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What a sorry state of affairs...

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The Voice of Reason
I've been an active member on canna forums for nearly ten years, and have yet to see a discussion remain civil and productive once U.S. politics gets drug into it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have been active on canna-sites for well over a decade now and have seen how these Shark Tanks/Trash-Pit forums end up spilling over into the rest of the sites.....so tarnishing good grow threads with petty vendettas created in the forum where they say you can have 'no holds barred' discussions on any topic you please from picking your nose to armed rebellion.....

I would much rather not have it here.....basically because it just breeds disharmony and so creates much more work for the Mods/Admins that is usually totally off-topic to what this site is mainly about....cannabis...

Green lung

Active member
Anyway...I was just feeling sad when I started this thread. Sad that half the opinions in this country are being silenced.

I think the swing the other way is starting. These "tea Party" people seem to be the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more" kind of folks... I see some changes coming... The Liberals went too far this time...passing Obamacare after they KNEW most of the taxpayers didn't want it. Maybe I'm wrong...hopefully I'm right. I see conservatism coming back...in a big way. It's our only hope...look at the national debt!


This guy just can't give it up lol


IC member and he enjoyed debating. His posts are half the reason I am begging for some kind ultra modified solution.


The Voice of Reason
I had a bunch of people quoted and I was going to reply to them all...but it was going to be way too long...so here goes the "Cliff Notes" version...

I'm saddened that certain topics can't be discussed. Period... Who ARE we if we can't rationally discuss anything? Not just here...anywhere. I wasn't singling out ICMag.

THAT is the sorry state of affairs I spoke of. The lack of freedom of speech ANYWHERE.

Yes, it would be nice to find a bastion of free speech...a place where we could HONESTLY talk about the worlds problems and possible solutions. But EVERY time we try...there's always some "thin skinned little girl" (said to make a point about the most sensitive amongst us) who goes off crying or starts the name calling. And then it ends.

Have a great day...smoke a bowl for me.

Very lively and often heated religious and political discussions take place on the huffington post below every single article. You'll find plenty of people that both disagree with you and that support you.

Huffington Post said:
We do not discriminate based on the person who is posting, and we never censor comments for political or ideological reasons. We never delete an appropriate comment because we disagree with its viewpoint or ideology, and we never publish an inappropriate comment because we agree with or support its viewpoint or ideology.

This can sometimes lead to frustration, anger, hyperbole, or the use of biting humor. Courtesy can vanish, manners abandoned. As a community dedicated to being open and transparent and committed to fostering a vibrant discussion of the issues of the day, we can tolerate this.

We also allow a reasonable level of profanity. But our commitment to a basically civil tone means we do not allow extravagant or superfluous profanity or speech that is otherwise vile. We use our common-sense judgment to discern between the two and err on the side of openness and transparency.

Perhaps you could get it out of your system over there.

Their policies support freedom of speech, as long as it is not 'hate speech' or the like.

As such, we do not allow hate speech, nor do we allow speech that advocates or supports hatred or unlawful violence. We do not allow racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, or other intolerance. Likewise, threats of violence or threats to anyone or any group's personal safety are not acceptable. We also do not allow false claims or misleading implications that any individual or group perpetuates hate or unlawful violence.

We do not allow comments that criticize others based on physical appearances or mental characteristics. We do not allow comments that celebrate the death, illness, or personal loss of any person.

We also do not allow the promotion and propagation of conspiracy theories.
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sac beh

I think the swing the other way is starting. These "tea Party" people seem to be the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more" kind of folks... I see some changes coming... The Liberals went too far this time...passing Obamacare after they KNEW most of the taxpayers didn't want it. Maybe I'm wrong...hopefully I'm right. I see conservatism coming back...in a big way. It's our only hope...look at the national debt!

I think advocating support for your tea Party may be against the TOU here. Not sure. There might be a thread about this where the Mods explain.. maybe do a search for TOU + politics?


-Perhaps a thread or two a week.
-Subject for discourse chosen by staff.
-Thread starter mod


I quit reading the religion post area , when ever there was a post about God, some atheist would troll it and just slag everyone that does believe, and thus throw the thread off course. I didn't even realize there is no longer a religion post area. We need to talk politics, when it applies to cannabis.


Active member
I have been active on canna-sites for well over a decade now and have seen how these Shark Tanks/Trash-Pit forums end up spilling over into the rest of the sites.....so tarnishing good grow threads with petty vendettas created in the forum where they say you can have 'no holds barred' discussions on any topic you please from picking your nose to armed rebellion.....

I would much rather not have it here.....basically because it just breeds disharmony and so creates much more work for the Mods/Admins that is usually totally off-topic to what this site is mainly about....cannabis...

