least one real belly laugh a day. Like Krunchbubble's thread, for instance. he's going through a lot, and yet we started talking about the thread count of the sheets that were weirdly swiped by the police and the next thing you know, everyone is cracking jokes and laughing and just enjoying life, even when it has dealt a fellow grower a low blow.

I have to say I am interested in this sweet tooth, especially since hearing about it in the anti-anxiety thread. . . . .



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
People around here really have a sense of humor

Agreed my brother, I am sure you will find it very relieving for your needs. At least SOME of us have a good sense of humor. I know I do! :biggrin:

Record, well.. :moon:


Active member
Well i would!

Well i would!

Politicians and led sellers,id shit in either of their hats,both given the opportunity!
most take this world too seriously .A
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think it was about a year or more ago when I allowed a political forum, much to the disdain of many of the other mods/admins......as an experiment to see if members could use it without outright nastiness and conduct themselves in a civil and progressive manner in that forum.......but as many of the mods/admins had told me/predicted.... it mostly just ended up with threads that went completely south where members were calling other members a variety of vicious expletives and insults because they had a contrary belief .......

In my own home I like to have a climate of peace and understanding.......occasionally a good argument, but when someone comes into my house and presents themselves as an uncivilized/rude protagonist that uses my home to promote their agenda....what ever that may be.....and in so doing break the harmony.... then they are quickly shown the door......

I expect many of you would feel the same way about it.....


I think it was about a year or more ago when I allowed a political forum, much to the disdain of many of the other mods/admins......as an experiment to see if members could use it without outright nastiness and conduct themselves in a civil and progressive manner in that forum.......but as many of the mods/admins had told me/predicted.... it mostly just ended up with threads that went completely south where members were calling other members a variety of vicious expletives and insults because they had a contrary belief .......

In my own home I like to have a climate of peace and understanding.......occasionally a good argument, but when someone comes into my house and presents themselves as an uncivilized/rude protagonist that uses my home to promote their agenda....what ever that may be.....and in so doing break the harmony.... then they are quickly shown the door......

I expect many of you would feel the same way about it.....

It would be downright ignorant and rude for someone to question whether arguments and expletives are better than peace and harmony.

Isn't that what the definition of moderation on an online forum is, to KEEP the peace and harmony? When you have members that act in such ways, showing them the door is the correct way to handle things...but do you not think with as great a presence the moderators are here that a specific rule-set, sub forum and multiple moderators couldn't keep a debate civil?

Blue Light has a "Current Events" section and 1 moderator holds it down...ONE...just as an example. Some of us find a bit more importance in the world than JUST cannabis...I love it to death but on the same token it's not the only thing that encompasses my life, my thoughts, feelings, etc. I just think if things were handled differently that ALLOWING political posts in the Tokers Den (no need for a sub forum necessarily) and just having a strict set of rules with moderators paying attention as the usually do, the problematic members would be dealt with.

Like I said, this is a private forum and your rules are your rules, but understand that many will consider it to be a downer on free speech and in the cannabis movement, you of all people know free speech is an extremely important thing to cannabis users as we are thrown in prison every day for using the plant (myself included have been in a cage because of it)
SOTF420, I'm a sister, not a brother. :) But thank you.

And I agree that this is mostly a nice, pleasant place to be that is peaceful and harmonious. The only problem is that there are some people who just can't or won't be nice to others, but as a woman, I simply avoid them by going in the Bad Girls Club where Mrs. B makes sure that no one like that is allowed. (And frankly, the women around here don't seem to have the tendency to be mean to one another, as far as I've seen, so it's easier to keep a close eye on things there, as well as there not being tons of posts).

I like to escape to this board and discuss pot with people that are as crazy about it as I am. My real life friends are pretty crazy about it, don't get me wrong, and ask us lots of questions about it (especially Mr. Mountain who can spout the lineage of practically any kind of pot around), but they are not sold out and willing to live the life the way that we are and the way that others around here are. I think that's what brings us together here and when we have something that brings us apart it interferes with what is really a great online community. Obviously Gypsy doesn't mind talking about politics or us talking about politics, but his priority is the unity of the community around our common love, pot. I think it's a great priority, b/c I find that this place is unique and I'm glad it's here.


I perceive the open involvement of MODS in the forum is the complication. They develop into the predominant mark to debate and troll.

MODS should be silent in manufacturing their judgements this way, there is no TROLLING their conclusions. You do not need a rank while heeding to your responsibility as MODS.

This thread is an ideal example every time a MOD makes a comment someone feels it is directed towards them and their beliefs and in return, they do not feel their opinion is wanted.

I see you guys fighting a losing battle. What are going to do when there are 200,000 members or 300,000, I guarantee you will have a dozen threads a day similar to this?

