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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


tv is all about drama, drama sells.
I dont see this doing our cause any good.

reminds me of another weeds, not good at all in my opinion.

And walking around with a goofy grin on his face.

The inclusion of him seemed contrived, not necessarily a full on setup, but something in that direction.

Yes some of it seems a bit forced or setup but probably because they would have to ask permission to include video of the patients in the series before filming them.

I would've liked the series better had it been more focused on the patients and the benefits they are receiving from the medicine. It's still interesting to watch though. I am outside of the United States so it's interesting to see how the dispensaries work.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i like it how Steve DeAngelo says medical this and medical that, the benefits of it are this and that and he is all about the medical community and being an activist for sooo many years....

yet, when we were having weekly meetings at Dennis Peron's office, doing marches all throughout San Francisco, registering voters, collecting signatures, raising a shit ton of cash to do the advertising and putting the word out for Prop 215 in 1995 and 1996, I'VE NEVER SEEN HIM.....

as a matter of fact have never seen him prior to television and advertisements, ive been in this game way to long and know SOOO many game players and activist to never of heard of him before Harborside.....


Active member
Well, who would have thought that having a wardrobe dilemma was, in fact, a medical condition.

Oh, I guess the owner of a speakeasy operating under the guise of a medical center, that's who.

The series was okay, and as someone not from anywhere with that kind of open access some of it was interesting just to see -- to see it out in the open like that was nice.

But wow, Steve is a douche -- doesn't support legalization for recreational purposes -- but does support it for picking out a tie. I'll give him credit, that's a position I never thought I'd hear anyone articulate -- it's so fucking absurd I never thought anyone could think of it.

Actually, it's just the same old argument -- "everyone is sick all the time, so all use is medical." Funny how the speakeasy owners and their associates keep trotting it out in ever more bizarre variations.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
where's the chick who didn't wanna do toilets... is that her in the first pic? not what i remember...


Active member
The “Fuck You” Finale of Weed Wars
Posted by Mickey Martin


The Weed Wars season finale made me sad…..and mad…and upset…and disappointed.

When I realized that Steve Deangelo’s final words to America would be “I do not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational uses” I almost threw a bubbler through my flat screen in disgust. This is the message we are leaving with America? This is your big “risk it all for public education” message? That all people without a doctor’s approval are criminals? Go fuck yourself.

I almost feel sorry for Stevie-D. He has backed himself into such a corner that now he is trumpeting the words of drug warriors in some weak attempt to justify his running the world’s largest weed store on the planet. Nothing is more sad than a man who is so broken down by fear and anxiety that he will sell out his principles in an effort to appease his opposition. It is disgusting and the bottom line is NO ONE IS FALLING FOR IT. The drug warriors, who he hopes his responsible medical only message will reach, could give a shit. And the rest of us who know you, who know you have been recreating with cannabis since your youth, think you are just full of shit…period. It is a lose-lose situation and one that will hang Mr. Deangelo and his wayward family with the jacket of prohibitionist for years to come. What a sorry fucking world a person must live in when they have to convince themselves that everything they have been fighting their entire life of is a lie, and then work to convince the world that his health and wellness game of semantics is somehow the truth. It is bullshit.

What kind of soldier goes to war armed with a word game? See…what Steve is trying to say is that he thinks all use of cannabis is medical, so we do not need to legalize “recreational,” or as I like to call it “adult enjoyable use.” It is such a full of shit premise that it is hard to even grasp. Instead of manning up and admitting that all of the 94,000 patients he serves are NOT in need of medicine, he would rather try and redefine how the entire world understands medicine, and health and wellness. It is such an unbelievable stretch that it is difficult to fathom. Stevie-D would like to convince the entire world that somehow doing 6 ft. bong rips is simply an act of health and wellness, and not an enjoyable use or intoxicant. For some reason this just seems much more difficult than convincing people that cannabis should be free for humans to use as they please because it is safe, enjoyable and helpful.

