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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


Bullshit. I am very professional in my day to day and most of the "stoners" I hang out with are as well. People who don't use need to understand that there are people out there who are exactly like them who choose to responsibly use marijuana for medicine or rec or whatever. Showing them a bunch of social misfits that smoke pot doesn't so anything for our cause!!! We really don't need to reach out to anyone who is already accepting of old men in dresses and bong hit inspiration for bow tie selection. I'm pretty sure all of those people are already cool with me smoking up!!!

This show did nothing for the legalization movement and nothing for promoting responsible use. Quite the opposite is true in most every respect. They did show a couple medical cases and the experimentation of a new smoker, and showed one little blurb about safe product. That all tolled doesn't make this show good for either the medical or rec legalization movements. Especially with the dickheads comments in the last minutes of the series. I love how he is being mentioned in articals as being a driving force for the treat mj like wine initiative. Such a hypocrite. He is just saying whatever he can to make sure he keeps lining his pockets.

mr although there are many "professional" stoners out there, the majority of them aren't. And you think we should all change? No it's the other side that needs to change, or do like you do now just ignore us "first impression freaks".

I have spent my life separating myself from the polo shirt, kaki pant, and penny loafer wearing crowd (that I was born into) and certainly don't want to start dressing that way cause "professional" people are just to closed minded to think anything could be good for them because the people who are forging the way with it don't look like them!

Lets take this out of its context for a minute and look at other pharmacologically available medicine. Do you really care what whoever is taking Prozac, or Vicadine is wearing? Does it have any affect on on what the medicine does or benefits that it has? That is something our society has created for us because every TV commercial says you need this and that to be worthy of being human.

Now I will say that if they were not showered and dirty, looked like they just woke up and came to work (mini Steve maybe) then yes maybe put on some clean clothes but to say Steve D is not right cause he chooses that type of wardrobe is misguided. I for one do NOT want people to change to make MMJ go to the mainstream, but would rather that along with the change that MMJ would bring that people would also start to realize not everyone has to look just like them for them to accept someone as credible.

People that say that first impression is everything only care about themselves and can't get by the fact a person doesn't look like them so that means they are worth nothing. This is what needs to change not people who are expressing what makes them comfortable.


to those looking only for negative, so you are angry that they didn't pretend to be some thing they are not? is that the crux of the matter? they had no choice but to be them selves, anything else would have been hypocrisy. as far as this business goes they seem to be trying to be as professional as possible in the disp side of things.
From my perspective coming from a relatively new medical state there is a certain jaded cynicism that some of the more over-the-top condemnations exemplify. Maybe I have it wrong and they are just more advanced. It's good to learn from as many different people as possible.


Invertebrata Inebriata
to those looking only for negative, so you are angry that they didn't pretend to be some thing they are not? is that the crux of the matter? they had no choice but to be them selves, anything else would have been hypocrisy. as far as this business goes they seem to be trying to be as professional as possible in the disp side of things.

What could be more hypocritical than saying you're against recreational pot, and then smoking a joint to pick out a tie?

Did Steve's doctor tell him, "Now don't even try picking out a tie unless you're fully medicated?" I actually wouldn't be surprised if the answer was 'yes'.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
coming from a non-medical state, any exposure is good exposure... ;)


Invertebrata Inebriata
Oh bullshit. I suppose if they showed the Manson family sitting around a campfire, smoking a joint and planning some murders, that would be good exposure?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
no, but getting buds and plants exposed to those who have no idea can only help...

EDIT: it's like anything, the more someone is exposed the more tolerant they become...


Invertebrata Inebriata
no, but getting buds and plants exposed to those who have no idea can only help...

EDIT: it's like anything, the more someone is exposed the more tolerant they become...

Do you really think Farmer John in Iowa is look at pig-tailed Steve, thinking, "I"m really starting to like this guy", or is he out back getting the tar and feathers ready?
I'm sorry but the bottom line is the show sucked!!!! By the way it was only 4 episodes and probably had a seriously small audience, so it doesn't really matter either way on how it was received. i would bet that the majority of people who even watched it are already pro pot.
Honestly I'm not trying to pick a fight but I think you are missing the point...

mr although there are many "professional" stoners out there, the majority of them aren't. And you think we should all change? No it's the other side that needs to change, or do like you do now just ignore us "first impression freaks".
correction: the majority of the ones that you know and associate with aren't. You have no idea how many professional people you deal with on a daily basis that simply smoke up when they get home or once in a bluemoon or on weekends or for the first two weeks after the random wiz quiz. They don't show you or tell you or call you brah... the problem here is that you consider a stoner someone who smokes 24/7. I and most of America consider that an addict. dire medical need aside...

