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Wh@ = Th@


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hello my friends ...first off sorry for the long absence...life has been hectic and troublesome...have been sick realy sick the last week...high fevers and soforth...could do notthing at all...not even use the new laptop i bought
but thats all in the past now...just wanted you guys to know

i also will come the last day for shure..(or 2...don't know yet) its also a 2 hour drive for me ..not that far ey..so be there mate :D
aaah the Bubba woz a gift from a friend in denmark....not wanne name names you know.....!

i also will add a update.....
last few days i've been up i cut everything....all where about week 11 and smokable..some could use a bit longer but i woz fed up with this grow....not only that,i replanted the PC,CT and Mongruls last week and they became to big.

last night i cleaned out the intire room and use pure bleach for the floors to kill the remaining springtail bugs....i hope i got'm all now :p
here's the new ones i put in the flowerroom last night...it also means i put'm on 12/12.... :jump:

i did't put them togheter coz i always put the big ones on the outside of the ranks so the smaller ones get more light....i wll be pruning them soon
all CT's are sexed...i'm left with 6/10 females :muahaha: and i believe i have 7or 8 out of 10 mongruls that are female :jump: but i had to sex'm early so final count will come...

i also wanted to add that the PC's look obviously smaller..that comes coz they where vegged under TL's..thats why i can't sex'm yet....so final count on tthat will come in a few...

i do have 4 Plants left though..but i separated them to a other location...but i took a few nice pics before the move...these are the DCxC99's... :jump: :woohoo:
Feast your eyes on this !!!

and a few pics of the Mirre...trhey are still small coz i could't repot them...there time will come though...they are looking strong and ready to go..

and some bad new at the last ....i had to cut the Panama....she could handle it anymore...she woz still weighing heavy ...and i waterd her like 2 or 3 weeks ago.....damage woz to big...mold woz gonne set in coz of the leaves...
leave wher looking plain white ..yes white...

well i suppose i had to do what i had to do...but no fear ....a replacements here :D

on the far left in this pic her clones is thriving :wink:

i'll try to make some rounds bit by bit again...so i'll see you guys in a bit :wave:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Glad to hear you're feeling better mate. I really like the colour on those DCxC99's, very attractive, they just keep getting better and better. Also good to see a clone of that panama coming through, I'm sure she'll look just as excellent as her mother did and hopefully with an end result :smoke: :wave:


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi Core :wave:
happy to know you are ok :D
big mess for the panama but dc*c99's pics are amazing! wow! how the gals smell?
bye bye

Sativa Soul

Hi Core! Glad your feeling better!

To bad about the panama :violin: .
I just got a PC female :jump: Now I have 2 females, out of 7 seeds. 4 more to come (2 CTs and 2 mongruls). The first CT will be put into flower next week. I can't wait!

Awesome colours on those DCxC99's too.

Keep up the good work :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya CF :wave: thanks man that realy means alot comming from you bro..
i hope the next run will be e wee bit better though...i had my share of probs thanks for lurking though :D

thanks Sammet it woz a bad few days i had to go tru....but all is well now :smile:
aaah yea the DCxC99 ...are't they beautyfull :jump: ...first strain that exibits this color trait so hard in my flowerroom
pitty bout the panama thoug 8 weeks of labour in the garbage...but i had to do it...hope next will be better :D

aaaaah Fi_Di yea man all is well thanks broseph :D
yea ..you win some you lose some...i cut her with pain in my hart but i could't sustain her....
hehehehe i kew these pics would be liked...the smell is hard and spicey..notthing i've smelled before...and i smoke for about 18 years :yoinks:
good to have you swinging by :D

Thx Sativa :smile:
indeed to bad bout the panama..she woz beginning to get a very nice smell...pitty she did't reach the end :'(
aaaah 2 females already...hehehe hope you get atleast 50/50 % :wink:
i'll be by to visit ya thread ...gladd you like them DCxC99's...now see witch id the bast one....i got a nice male a side that i grew out....i might us it in a cross or something :wink:


Active member
Well now I have to pop in and say hey!
Those DCxC99's are some real lookers! both of those strains seem to hold their desirable traits through with the crossing...
What would you cross the male to? sounds like fun!! :yes:
Hi Core!
Good to hear/read y'r feeling better!
Awww shucks man too bad about the panama, did i understand right: u've gotta clone of her though??
The DCxC99 look really good man, Droooooollll:D
:wave:, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yup nice update bro, you always show everything which I like

My PC are doing well, nice to see what they should look like, knowing you I decided that I should train these as I am not much of a tree grower, so I have tied them down

Sucks about the Panama bro, I was looking forward to seeing such an old school strain get rocked hard, but anyways bro, good update, good work, and muchos rep to you


Registered Medical Patient
:jump: Hey bro...glad to hear you are OK and back up and about...Very sorry to hear about the Panama, et al, but like u said...win some, lose some...Your beans I planted are poppin up nice, 'cept, I think I made the soil too wet :bashhead: and Im gettin a shitty germ rate...Outta 15 beans, I only got 7 to pop, however, they look good and will have to do...Keep it up man, and Ill be lookin for ya 'round...Peace man.