Good point...some people do hold a grudge. I make it a point to email someone I'm in a particularly heated discussion with trying to explain that it's just my opinion, I don't mean anything by it...no hard feelings...it's "just business". So hopefully they realize that it's just a disagreement and not the end of the world. I hate when things in Vegas don't stay in Vegas. You may hate his politics but he can sure grow a mean bud...listen to the man.

This place is fine...I appreciate you providing it. I think you understand my "complaint" is with censorship in general...in the real world.

I have no experience running a forum...I'll gladly defer to your wisdom and accept "it's not worth it".

IC member and he enjoyed debating. His posts are half the reason I am begging for some kind ultra modified solution.

??? I'm sorry...you lost me?

Very lively and often heated religious and political discussions take place on the huffington post below every single article. You'll find plenty of people that both disagree with you and that support you.

Perhaps you could get it out of your system over there.

Their policies support freedom of speech, as long as it is not 'hate speech' or the like.

Thank you...you may be right...a good venting does a mind good eh?

Actually, that's what I do here more than anything...vent about the problems and the non-solutions being put forth. The thing is...and this is what you do that pisses me off...you stifle views contrary to your own...in an underhanded way. You should at least let people speak...what are you afraid of? The REAL reason we fail to come to adequate solutions is because ALL the elements of the problem aren't taken into account. Parts of the problem are cast aside as inconsequential...when in reality...they're the root cause. You can't fix something if you deny part of the problem...if you HIDE part of the problem. Get it? Get my frustration?

sac beh

I think advocating support for your tea Party may be against the TOU here. Not sure. There might be a thread about this where the Mods explain.. maybe do a search for TOU + politics?

It's not MY party...I never said or implied it was. What? You can't mention a group because it's a political party? I don't get it. I was making a point about population sentiment...you are aware it swings from liberal to moderate to conservative from time to time?

Please...I think YOU need to define what YOU think is "political". I'm making an OBSERVATION about a political party and it's followers.

You and Head...you both are sticklers for "rules". Think outside the box! Run with scissors occasionally! A discussion isn't won because someone else broke a rule...by default. It's won with the better idea. Americoni may have "technically" discovered America...but where would he have been without Columbus? And who's name is remembered with the "New World"? Americoni won by a technicality...but did he?

Be more tolerant...that's all I ask. Let everyone speak. Show them calmly, without name calling, the error in their ways.

but seriously...how can you discuss global warming, legalization, any number of topics without bringing up the politics behind it? That's WHY things happen...politics.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Who needs politics when you have Sweet Tooth to talk about? :wave:

sac beh

You and Head...you both are sticklers for "rules". Think outside the box!

Its less about rules and more about reading comprehension at this point. Gypsy has only asked to think outside the box of politics that all of your posts are trapped in. If you can't discuss anything without bringing up conservative this, liberal that, the country is going downhill because of these types of people, these races are ruining the world, people have hidden agendas to take away your freedoms, etc., etc., maybe the Mods could give you a special waiver for their rule of no politics. Would you like a special waiver?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Actually...my thoughts went way beyond just "here".

YOU have free speech because yours is the "party line". I'm a contrarian...my thoughts aren't welcomed...in that regard.

I completely understand private property...I'm a huge believer in it. NOBODY has the right to tell you what you can/can't do with your own property. If you don't want the word "circus" ever spoken here...you have that right.

And...I can understand keeping it "cannabis related". I was hoping since it's like "The Bar" if this place...people could be a little more open and honest. Mixed company...I get it. This is a "respectable bar"...not a titty bar.

I'm sure most Mods are true to the mission and I know someone has to keep the peace when things get out of hand. But it sure smells of someone complaining. Some people get special treatment...it's life. I give some people special treatment too.

It's a damn shame that "our" tongues are tied sometimes...that's all. It's too bad that honesty ISN'T the best policy...or the only policy. It's a shame we have to hide things behind lies. Oh well...I tried.

I get it, and I'm not bitter. There are things we aren't allowed to discuss. Not allowed to say.

I feel I can't participate because the REAL cause of things aren't what you hear about in the news. And no, no tin hat is necessary. I've seen first hand "news" that didn't happen the way it was reported. The truth is hidden to protect the bribe payer...or the powerful.

So, have fun with your knitting circle girls...:tiphat:

Really, it's cool...keep it weed related...got it!

Damn...I wish we could REALLY speak our minds sometimes!

Have a great day fellow tokers...I'm off for a bowl myself...

I'm just wondering why you would think the Tokers Den is a place for Politics? Besides what's so great about discussing politics? There is no right position or answer, just the position or answer you "feel" is right. If that weren't enough most of the people who like to talk politics haven't a clue how the system actually works, just opinions on how they think it should work.


