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weeds on showtime Beware:Could be spoiler info


Original Editor of ICMagazine
This show is greatly important for it is an extremely accurate portrayal of how far our society has gone wrong. For those who say this is not an accurate portrayal of weed dealing, I say you have never been to California or New York or any big city in the US.

Ever wonder how those families who stay at home all the time are so incredibly well-to-do?

I mean the ones right down the street from you!

Jorge Cervantes has sold millions of copies of his Grow Bible, so that means literally millions of people out there are serious enough about their indoor growing to buy an encyclopedia of 512 pages in full color with nothing but technical information on how to grow indoors? It's not a coffee-table book for the artsy set. It's a waterproof social bomb.

And how many other authors have made millions doing the same thing? Dozens.

Do the numbers and you will see how big Marijuana Inc really is and why they don't legalize it. Too many people are making too much money!

As far as the soap opera tendencies, well they have to sell it somehow.

I thought the ending was amazing. But extremely disturbing on many levels.

Watching Weeds certainly makes one think. I do see a number of you are also horrified by it all and swear you'll never watch it again, but really, you will - won't you?

These writers are so good you WILL come back to see what happens to Shane after the shocking final scene.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
shane at the end was great, easily one of the best parts of this entire season. i'm sick of the mexico plotline for real. sadly, i'll be more interested in celia's storyline next season



Active member
This show is greatly important for it is an extremely accurate portrayal of how far our society has gone wrong. For those who say this is not an accurate portrayal of weed dealing, I say you have never been to California or New York or any big city in the US.


Really? Your going to tell the members of ICmag that they don't know what real weed dealing is like?
How about all the people with FIRST hand REAL life expierence that are saying it is not an accurate portrayal? I suppose a bunch of writers would know better then them.

Your telling me that most weed dealers end up in the ridiculous utterly unrealistic situation she's in now?
It's a soap opera, and not even a good one IMO
But whatever, there's no accounting for taste
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Hella THC

I suppose a bunch of writers would know better then them.
I heard even writers sometimes meddle around with pot! I know, hard to believe right?

Come on, its obvious whoever is writing the show, be it an individual or a collective, has experience in "the field". Does every pot slingin suburban mom end up with a drug kingpin? YES!! errrr, I mean no :) But again, if you want to watch Nancy sling dime bags well into seasons 7 and 8, be my guest. But that's not the show most of us would give 2 shits about. Go watch The Wire if you're into high flyin gun totin gangsters gettin their slang on.


they need to bring back Heylia James, Shayne is off the rocker....

I was hoping that they were gonna show that lady's teeth in her vagina lol jk

that was a good season end'r


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Yeah, I agree Heylia and Conrad need to come back. Maybe she can knock some sense I to Shane, even through that was pretty awesome. I was just waiting for some one to kill that bitch off.

A crochet mallet? Very classy, its like playing polo with some ones head...can't help but think of Alice in Wonderland.
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Active member
I heard even writers sometimes meddle around with pot! I know, hard to believe right?

Come on, its obvious whoever is writing the show, be it an individual or a collective, has experience in "the field". Does every pot slingin suburban mom end up with a drug kingpin? YES!! errrr, I mean no :) But again, if you want to watch Nancy sling dime bags well into seasons 7 and 8, be my guest. But that's not the show most of us would give 2 shits about. Go watch The Wire if you're into high flyin gun totin gangsters gettin their slang on.

If you guys like it that's cool, and all that matters really I guess.
I was just disagreeing with the statement that it was an accurate portrayal of "weed dealing"


Eugene Oregon
Nancy Botwin!

Mary Louise Parker

Who's with me?!


I think the show has gone down hill and is about as unrealistic as you can get and still be watchable (barely). Just think about how funking dead Nancy would be in real life?? How many times does she need to warrant a bullet in the head from murderers??? You dont often have to tempt them twice... I know its a TV show but it was kinda realistic at the start, maybe the people working on the show do have dime bag slanging experience... but experience of gangsters and mafia?? Come on?? The writers are out of their league. They've gone too far down a one way street and cant get back... hopefully in season 6 shit'll change. It cant go back but it can go forward and be fun again.

Go watch The Wire if you're into high flyin gun totin gangsters gettin their slang on.