One of the biggest problems with prohibition is that nobody talks about responsible use. If it effects your job, or your relationships, or your family life or your health or your safety then it is wrong. We all like weed, but we don't all sacrifice every other facet of our lives for it. hopefully you don't either. There are many people who use MJ the same way that responsible people use alcohol. Those are the people who will turn the tide for us. People who don't smoke are afraid that if weed is legalized people will be less productive members of society. In the eyes of nonsmokers THAT is the reason it isn't legal. We know differently and understand the corporate/monetary/government issues at hand, but to them stoners wear patchwork pants, have squinty eyes, no job and walk around parking lots selling veggie burritos. Those are the ones who are most open about their use. People with higher end jobs in most cases have more to loose and keep it under wraps.

You have a choice like I do. You can wave your pot smoking flag and be stoned all day, and not have a productive career or you can keep it to yourself and get whatever job you want. Dressing like a pothead doesn't help the movement it only proves the stereotypes and makes nonsmokers less likely to take you serious. Should it be that way? No but it is, and you know it so by choosing that for your appearance you are choosing to have some people disregard you. We have obviously made different choices in our lives and that is cool. Certainly there are some instances where you can have the best of both like Steve and the dress guy do, but it isn't common on a national level and probably even a rarity in Cali. Most of us ether get to work low paying jobs or just keep our use private. I know a lot of people think they can be as or more productive when high and for some jobs that may be true, but mostly not. Straighten out for a month so you can see the contrast and then work a day stoned and you will realize the difference.

My comments about professional weren't really about how they were dressed. Professional meaning there is a time for work and a time for play. What a person wears is up to them certainly but when a guy wears a dress it isn't a fashion statement it is someone going out of his way to be different and non-conformist. If you go out of your way like that you can't bitch when people don't accept you. I'm reasonably sure dress guy is down with that and that is cool. Likely it is sign of a social dysfunction but I'm no shrink.

I'm not saying that everyone should aspire to be normal but when you purposefully go 180 degrees from that you are begging people to not accept you. You are taunting them! Steves ponys and bowties aren't such a big deal to me. I understand style is a choice. He looked clean and stylish but just a little quirky in his fashion sense... nbd. I thought he looked professional. My issue is that peoples performance was obviously hampered at work because they were high. People for the most part did not appear to be very good at their jobs. I was really hopeing that this show would portray a company that ran like a profitable company. For the most part they are profitable because they have a niche market being one of only a few in Oakland and there is a huge surplus of product as well as a huge demand.

I have spent my life separating myself from the polo shirt, kaki pant, and penny loafer wearing crowd (that I was born into) and certainly don't want to start dressing that way cause "professional" people are just to closed minded to think anything could be good for them because the people who are forging the way with it don't look like them!
No polo's and kakis? Well I guess you won't be able to get a job at best buy then will you? I'm not sure who else is busting the polos and kaki's these days! You sound like a late teen/early 20's rebel here.

Lets take this out of its context for a minute and look at other pharmacologically available medicine. Do you really care what whoever is taking Prozac, or Vicadine is wearing? Does it have any affect on on what the medicine does or benefits that it has? That is something our society has created for us because every TV commercial says you need this and that to be worthy of being human.
Why would I care about what pills someone is taking and what they wear? We all know that all walks of life takes pills and pharmaceuticals. That is accepted by the masses and pot isn't. My comments aren't about any of that, they are about how nonsmokers will perceive pot after seeing this show.