ICMag Donor
I've seen many good members get banned because of political threads going bad and them not being able to let the anger go. They really bring out the defensive side of a person.

As an example, go into a crowded bar and start discussing your political views. You'll see it won't be long until a fistfight breaks out, lol.....


The Voice of Reason
Thank you...you may be right...a good venting does a mind good eh?

Actually, that's what I do here more than anything...vent about the problems and the non-solutions being put forth. The thing is...and this is what you do that pisses me off...you stifle views contrary to your own...in an underhanded way. You should at least let people speak...what are you afraid of? The REAL reason we fail to come to adequate solutions is because ALL the elements of the problem aren't taken into account. Parts of the problem are cast aside as inconsequential...when in reality...they're the root cause. You can't fix something if you deny part of the problem...if you HIDE part of the problem. Get it? Get my frustration?
I never stifle opposing views. I discuss them, I offer opinions about them, I sometimes provide data to refute them, but I never stifle them.

No-one here is going to fix any of the ills of society anyhow, so what is the harm in avoiding the areas of those discussions which are against site policy to bring up? None of the problem is cast aside as inconsequential, just as 'not open for discussion here'.

Nobody is hiding anything.

Violating the wishes of one's host, is not really what I'd call "thinking outside of the box."

Big D

I'm just wondering why you would think the Tokers Den is a place for Politics? Besides what's so great about discussing politics? There is no right position or answer, just the position or answer you "feel" is right. If that weren't enough most of the people who like to talk politics haven't a clue how the system actually works, just opinions on how they think it should work.

+ I have never seen anyone with a formed opinion change their mind in the middle of a debate. just beat your head against the wall..... you get the same result!


Active member
Its less about rules and more about reading comprehension at this point. Gypsy has only asked to think outside the box of politics that all of your posts are trapped in. If you can't discuss anything without bringing up conservative this, liberal that, the country is going downhill because of these types of people, these races are ruining the world, people have hidden agendas to take away your freedoms, etc., etc., maybe the Mods could give you a special waiver for their rule of no politics. Would you like a special waiver?

Got it...blame someone besides "white male european" and it's politics. Blame "us" and it's a discussion of solutions. Thanks for the clarification. If "we" went away...everything would be grand again...suggestion that "you" do the same is blasphemy.

I say these things because they are true! Some problems ARE the fault of conservatives/Rebs and some problems ARE the fault of liberals/Dems. Some problems ARE the fault of the "group" mentioned. People DO have agendas. You're living in a vacuum, a vacuum you made for yourself because you seemingly refuse to listen to ANYONE with a contrarian opinion.

Politics would be me ALWAYS on the same side in EVERY discussion. I'm not...I go to the BEST (in my mind of course) position. You on the other hand are like clockwork. Should I answer my own questions? I'm beginning to think I know you well enough.

Believe me...you don't have many "true" Rep/conservatives here...not many smoke the herb. Not as many as "you", the liberals. So, I try to inject a little of the other sides thinking just to keep you honest. You have to admit...smoking weed is a pretty liberal thing. Not many Southern Baptists here I'd bet. Well not ALL Rep/conservative ideas are bullshit...and I'm here to tell you about a few.

For the limited subjects I replied to...I've been here for years and never went into the "Den" before...or not often...

Anyway, there was a global warming thread and nobody was talking about MY thoughts of the cause and the solution. But since my solution didn't include perpetual welfare, it was deemed...racist...and political. Automatically it was assumed and posted far and wide that I wanted to go in and mow down the poor people of Africa!!! And it snowballed and snowballed...because you and Head weren't honest about my intentions. ALL I suggested was stepping away because "we" (the US and the planet) can't afford to keep providing for them. It's a STEP into controlling global warming and limited resources. I thought overpopulation was the root cause..and letting nature take its course the solution. You made me out to be a monster. Anything else was taken out of context.

I'm just wondering why you would think the Tokers Den is a place for Politics? Besides what's so great about discussing politics? There is no right position or answer, just the position or answer you "feel" is right. If that weren't enough most of the people who like to talk politics haven't a clue how the system actually works, just opinions on how they think it should work.

I don't give a shit about "politics"...Fox news disgusts me most times...that's all they seem to talk about. What I care about is what it DOES to me and my country. There's a lot wrong, a lot we can't fix because we can't talk openly about it, and you're the problem if you just "go with the flow".

That's what I'd tell my wife when her opinion wasn't wanted (ignorance of the subject) and I want her to just keep quiet while I concentrate on doing it my way. Sound familiar? That's what "they" your representatives ARE doing to you...you've buried your head in the sand, they know it, they're changing everything to how THEY want it.

That's all I'll say...it's getting political.
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