After watching Stevie fumble-dick around in his closet for twenty minutes trying to find a shirt and tie that match enough to make his outfit perfect, complete with him stopping to “consult the plant” for guidance in this momentous decision, I have decided that the fucking problem is that Steve is just not all there. He plays the role of a smart and responsible CEO, but really, inside he is just a teenage girl looking for approval and willing to do whatever it takes to get that approval…and that is what is so sad. While I thought the “onion goggles” were humorous, it was just so clear that the man behind the myth is nothing more than an ego driven megalomaniac with a strange cult-like David Koresh thing going on.

I believe this show had some very powerful moments. There clearly were some great messages in there about patients and the many benefits that cannabis has on real patient need. There was also a softball team “whacked out on edibles,” two dudes trying to sell bug-infested medicine to patients, dude shop-vaccing his plants, the bad juju mask, the over-indulgence, the eating edibles at work and fucking up orders, the eating edibles and driving, and countless other questionable scenes that make me wonder if the powerful messages were overshadowed by the negative imagery. Only time will tell, I suppose.

What is clear is that the final send off was a big FUCK YOU to each and every person who fights for cannabis freedom for adult use. It was a sorry attempt to pander to an audience who could give a shit and who in turn, now think you are full of shit. This bullshit message is not fooling anyone and Steve and his minions should pull their head out of their asses and grow a sack of nuts. It is one thing to attempt to find fame and fortune off of the backs of the people who make this industry what it is. It is another thing to sell your morals and ethics for a pathetic close-up of your creepy life in an effort to minimize the proverbial hammer coming down on you.

The good news is that for now WEED IS STILL LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA, so smoke up….


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
The “Fuck You” Finale of Weed Wars
Posted by Mickey Martin


The Weed Wars season finale made me sad…..and mad…and upset…and disappointed.

When I realized that Steve Deangelo’s final words to America would be “I do not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational uses” I almost threw a bubbler through my flat screen in disgust. This is the message we are leaving with America? This is your big “risk it all for public education” message? That all people without a doctor’s approval are criminals? Go fuck yourself.

I almost feel sorry for Stevie-D. He has backed himself into such a corner that now he is trumpeting the words of drug warriors in some weak attempt to justify his running the world’s largest weed store on the planet. Nothing is more sad than a man who is so broken down by fear and anxiety that he will sell out his principles in an effort to appease his opposition. It is disgusting and the bottom line is NO ONE IS FALLING FOR IT. The drug warriors, who he hopes his responsible medical only message will reach, could give a shit. And the rest of us who know you, who know you have been recreating with cannabis since your youth, think you are just full of shit…period. It is a lose-lose situation and one that will hang Mr. Deangelo and his wayward family with the jacket of prohibitionist for years to come. What a sorry fucking world a person must live in when they have to convince themselves that everything they have been fighting their entire life of is a lie, and then work to convince the world that his health and wellness game of semantics is somehow the truth. It is bullshit.

What kind of soldier goes to war armed with a word game? See…what Steve is trying to say is that he thinks all use of cannabis is medical, so we do not need to legalize “recreational,” or as I like to call it “adult enjoyable use.” It is such a full of shit premise that it is hard to even grasp. Instead of manning up and admitting that all of the 94,000 patients he serves are NOT in need of medicine, he would rather try and redefine how the entire world understands medicine, and health and wellness. It is such an unbelievable stretch that it is difficult to fathom. Stevie-D would like to convince the entire world that somehow doing 6 ft. bong rips is simply an act of health and wellness, and not an enjoyable use or intoxicant. For some reason this just seems much more difficult than convincing people that cannabis should be free for humans to use as they please because it is safe, enjoyable and helpful.