Now I will say that if they were not showered and dirty, looked like they just woke up and came to work (mini Steve maybe) then yes maybe put on some clean clothes but to say Steve D is not right cause he chooses that type of wardrobe is misguided. I for one do NOT want people to change to make MMJ go to the mainstream, but would rather that along with the change that MMJ would bring that people would also start to realize not everyone has to look just like them for them to accept someone as credible.
I don't disagree with this but I think you are missing the point in all of this. In order for people to see some normalcy in marijuana use, they need to be able to see no ill effects. Watching a show about how people are making shit tons of money off "medical" marijuana and absolutely sucking at their job isn't going to help prove people wrong who say that pot smokers can't do good at their job because they smoke pot all day. If we want to show people how it is possible to use pot responsibly we need to show responsible people smoking pot! Do you want to end prohibition or do you want to stand up for the rights of dress wearing men? They aren't the same thing and you don't get arrested for wearing a dress so I think we can let that one go for now!!

People that say that first impression is everything only care about themselves and can't get by the fact a person doesn't look like them so that means they are worth nothing. This is what needs to change not people who are expressing what makes them comfortable.
Great! you solved the worlds problems! I'm actually serious about that and you and I both know that is how it should be, but we also know that it isn't the way it is. It is OK to conform sometimes. Rebel days end when we get a little older. it isn't selling out it is getting along. Nobody tells me what I can and can't do, but I don't have to wear a dress to prove it. Don't kid yourself about first impressions. It is far less about what you are wearing. Eye contact, firm handshake, smile, engaging conversation, clean and well groomed. that is a good impression, but if you go out of your way to appear different you are taunting people and challenging them needlessly.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Do you really think Farmer John in Iowa is look at pig-tailed Steve, thinking, "I"m really starting to like this guy", or is he out back getting the tar and feathers ready?

nevermind, you just don't understand...

Farmer John might not accept it, but his kids could and that's another Farmer John kept from growing up against us, get it...

a homosexual in the 50's was likely to get an ass kicking if discovered, today not so much...

the violence in movies today is incredibly worse than from the 60's...

get it, exposure leads to acceptance and tolerance... if you can't understand that, i'm sorry.

there is NO FUCKIN exposure in most non-med states, this show was exposure as are all cannabis documentaries. all good for the cause if you ask me...


What could be more hypocritical than saying you're against recreational pot, and then smoking a joint to pick out a tie?

Did Steve's doctor tell him, "Now don't even try picking out a tie unless you're fully medicated?" I actually wouldn't be surprised if the answer was 'yes'.

well you ask what could be more hypocritical? i say cutting his hair and pretending to be some thing he is not just for the show, would be more hypocritical.

saying he is only for cannabis if it's used for wellness related reasons is not the same as saying he is against recreational pot. anyway i'm sure his lawyer told him to say that about recreational cannabis use.
coming from a non-medical state, any exposure is good exposure... ;)

I remember way back you'd see some small story on the news every once and a while, usually a bust, but sometimes something good.

No shit. I wish I could just go down to the disp. and have my pick of all that great shit. Instead I gotta call a guy to call a guy. I need a better connect.
I saw an episode were the guy was skimming off the top to feed a habit. Me being pro pot Im thinking, "here is a good example of how Rx drugs can damage lives". Anti Pit advocates probably see it as, "look "weed" is nothing but a gateway drug". I dont think a senior man in a dress, a rx adddict, a man pushing we need more money, and a eccentric man obsessed with bow ties is going to do anything to help put a posistve message out there MMJ.... I see nothing positive about this show at all!


Invertebrata Inebriata
nevermind, you just don't understand...

Farmer John might not accept it, but his kids could and that's another Farmer John kept from growing up against us, get it...

a homosexual in the 50's was likely to get an ass kicking if discovered, today not so much...

the violence in movies today is incredibly worse than from the 60's...

get it, exposure leads to acceptance and tolerance... if you can't understand that, i'm sorry.

there is NO FUCKIN exposure in most non-med states, this show was exposure as are all cannabis documentaries. all good for the cause if you ask me...

I might agree if we were living in the 1950's, but hell, anybody can go see Pineapple Express at the multiplex, or WEEDS on cable. See what I mean?


Invertebrata Inebriata
saying he is only for cannabis if it's used for wellness related reasons is not the same as saying he is against recreational pot.

Really? Here is the quote- "I do not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational uses.”


Honestly I'm not trying to pick a fight but I think you are missing the point...

correction: the majority of the ones that you know and associate with aren't. You have no idea how many professional people you deal with on a daily basis that simply smoke up when they get home or once in a bluemoon or on weekends or for the first two weeks after the random wiz quiz. They don't show you or tell you or call you brah... the problem here is that you consider a stoner someone who smokes 24/7. I and most of America consider that an addict. dire medical need aside...