- Z :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Anima :wave:
good you poppin my friend :smile:..thanks for the nice words on the DCxC99 they are gonne like that....and about the male....i woz thinking F2's ...and also i found 2 new very nice specimens last run...a Lifestar Bx1 and the A5xG13xWW cross i might sha'm above one of'm...just don't know yet....

thank you High lowlander i'm feeliing much much better....indeed mate it realy sucks...just could't help it....i should of tryed to flush her out but i think it would not of helpt her out...but yes i do have some clones....i'll try to do a better job next time .....and if i can't get her tru the end i will try again and again untill i have her between my blunts :D

heya Dogster :smile:
well thx bro...i means alot my friend :bow:....and i do show everything..even my fuck up's...i know not all people show there fuck up's but i don't care...there are some things about this hobby that make you lose control over some things...sometimes notthing you can 't do anything it.... how hard you even try.....and some of these things need to be shown...otherwise people who read won't learn from the mistakes of others...does that sound sane?lol..
Nhow..i'm gladd they are doing well...hope it stays that way...:p
and i don't realy know what style to use...i'm growing them normal this time..No trainings what so ever...so i don't know ..yet..
not to worrie about the Panama ...clone is already bading in the HPS :D
thx bro !

thx Zeus :D gladd i'm up and about
indeed mate you are right... gotta take the good with the bad...:wink:
auwch....ony 7 popped ?? :chin: erh thats odd...you are the first one the has germ probs....not to worried man ..Aslong you have some girls you are ok :D
thx for swinging by :headbange



The Tri Guy
Core said:
and i do show everything..even my fuck up's...i know not all people show there fuck up's but i don't care...there are some things about this hobby that make you lose control over some things...sometimes notthing you can 't do anything it.... how hard you even try.....and some of these things need to be shown...otherwise people who read won't learn from the mistakes of others...does that sound sane?lol..
Thats the diff between a usefull thread and one designed to boost the ego of the writer, nice useful thread this one.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Greetings Core! :rasta:

Man, I thought you were busy cutting, trimming and hanging! :muahaha: but anyways, glad to hear you're getting better :joint: I've heard about that cold/flu, it's taking over Europe. Better watch out!

I'm sorry to see what happened with the Pma :violin: but you got the right spirit my friend :D Fingers crossed for no more infestations! I bet you'll make us all proud once you dial her in!

The DCxC99 that's a different story all together :headbange She's looking pretty :canabis: and with the smell description you give of her, I wish we'll be seeing and smeeling more of hers :wink:

I also see that the new batch is coming up. Looking forward to that!

Take care my friend!


greetings core

an hr and some odd minutes later and Im finally here at the end of this thread lol n I orginally came to jst to see what the lineage of your Pollen Chuck was heh...its good to here that your feelin better, its sucks to be stuck on a couch or in bed..unless ofc it was a blunt that made you that way ;) lol....newho I got a pack of the pollen chuck with my order from the bay and am definently lookin forward to growin..altho it seems life has thrown another obsticle at me and Im now forced to pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer instead of bein able to get the rest of my supplies to finish up my little setup :bashhead: ..but its a good thing what i do need is the less expensive things....so hopefully in the next month instead of the next week which i had been hopein for, i'll be able to dig into these seeds, along with my others :rasta:

peace n blessings man


Registered Medical Patient
Hey bro...dont feel bad about my shitty germ rate, it was my fault!!! Im gonna pop a few more in a couple days, and I promise Ill do them right by you!! Later Core

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Well thx GMT....:D
nice having you around these parts again...and i would't say usefull ...I should post more often as i encounter these probs..but life did't let me 2 be honest...but i will next time if something happens :smile: thx for swinging bye mate !

hehehe heya B...i woz bro i woz...But now i hung the sativa's to dry .....meanwhile i potted all the indica's so i can have a nice cured bud in a few...just waiting on these ones to dry (SSSDH,fighting buddha) :yummy:
and thx man i'm feeling much better..and bout the Panama..i will get her right my friend and indeed... the DCxC99 is a other story...very nice pungent smell....i might send you a nug to sample her :wink:

hello Burnton :wave:
good to have ya aboard then its good to seze some new faces...and i'm honord you took the time to read this intire thread its more then long already....and thx i do feel better...just some flu going around i suppose....i hope you found the lineage of the pollen chuck ...i use a realy nice good yielding 3 th generation Sour diesel female..that woz packed with resin to boot....and as father ....i used a PeeWee male...i crossed earlyer....its a black russian x DPD x WW cross......
Pitty to hear about your problems man...i will send you some good vibes bro....hope all wil turn out good for ya
take care my friend !

aaaha you shure...thats good to know mate...be more carefull then next time then ...good thing these where't some high priced haze's you bought or something....PPffffww
just take your time my friend...you can always drop a pic when you start off :D...


I hate to barge in but I was wondering if Core could take a moment and give a background on the name "Pollen Chuck" and what it means? A friend has some of these and would like to know more about the strain, not much luck on finding any photos or info.

Great thread.




Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
the Pollen chuck name means two things...to me atleast...one meaning is just in the sence of chucking pollen above a female and the other is a pollen chuckker...that means a person sucks at making crosses ad does't care what he uses for that...and soforth
but to my defence.... the parents are selected though...well it my first real try to create something of mine to work with further ...i'm looking now witch one


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey core:wave:

Everything is looking great here. Sorry to hear about the Pnama Red, but you did the right thing! You got a clone anyway so its not like youve lost her for good. I had super rates with the small amount of seeds I popped.

2/2 Female-- Mongrul
(hope you dont mind if I post pics.. They are about 10-15 days of flower in these pics.. I will have to check..oh and if they need to be removed no problem..)

2/2 Female-- Pollen Chuck..

1/2 Female-- Crash Test..

I really cant wait to see how these ladies bud out over the next couple of weeks, its gonna be fun to see. I really think you did a good job selecting parents for your crosses though.. All of mine look like you selected very well. Just look at those pollen chucks and the mongruls.. The mongruls I cant even tell apart except that they are in diff pots...

Take care and get better, Ive been sick on and off here for about 3 weeks now. Just cant seem to kick it. Hope you feel better and keep kicking ass in the garden! Peace