After watching Stevie fumble-dick around in his closet for twenty minutes trying to find a shirt and tie that match enough to make his outfit perfect, complete with him stopping to “consult the plant” for guidance in this momentous decision, I have decided that the fucking problem is that Steve is just not all there. He plays the role of a smart and responsible CEO, but really, inside he is just a teenage girl looking for approval and willing to do whatever it takes to get that approval…and that is what is so sad. While I thought the “onion goggles” were humorous, it was just so clear that the man behind the myth is nothing more than an ego driven megalomaniac with a strange cult-like David Koresh thing going on.

I believe this show had some very powerful moments. There clearly were some great messages in there about patients and the many benefits that cannabis has on real patient need. There was also a softball team “whacked out on edibles,” two dudes trying to sell bug-infested medicine to patients, dude shop-vaccing his plants, the bad juju mask, the over-indulgence, the eating edibles at work and fucking up orders, the eating edibles and driving, and countless other questionable scenes that make me wonder if the powerful messages were overshadowed by the negative imagery. Only time will tell, I suppose.

What is clear is that the final send off was a big FUCK YOU to each and every person who fights for cannabis freedom for adult use. It was a sorry attempt to pander to an audience who could give a shit and who in turn, now think you are full of shit. This bullshit message is not fooling anyone and Steve and his minions should pull their head out of their asses and grow a sack of nuts. It is one thing to attempt to find fame and fortune off of the backs of the people who make this industry what it is. It is another thing to sell your morals and ethics for a pathetic close-up of your creepy life in an effort to minimize the proverbial hammer coming down on you.

The good news is that for now WEED IS STILL LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA, so smoke up….

WOW VTA! tell us how you REALLY feel?


Active member
laws don't make weed illegal, we do. if everyone would balls up and just grow weed anyway regardless of what any law says then how could they possibly lock us all up? everyone would be in jail. everyone.

but yeah i agree with you, this show is a letdown, and also vindication. its a letdown because i thought i was wrong in those dispensary threads where i was made to feel shamed and wrong for being able to see through the bullshit. i said all along dispensaries are just legalized weed stores. no one cares about patients and etc. the reason they (the feds) are cracking down hard is because they can see through the bullshit too. these guys are flaunting all the money they make all in the govt face. if it was quiet and personal no one would care and weed would be legal all over the place.

sad to see i was right and the proof is on sunday nights at 9pm.

@ GP73LPC i assure you that is her, right as she is bullshittin her way outta cleanin toilets.


Isn't strange that so many people got sick on a "stoner holiday" and needed their medicine? I thought the show was ok til that last episode... DeAngelo sold his soul on that one


Registered Med User
Fuck panzee ass harborside. FUCK UM. Fuckum with a razorblade lined dildo. Fuck um with a spike strip. put a grenade up harborsides ass and pull the pin.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i remember when when this series first came on and i said some mean things about them and tried to tell people what they really are...

i got soooo much flack and even some neg reps for that post....

NOW, people are starting to come around and see what they really are about...


i was right there with ya brother from the first time i saw it,,,they made the whole scene look stupid and the two brothers are morons,,,i hope there is no season two,,,waste of tv,,,give me Pimp Wars next year in its spot,,,course same plot jsut different charaters,,,peace
better keep quiet though i saw a couple nutriders that just plain ole love this shitty show lol,,,


It must be that....Steve D' is a government plant of some sort. That show is/was a complete mess....a complete disservice to any kind of good press for cannabis. What a sad joke....sad stereotypes...I can totally understand why the legalization movement can't be taken seriously by many....and why....the MMJ will eventually be shut down.


Enormous Member
I wonder how much it cost to produce. It couldn't have been much. Maybe NORML should get into the reality TV business.


i don't normally give neg rep. in fact only once before in retaliation, but you just got some hammalamma for wishing the FEDS come down on Harborside...

you should NEVER wish for anyone to go to jail for weed...

that's very childish of you...