Here is where you are missing the point, if all those people that "smoke up" when they get home or are the "once in a blue moon" type actually had the balls to be themselves instead of acting like what society has all along deemed was right, what you would have is responsible people that have individuality instead of "cookie cutter" mentality. I'm not talking about smoking 24/7 as you put it or using slang such as "brah", but being an individual such as Steve D. I personally don't like the fashion he is wearing or dress for that matter, but it in no way sways my opinion of the credibility of the MMJ movement in one bit.

One of the biggest problems with prohibition is that nobody talks about responsible use. If it effects your job, or your relationships, or your family life or your health or your safety then it is wrong. We all like weed, but we don't all sacrifice every other facet of our lives for it. hopefully you don't either. There are many people who use MJ the same way that responsible people use alcohol. Those are the people who will turn the tide for us. People who don't smoke are afraid that if weed is legalized people will be less productive members of society. In the eyes of nonsmokers THAT is the reason it isn't legal. We know differently and understand the corporate/monetary/government issues at hand, but to them stoners wear patchwork pants, have squinty eyes, no job and walk around parking lots selling veggie burritos. Those are the ones who are most open about their use. People with higher end jobs in most cases have more to loose and keep it under wraps.

Part of the reasons people will have problems with their job, relationships, or families (could be as little as one hit in some instances) is because of the misinformation and erroneous negative stigma that we have been feed for so many years by the mainstream. You have a lot to learn on the reasons why nonsmokers see MMJ being illegal as a good thing, start with "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer if you haven't read it, it will help you to understand why nonsmokers have been brainwashed into their beliefs. The people that will turn the tide are people that are willing to stand up for what they believe in openly, responsibly for all to see, as Steve D said "We have stepped into the light and in the light we will remain".

You have a choice like I do. You can wave your pot smoking flag and be stoned all day, and not have a productive career or you can keep it to yourself and get whatever job you want. Dressing like a pothead doesn't help the movement it only proves the stereotypes and makes nonsmokers less likely to take you serious. Should it be that way? No but it is, and you know it so by choosing that for your appearance you are choosing to have some people disregard you. We have obviously made different choices in our lives and that is cool. Certainly there are some instances where you can have the best of both like Steve and the dress guy do, but it isn't common on a national level and probably even a rarity in Cali. Most of us ether get to work low paying jobs or just keep our use private. I know a lot of people think they can be as or more productive when high and for some jobs that may be true, but mostly not. Straighten out for a month so you can see the contrast and then work a day stoned and you will realize the difference.

So many assumptions in your post it just makes me smile, gosh do I wish I could stay stoned all day long every day :D even though I am a grower full time and believe me it takes quite a bit to make a go starting from zero out here in CA. Waving a "pot smoking" flag is how Prop 215 got passed, which has lead to other states following along obviously it did some good? :D You should take a trip up to the bay area and just see how people dress, and I am sure if you met dress and I am not talking about just seeing the show or a one minute hand shake, I'm talking about got to talk to him for a while about different things you would find that what he wears if a personification of him and would think he should be wearing nothing else.

My comments about professional weren't really about how they were dressed. Professional meaning there is a time for work and a time for play. What a person wears is up to them certainly but when a guy wears a dress it isn't a fashion statement it is someone going out of his way to be different and non-conformist. If you go out of your way like that you can't bitch when people don't accept you. I'm reasonably sure dress guy is down with that and that is cool. Likely it is sign of a social dysfunction but I'm no shrink.

I'm not saying that everyone should aspire to be normal but when you purposefully go 180 degrees from that you are begging people to not accept you. You are taunting them! Steves ponys and bowties aren't such a big deal to me. I understand style is a choice. He looked clean and stylish but just a little quirky in his fashion sense... nbd. I thought he looked professional. My issue is that peoples performance was obviously hampered at work because they were high. People for the most part did not appear to be very good at their jobs. I was really hopeing that this show would portray a company that ran like a profitable company. For the most part they are profitable because they have a niche market being one of only a few in Oakland and there is a huge surplus of product as well as a huge demand.