Good advice DO DEFINITELY go watch the Wire... much, much better show.
Peace to all
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Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I agree that the current situation is unrealistic and the first few seasons were much more accurate for a suburban weed dealing mom, but I think what your all missing here is it is a fucking TV SHOW. Writes are not required to be hard-core drug kingpins to write for a TV SERIES, they are writers. Their jobs are to make entertaining plotlines first and foremost, accuracy is a second objective. If you want to experience the life of a real-life drug dealer than BECOME A REAL FUCKING DRUG DEALER. Which I'm sure many of you including me have been or are currently. You have to consider that not everyone wants to watch a show about a 40-year old woman selling pot for five years. I do but I'm only one man, and there are a hell of a lot more people watching showtimes' highest rated show than all the stoners on this forum. Have an opened mind, your not the only ones that watch this. Though if you really want to see a show about a bunch of people sellin and smokin pot watch Trailer Park Boys for god sakes.


I agree that the current situation is unrealistic and the first few seasons were much more accurate for a suburban weed dealing mom, but I think what your all missing here is it is a fucking TV SHOW. Writes are not required to be hard-core drug kingpins to write for a TV SERIES, they are writers. Their jobs are to make entertaining plotlines first and foremost, accuracy is a second objective. If you want to experience the life of a real-life drug dealer than BECOME A REAL FUCKING DRUG DEALER. Which I'm sure many of you including me have been or are currently. You have to consider that not everyone wants to watch a show about a 40-year old woman selling pot for five years. I do but I'm only one man, and there are a hell of a lot more people watching showtimes' highest rated show than all the stoners on this forum. Have an opened mind, your not the only ones that watch this. Though if you really want to see a show about a bunch of people sellin and smokin pot watch Trailer Park Boys for god sakes.

lol, :yeahthatstrue, as I already said it IS a TV show. But what so many of us enjoyed was the reality of it to our lives. Unfortunately, thats gone and we miss it... I think thats the truth.

Have a wonderful people, I'm off to buy supplies...again!


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Hopefully we will see more of what made us fall in love with this show in the up coming seasons through Celias story (i can't believe I'm actually looking forward to a storyline about her, though I guess the presence of Kevin Nealon makes it bearable).


ICMag Donor
Yeah Ive said all along, Its a TV SHOW, not real life!! for entertainment purposes only!! not sure why some of you think it should be real life!?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Ah well, I have no delusions there about it being real life Mrs. B, but I have been observing a trend for several decades of (perhaps many decades) of the media shaping societal values.

An excellent example is the US Virgin Islands. Before Cable TV virtually crime free, you would leave your key in the car as it wouldn't drive itself off the island now would it? Leave the house door open all day while away at work so the animals could play in and out.

Flash forward five years after Cable TV became island-wide with all the stateside programming. Virtually every home had bars on all windows and doors, murder rates were higher than Washington, DC (death capital of the '80s), car theft became sport, and Marion Barry dealt cocaine with the islands' top elected officials right out of Government House.

Remember the book by Marshall Macluhan (sp?) "THe Medium is the Massage?" I need to reread it... he discussed all this stuff back in the '60s.

Peace...Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Are you suggesting that cable TV is responsible for the Virgin Islands crime rates? If so I would have to disagree, for these types of behaviors were occurring long before cable TV was even invented. I think that is more human nature, than the result of human entertainment. For instance were else would the writes of these cable programs have had come up the ideas in the first place. As it seems you are insinuating that the presence of such programs are to blame. Though please don't let me put words in your mouth, to me it seemed like you were linking these two things together.


I dont even have a TV, I hate having that backgrounsd noise on all the time. I just download certain shows because I enjoy turning the brain off for a while and watching the odd show, everything in moderation right? I really used to like weeds because, as with a lot of comedy, "...its funny because its true". Weeds is no longer funny or enjoyable for me because it is no longer representative of our lives.

I think sensible people (and most ICMaggers seem just that) are well aware when they're watching a TV show and that its not real life. But TV, media and all aspects of consumer life is driven towards a brain washing message of money, spending and fame. This is what leads to crime, on the virgin islands and all over the "civilized" world.

I dont doubt cable TV is a nasty thing to bring to a culture. Not because of the shows themselves. But its ability to sedate and brainwash a whole planet.

Rant over... lol, I was in no way attacking anyones views here. Just expressing my own.

Have a great day people
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Weeds use to be my favorite show also, but know I force my self to watch it, hoping it gets better. Its not an accurate portrayal by far, and there are alot of WTF moments, but it has its moments... alot of them. And it was the only one out there, now i'm drawn to breaking bad, can't wait for the new season.

They really need to cancel it and make a spin off with Silas growing somewhere by himself, or maybe with Doug and Andy. Shane could be the muscle. The croquet mallet was the best part of the finale. Twisted journey for that kid.