OH NO!!! Not negative rep, the world as I now it, is now over. You're not the first and your not gonna be the last to give it to me.Keep that kind of bitchyness to yourself, you don't need to tell every one that you did it.Does that make feel better about doing it?One word comes to mind when I think of people who feel the need to announce shit like that, BITCH.
What a joke, and the horse face chick is not that hot and she seems like one of those stuck up bitches that think their va-jj is gold.
What about the guy who said to f*** steve with razor lined dildos, does he get neg rep too? Are you going to tell every one when you do that too? I don't know about you, but for me I'll take jail any day given the choice of the two.
I didn't say I wanted them to go to jail for weed. Don't put words in mouth.


i remember when when this series first came on and i said some mean things about them and tried to tell people what they really are...

i got soooo much flack and even some neg reps for that post....

NOW, people are starting to come around and see what they really are about...

Funny, isn't it?


I love my life
I hope discovery did a good enough job of making these sad fucks look like the criminals they are. Come on feds where ya at? About steves against legalization remark right after having to smoke to pick out a tie, come on brah give me a break. I smoke to get HIGH, and if it makes me cooler calmer person at the same time then great, if it give me some medicinal benefits even better. How come people can purchase pseudo-ephedrine over the counter, without a rec for it? That shit gets me higher than weed ever has.

OH NO!!! Not negative rep, the world as I now it, is now over. You're not the first and your not gonna be the last to give it to me.Keep that kind of bitchyness to yourself, you don't need to tell every one that you did it.Does that make feel better about doing it?One word comes to mind when I think of people who feel the need to announce shit like that, BITCH.
What a joke, and the horse face chick is not that hot and she seems like one of those stuck up bitches that think their va-jj is gold.
What about the guy who said to f*** steve with razor lined dildos, does he get neg rep too? Are you going to tell every one when you do that too? I don't know about you, but for me I'll take jail any day given the choice of the two.
I didn't say I wanted them to go to jail for weed. Don't put words in mouth.

This could be the source of confusion, but calling for the feds is the same as asking for a person to be placed in a cage in my and many peoples' opinion.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
OH NO!!! Not negative rep, the world as I now it, is now over. You're not the first and your not gonna be the last to give it to me.Keep that kind of bitchyness to yourself, you don't need to tell every one that you did it.Does that make feel better about doing it?One word comes to mind when I think of people who feel the need to announce shit like that, BITCH.
What a joke, and the horse face chick is not that hot and she seems like one of those stuck up bitches that think their va-jj is gold.
What about the guy who said to f*** steve with razor lined dildos, does he get neg rep too? Are you going to tell every one when you do that too? I don't know about you, but for me I'll take jail any day given the choice of the two.
I didn't say I wanted them to go to jail for weed. Don't put words in mouth.

wow !!!!

i was simply pointing out what a DICK you are for suggesting the FEDS come down on them. And btw, what are the FEDS gonna do, slap them on the hand. no, they are going to jail if they get raided. they are breaking federal law. Steve himself even said he is eligible for three death penalties, what ever that means...

you are correct the facilities manager ain't as great looking as i first thought seeing her on TV. of course i was drinking and could have had my beer goggles on....

i guess i missed the razor comment, but it was unnecessary also. it shows a certain level of maturity or lack there of, kinda like your post...

you said 'don't put words in my mouth' and expressed how you felt about me. a couple of words come to mind when i think about people like you, but i'm just gonna let it go...

have a nice day :tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
but yeah i agree with you, this show is a letdown, and also vindication. its a letdown because i thought i was wrong in those dispensary threads where i was made to feel shamed and wrong for being able to see through the bullshit. i said all along dispensaries are just legalized weed stores. no one cares about patients and etc. the reason they (the feds) are cracking down hard is because they can see through the bullshit too. these guys are flaunting all the money they make all in the govt face. if it was quiet and personal no one would care and weed would be legal all over the place.

sad to see i was right and the proof is on sunday nights at 9pm.

HS is a horrible example-- Not all D's are like that-- :tiphat:

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