Hard to get from these two paragraphs are you ok with people dressing different or not? You certainly don't think that what you see in those four episodes of Weed Wars is what makes up the entirety of their business? I am sure many "regular" business man has come back from cocktails at lunch and not made the best decisions or was acting in the companies best interest but because that is mainstream and "accepted/legal" it is of no issue. MMJ has so much scrutiny on it, people seem to be expecting that the industry should be like pill making pharmaceutical industry the second it is in the "light" all the while forgetting who and how it has gotten to this point! Dispensaries come and go by the day here in CA it does take something to stay open more than just niche market and being one of a few.

No polo's and kakis? Well I guess you won't be able to get a job at best buy then will you? I'm not sure who else is busting the polos and kaki's these days! You sound like a late teen/early 20's rebel here.

I've been growing for 30+ years now so that should give you some idea of my age as you would know I didn't start growing the day I was born although it was pretty young! Most people seem to think MMJ should follow the same business model as for instance a medical clinics, most I have been in its kakis and polos.

I don't disagree with this but I think you are missing the point in all of this. In order for people to see some normalcy in marijuana use, they need to be able to see no ill effects. Watching a show about how people are making shit tons of money off "medical" marijuana and absolutely sucking at their job isn't going to help prove people wrong who say that pot smokers can't do good at their job because they smoke pot all day. If we want to show people how it is possible to use pot responsibly we need to show responsible people smoking pot! Do you want to end prohibition or do you want to stand up for the rights of dress wearing men? They aren't the same thing and you don't get arrested for wearing a dress so I think we can let that one go for now!!

I am not sure how you can say they suck at their jobs from four episodes on a reality show. If you have seen one being made you would understand as many people have pointed out in this thread, a lot of it is made up drama. If a TV show was at your work walking around with cameras over your back and in your face do you think you would be acting as your normal every day to day? They don't film every day for a year and get to know the people and all that they show up setup, a lot of times over pre arranged things happening, film and move on. You aren't seeing what happens on a daily basis. Is T right for being over medicated on the show and giving the wrong impression no but that is what the producers are deciding to show not Harborside. And it's one of many things that could have been shown differently but this is Discovery and they have to be able to air the show, I am sure Discovery is not for the MMJ movement although I am sure some people that work their are.

Great! you solved the worlds problems! I'm actually serious about that and you and I both know that is how it should be, but we also know that it isn't the way it is. It is OK to conform sometimes. Rebel days end when we get a little older. it isn't selling out it is getting along. Nobody tells me what I can and can't do, but I don't have to wear a dress to prove it. Don't kid yourself about first impressions. It is far less about what you are wearing. Eye contact, firm handshake, smile, engaging conversation, clean and well groomed. that is a good impression, but if you go out of your way to appear different you are taunting people and challenging them needlessly.

You said it best there in your last sentence and that should be your first response. If we want a good representation of what the MMJ movement is doing we need a better viewpoint that could be delivered by an organization that is part of the movement rather than against it. I am sure discovery cannot spin a good "light" on MMJ or they would not be able to air the program they made. It's obvious from the Marijuana Inc. series they have good points in them but ultimately the message the "non smoker" as you say takes away is MMJ is no good.
Thanks for the lively discussion Abellguy. Despite my negative view of the social consequences of this show, I don't hate on anyone for who they are. My only issue with any of them personally is with the turncoat who threw rec legalization under the bus...

Here is where you are missing the point, if all those people that "smoke up" when they get home or are the "once in a blue moon" type actually had the balls to be themselves instead of acting like what society has all along deemed was right, what you would have is responsible people that have individuality instead of "cookie cutter" mentality. I'm not talking about smoking 24/7 as you put it or using slang such as "brah", but being an individual such as Steve D. I personally don't like the fashion he is wearing or dress for that matter, but it in no way sways my opinion of the credibility of the MMJ movement in one bit.

It isn't your opinion of these guys that matters to the points I am making. It is the more conservative side of society. I totally agree and I believe that THAT will be the next driving force of the movement. We need to empower those people because we need them to start standing up. This show doesn't provide that inspiration because it lumps them in with a group of people who live their lives against societal norms. My closet smokers have already decided that it is more important to provide for their families than be open about their marijuana use. That isn't such a stretch or crime is it? This has always been one of the major roadblocks to legalization, but more and more these people are speaking out to people they know and also dropping checks in the mail to advocacy groups that represent their views such as NORML, MPP, SAFER, LEAP etc... Not everyone is going to take it to the streets, but I agree there needs to be more people coming out of the closet with their use, but it is a strong temptation to keep under the radar. That is what the strict drug laws do. I personally talk openly to random people about it and to friends, but I don't have the balls to bring it up with my 80+ yr old father or my clients from my business. That is why the penalties are so strict and scary. It is to keep the otherwise law abiding and productive people from risking all they have worked for.