Create a garbage den and do not allow MODS to participate. They should have to create a different account and keep their identity protected if they would like to join in. Think about it, you cannot argue with a MOD if there is not one to argue with.

As far as you keeping members from befriending each other along political affiliations is not working and just creates more stress and work for the MODS.



I hear ya... I told Red how to hunt the MF down that ripped him off and they deleted it... :blowbubbles: Who gives a shit? I don't, just need to pm the info next time.

I giggle every time I see a freedom of speech lame ass thread... If you believe all that stuff you spout, then you know, you are only as free as "they" want you to be... And I'm not talking ICMag here... Sounds like you need to kill your TV... I don't own one, won't own one...

Not everyone likes me or my point of view... Who cares? Sometimes they delete my posts or threads... Who cares?
I'm not allowed freedom of speech... Who cares? Write a fucking book I will read it...

We are all guests here... Let's try to act like it...

I hang at a pretty hardcore no holds barred site that keeps your IP so if you do get stupid, or bring up a thread like this... Bye Bye forever... Just be glad if you do get banned from here you can come back under a diff name... Peace and puffs

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I reckon that we all feel a sense of community here in that most all of us grow and share our joys and woes concerning this......

ICMAG.com is a global site but when we had a political forum up I found that 99% of the discussion centered around primarily the politics of the USA where you have members who are supporters of one political party or another and would vehemently support their own political leanings to the point of trashing anyone else........

Good contributing growers who show many excellent threads in the grow forums would come into the arguments and trash others for their beliefs....to the point where Mods/Admins had to step in and break it up all of the time because it seems like relatively civil minded, helpful and polite people can turn into consummate flamers when broaching the subject matter during political discussions.......so this all was taking up so much time and effort for the Mods/Admins to sort out and at the same time it was creating much disharmony amongst what had been solid contributing members in the grow forums.....who were all getting fired up over some other member in good standing challenging their own political beliefs.....so leading to the members taking their grudges against each other into other areas of the site, stalking each other and basically behaving badly....

It just does not work......I know because I have tried it and seen the results.....and so has every other Mod/Admin on the site and we are all in agreement on it....


Active member
There's no death of open debate or free speech happening here..

Its just a matter of learning the difference between on-topic opposing views expressed respectfully and off-topic offensive and/or political content.

I concur. In order for their to be a death of open debate or free speech.... we would have had to have either of those things to begin with.

I don't really understand the point of the Den if we can't talk about anything in here, I mean stuff that is clearly political, i understand, but other stuff?

Imo, The problem is a few select mods here at ic are power trippers. I'm not naming any names, but they know who they are. Its amusing even more, because they try to justify it with excuses and reasons on why they need to be in every non grow thread.

members are getting butt hurt cause someone else offended them? Get over yourselves people. Its the internet and you are supposed to be adults. If you don't like a conversation don't participate.


Please think on it some more.
It could become a behemoth of it's own one day.


Active member
I had a bunch of people quoted and I was going to reply to them all...but it was going to be way too long...so here goes the "Cliff Notes" version...

I'm saddened that certain topics can't be discussed. Period... Who ARE we if we can't rationally discuss anything? Not just here...anywhere. I wasn't singling out ICMag.

THAT is the sorry state of affairs I spoke of. The lack of freedom of speech ANYWHERE.

I'm happy as shit that ICMag is here! I love being able to talk shop about Cannabis...really! Thank you.

Yes, it would be nice to find a bastion of free speech...a place where we could HONESTLY talk about the worlds problems and possible solutions. But EVERY time we try...there's always some "thin skinned little girl" (said to make a point about the most sensitive amongst us) who goes off crying or starts the name calling. And then it ends.

I'm saddened by our resorting to "the least common denominator", "the dumbing down", "everything geared to the most sensitive". We're becoming mediocre... Why? Because we refuse to hold anyone accountable. We refuse to place blame where it belongs for fear of offending people or groups of people.

I guess it's me...being a man, I expect others to be strong too. Able to defend their position or admit defeat.

It would be nice to have a forum called..."The free-for-all"...ANYTHING goes...enter at your own risk.

Anyway...I was just feeling sad when I started this thread. Sad that half the opinions in this country are being silenced.

I think the swing the other way is starting. These "tea Party" people seem to be the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more" kind of folks... I see some changes coming... The Liberals went too far this time...passing Obamacare after they KNEW most of the taxpayers didn't want it. Maybe I'm wrong...hopefully I'm right. I see conservatism coming back...in a big way. It's our only hope...look at the national debt!

That was political huh? Jeez...how can I make a point without it? I need a waiver!

Have a great day...smoke a bowl for me.
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