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weeds on showtime Beware:Could be spoiler info

RooR HeaD

VanillaGueriila said:
"Whoah, this is like a movie. I wish we had some milk duds."
Doug is hilarious.
yea when doug said that i was takeing a hit out my roor and stoped and started laughing more then i have in years. he is so funny and Maria MeXaMaid comeon where do they come up with this stuff. great show plain and simple i have seen every episode and i wont ever miss one. but i do hope they get back into the grow sceen a little more. I MISS CONRAD!


cant stop wont stop
no shit??? seriously???

thnx sheriff bart

"Because you are using Internet Explorer you are blocked from using our in-house player with videos from Tudou (this is Tudou policy not ours). Therefore, if you insist on using IE to view videos on STC then you will have to go to Tudou direct by using the link below."

hahaaaaha this links allll in chinese!
well i'm at least off to the rigth start!

thanks again man


Active member
Hey steppin'razor - Listen to Sheriff Bart. Download Utorrent and start downloading the whole thing from episode one.

Also recommend Californication and Dexter. Great fuckin' shows. But yeah, weeds is the whip - as long as they get something good going. Used to make me sit right on the edge of my seat the whole damn show, now it's getting kinda boring.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
wasn't too thrilled w/this wks.episode.....still my sheit......................Mm
anyone want to go into the "coyote business"...lol Only Andy is that stupid...lol...He's gonna get tem all pinched, but he is funny!! Are conrad and heylia done?

Cali smoke

hopefully its some good weed

hopefully its some good weed

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I thought the whole shane jerkin it to his mom was bit wrong. I mean thats just fucked. Really funny how in the preview for the next episode doug and andy realize they didnt get paid for being coyote's.


Active member
Yup...beating off to pictures of his mom...that shit was nasty!
That kid is fso fucked up. I never knew having a drug dealer parent would screw a kid up so bad...thank god WEEDS has enlightened me! LOFL.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
awww man... i havent even watched epidsode 6 yet, the last torrent files on eztv wouldnt play on my computer.. and everytime i used the live stream, i would wait to let it load, and my gf closed both windows 2 separate times when she wasnt paying attention... grrrrr..

shane needs to seek professional help.


OgreSeeker said:
Yup...beating off to pictures of his mom...that shit was nasty!
That kid is fso fucked up. I never knew having a drug dealer parent would screw a kid up so bad...thank god WEEDS has enlightened me! LOFL.

It was just weird at first i was like okay he found the pics and he just doesnt want her to see them. Until HE STARTED WHACKING IT.

The cheese shop lady is a milf though. Thats a bit more normal. It seems the whole show is about sex though. Whether gay lesbian or straight. Just lots of sex. Surprised no transvestites have joined the cast. Guillermo was definitely pissed due to nancy undermining him she was stupid to do that he has helped her alot. Kindve lame how he said 25/g for 300 lb's of mexi. Record breaking haha
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Active member
I enjoyed season 1 then it went down hill fast, very fast. Also I realise they probably can't have "real" cannabis plants due to law but they look so stupid.

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