Part of the reasons people will have problems with their job, relationships, or families (could be as little as one hit in some instances) is because of the misinformation and erroneous negative stigma that we have been feed for so many years by the mainstream. You have a lot to learn on the reasons why nonsmokers see MMJ being illegal as a good thing, start with "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer if you haven't read it, it will help you to understand why nonsmokers have been brainwashed into their beliefs. The people that will turn the tide are people that are willing to stand up for what they believe in openly, responsibly for all to see, as Steve D said "We have stepped into the light and in the light we will remain".
I'm not talking about the probational effects of being a pot smoker and having a job... I am talking about getting stoned and going to work or getting stoned at work. Just because some businessmen have martinis at luch isn't justification for smoking up at work although I will admit it is often as wrong a thing. I used to work in real estate and a couple times a month one of the lenders I worked with would take me out for luch and we would have a few beers and whatever. I cleared my schedule to do that though so no foul. I would have prefered a smoke down if that was a legal option.

I do however agree that unfair drug laws are cause of many drug problems. The guy who goes to a concert and shares a dube can then 2 weeks later be in a forklift accident and not get insurance coverage because he tested positive for thc and loose his job and on and on... I get it and we all know this is wrong, but again this is how the government is effectively keeping the working smokers at bay!!! Why else would there be such strict penalties for such a minor thing? Why is there no saliva testing and urine is almost always the test? Saliva can show use within a couple hours but since the devil weed is schedule 1 ANY use shows you are a criminal!!! Not too many people with good jobs and families and ladder climbing careers are willing to say "Yeah I'm going to see my guy about committing a felony later tonight and tomorrow I'm going to do nothing but watch football and commit misdemeanors on my couch." We all laugh at that, but on paper that is exactly what it is!!! How can we empower those people to stand up? Normalcy!! If this show would have shown people working hard, doing a good job, using responsibly or not using at all and cast a good light on most/all facets of legal pot distribution it may have been that needed push for some and at a time when we are at a potential crossroads federally. that is what I am saying really... that is my bitch. As I have said before in this thread though, I do realize that that wasn't the intention of the show and that it was just meant to be entertainment. Hopefully it will inspire a better show and maybe that will be it's gift to the community.

So many assumptions in your post it just makes me smile, gosh do I wish I could stay stoned all day long every day even though I am a grower full time and believe me it takes quite a bit to make a go starting from zero out here in CA. Waving a "pot smoking" flag is how Prop 215 got passed, which has lead to other states following along obviously it did some good? You should take a trip up to the bay area and just see how people dress, and I am sure if you met dress and I am not talking about just seeing the show or a one minute hand shake, I'm talking about got to talk to him for a while about different things you would find that what he wears if a personification of him and would think he should be wearing nothing else.
Responsible use. Pass it on! Believe it or not, I like just about everyone. It isn't me who you have to convince that your buddy Dress is good shit. Not the guy I want being the poster child for legalizing pot though... and he wasn't even a major part of the show I know. I also know Cali is very different in social attitudes and acceptance and I also know that Cali broke the ice for MMJ. You don't want to link ALL of Cali's social idiosyncrasies with pot though do you? That doesn't push the normalcy that proponeants of this show feel was accomplished.

Hard to get from these two paragraphs are you ok with people dressing different or not? You certainly don't think that what you see in those four episodes of Weed Wars is what makes up the entirety of their business? I am sure many "regular" business man has come back from cocktails at lunch and not made the best decisions or was acting in the companies best interest but because that is mainstream and "accepted/legal" it is of no issue. MMJ has so much scrutiny on it, people seem to be expecting that the industry should be like pill making pharmaceutical industry the second it is in the "light" all the while forgetting who and how it has gotten to this point! Dispensaries come and go by the day here in CA it does take something to stay open more than just niche market and being one of a few.
You are making this all about what people wear... I personally don't care, but some things offend people and if you can so easily take down a barrier why would you not? I don't think the MMJ industry should be like pill making, I think it should be called recreational legalization because that is what it is for many people, and that is what it should be. I don't want to redefine wellness or prescription or medicine... I want to educate people on the pros of MJ use for whatever reason.

I'm sure there is more to Harborside than what we saw and I know that was a producers spin. My coments on all of this are based on the perception of mj/mmj for non-smokers after seeing this show. 4 episodes to show people the "reality" of the Cali MMJ scene. This is not the picture most activists would want painted. If you want to tell us more about what happens at harborside then tell us what you guys do all day that wasn't in the show. I would like some insight!

I've been growing for 30+ years now so that should give you some idea of my age as you would know I didn't start growing the day I was born although it was pretty young! Most people seem to think MMJ should follow the same business model as for instance a medical clinics, most I have been in its kakis and polos.
ha! OK now I get it more.

I am not sure how you can say they suck at their jobs from four episodes on a reality show. If you have seen one being made you would understand as many people have pointed out in this thread, a lot of it is made up drama. If a TV show was at your work walking around with cameras over your back and in your face do you think you would be acting as your normal every day to day? They don't film every day for a year and get to know the people and all that they show up setup, a lot of times over pre arranged things happening, film and move on. You aren't seeing what happens on a daily basis. Is T right for being over medicated on the show and giving the wrong impression no but that is what the producers are deciding to show not Harborside. And it's one of many things that could have been shown differently but this is Discovery and they have to be able to air the show, I am sure Discovery is not for the MMJ movement although I am sure some people that work their are.
You can filter my posts of this thread and see what my individual issues were. Steve not understanding the definition of the word retroactive vs the prepaid tax that the city was collecting, The child-like effort of Dress and the creeper dude in front of the board. The constant use of product without ever showing anyone documenting or paying for what they took, use on site and poor perfoemance becaue of it. there were some bright sides too and I thought that Steves decesion over little steve was good and compassionate and I thought the brother did good things with the sales force between the softball game and helping them understand their responsibilities to the store... Again my comments are about what non-smokers will take away from the show. Not what I take away. If you put two bags of chips on the shelf and the one you normally buy always just tastes kinda so/so and will likely be stale and the other one has mud smeared all over the packaging. Which one are you going to buy? Doesn't matter how delicious the mud covered chips are because most people will never even consider it an option. that is where we are at with mj legalization. Mostly government and corporate mud, but mud is mud and harbordide added mud instead of wiping off the bag which is what I was hoping for.

You said it best there in your last sentence and that should be your first response. If we want a good representation of what the MMJ movement is doing we need a better viewpoint that could be delivered by an organization that is part of the movement rather than against it. I am sure discovery cannot spin a good "light" on MMJ or they would not be able to air the program they made. It's obvious from the Marijuana Inc. series they have good points in them but ultimately the message the "non smoker" as you say takes away is MMJ is no good.
Absolutely! At the end of the day this comes down to how the powers that be at Discovery want to portray these things. I couldn't agree more with this and again I appreciate the lively discussion.


If the show as aimed at growers, it wasnt very good. But overall, i bet it kicked ass.

I bet Alaskan crab fishermen hate 'The Deadliest Catch'.

The fact it was only 4 episodes speaks NOTHING of its success. It was scheduled to only be 4 shows, its wasnt cancelled.

The way the show ended (quickly and hurried) may point to a lack of content. Hopefully if they do another season (and the way they promoted it, post debut, points to its success), they will expand, and contact other people.

Im hoping the Discovery Execs figured out that junkies dont steal money to hold on to it. Broken Toilet Drama? If it was season 5 episode 13 sure, but in the pilot episodes? Fake drama at its worst. They wrapped that show like it was a Godfather movie, yet they had ZERO content.

His statement to end the show against legalization was shameful. At the very least he could have said to '"regulate like tobacco and alcohol, other legal drugs". Total Bullshit Move!
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ICMag Donor
Wasn't the guy who started working at Harborside in the clone department the same one who had the spider mite infestation? Makes me wonder if he brought home infested clones from work...

Of course Steve is going to be against total legalization- Wouldn't that pretty much put him out of business?