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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


ok i understand people were disappointed at his not advocating rec use. but to be fair, you have to try see the situation from his point of view in the life he's leading. if you are running a dispensary for med use, you have to stand behind that 100% to be plausible. notice he spoke about wellness, not only as pure medicine but anything that makes your life better. if he were to advocate rec use, the feds would have an easy time saying he is just hiding behind med use. specially if you say such a thing on national tv.

as for his dress style that don't bother me one bit. i take people as i find them, sure he's a bit of a hippy, but so what?

funny to see that retired guy going on his journey of cannabis discovery. would have liked to be with him to talk him through the whole thing, sitting in a hotel room by yourself for the first smoke doesn't seem the best way, although i think it's real cool how he told all his family about his planned adventure. seeing him try hit that pipe made me wince for him and what it tells the viewers about him, lol. not that i hold it against him, he seems to be standing firm in life and deserves to have some fun. seems the cannabis didn't really do it for him, even though his back pain was gone. that memory might come back to him later if he ever has to use too many other meds.

anyway i found it interesting over all and it wasn't too negative, hope they do more such shows.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Just a few things:

I agree with what most people are saying about steve and his anti-legalization stance. I guess he wants more people being thrown in jail for growing/possession. What a turn coat!

Taking credit for the whole CBD thing was also a crock of shit. I wonder how many high CBD strains Steve has bred himself? Oh, wait. He doesn't grow OR breed and he doesn't want YOU to do it either. Anyway.....

The old guy with the pipe was just uncalled for, lol. I mean, come on dude. Anyone else thinks he has tried freebase at some point during his life? "Mostly beer..." Yeah, sure.

That chick Lani is kinda hot. I've seen her in person and she's got a smoking body. Her face reminds me of Olive Oil from the old Popeye cartoons, but I'd still hit it!:dance013:

I'm glad the shows are over. I haven't been to HS in quite a while and now that I know Steve has this whole "anti-legalization" stance, I'm definitely not going again. Steve wants me to go to jail for growing, so I don't think I'll be darkening his doorway anytime soon.



Active member
it's amazing how much hate fits in a small mind...

"picking out a bow tie to go with my clown suit"...............FLUNKIES...
Where to start? How can you take Steve serious as a person let alone a business man? Look at his nappy ass braids that his wife does while hes smoking like Snoop Dogg. What a joke.
They did not ask the old tweeker guy if he had any questions. They did not offer him a pre-roll when he said he cant roll, didn't ask if he knew how to use a pipe when he said he will just try a pipe. Did not explain edibles or hash to him. They have horrible customer service, just to get him in and out. . Harborside, you failed, i'll end this how I started...........Flunkies.....Unprofessional Dirty hippies. Failures.. Only thing your good at is selling overpriced sub par weed to uneducated people, a task that anyone can easily do. And you only bring out "the good stuff" for 4/20 ,or as good as 14% purple weed can get I guess haha. Clowns in clown suits, sad to say but the only one I do like is Steves brother, at least he isn't a freakjob --appearance wise anyhow.


Active member
ok i understand people were disappointed at his not advocating rec use. but to be fair, you have to try see the situation from his point of view in the life he's leading. if you are running a dispensary for med use, you have to stand behind that 100% to be plausible.

anyway i found it interesting over all and it wasn't too negative, hope they do more such shows.

Information on upcoming shows planned by several networks can be found in this article:


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
oh yeah the chick with the plans is hot..is that steves mrs?? :lurk:

Steve's missus is the older lady who was braiding his hair. The chick I'm talking about is the facilities manager who got out of fixing the toilets by telling Andrew that she was working on that cannabis festival 24/7 and just didn't have the time.



Professor Organic Psychology
The people in the show are odd misfits but I wonder what everyone hidden behind their computer on this site are like. Most the folks that have stepped out of the closet so to speak in this world are a bit odd.
Boo Stevie D!!! "These are not the droids you are looking for" Yeah right Stoney One Kajointy! You look like an greedy, money worshiping idiot and a hypocrite by taking the "don't legalize and regulate" stance. I guess someone doesn't want to loose his medically veiled cash cow. What a disappointment. Nothing but dirty hippies at his little don't legalize it fest. What a phony.


I love my life
The point is, Money ruins everything it touches.

I would say despite the evils of money and government, cannabis is doing quite well.

The price is lower and the quality way higher than a decade ago. Every thing else that is consumed costs way more now than it did in 2001 (gas, food, clothes, medicine, education, healthcare, daycare, air travel, etc.).



Active member
"I'm no expert"

"I guess I'll try it the ol' fashioned way"

i mean i read these last post talking about episode four and i saw these pictures, but NONE OF THIS was able to prepare me for when it actually all went down. i almost had a goddamn heart attack i was laughing so hard. i seriously laughed for 5 minutes straight. and i mean big belly laughs, i was literally rolling on the floor laughing except i was in my bed. my face was hurting my ribs were hurting i was all tangled up in my sheets. oh my god. i dunno if it was the weed i was smoking or what but my god. that was about the funniest thing i have ever seen.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
since you're doing screen captures... capture the facilities manager for everyone to see again :D


Active member
those aren't my pics but i can snap off a couple. who is the facilities manager? the chick who didnt wanna clean toilets?

you talkin bout this horseface?



or this chick?



i've only had like 1 and 3/4 lemon bars...


im fully functional...


customer: what is this a indica?
fully functional: yeah um hmm


doritos....doritos... ....
customer: so is it good for pain, or anxiety? can i fly to the moon with this, will i be able to walk through walls and is bush is mom?
fully functional: yeah um hmm


...where are the fucking doritos?


customer: so im good to go? you know you gave me a bag of money rite?


fully functional: ...um yeah... i think she was good to go?


fully functional: dude...i am soooo high right noe

...meanwhile back at the old man...


old man: bartender ill have one beer and...oops i mean one crackpipe and one lighter please!



old man: been lookin forward to this for a while...im glad im doing this right now.


old man: lets see...a double boiler? haven't seen one of these since 1932


burnt my thumb but i can't seem to get any smoke... is it vaporized yet?


im holdin it in but i don't think i got much smoke???




sigh... you know im not a professional...fuck maybe if i try it the old pipe way, maybe the old pipe way. thaat'll help?






i need another one


...thats the way it works...

i was only gonna post the picture of horseface, but while i was going for the screen cap i had to watch the old man again, plus i was high so ...

this message was brought to you by ssk#2(lowland oaxacaxsomesortakush) and the letter WEED. and the corporation for public smoking. and people like you!
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Okay, to give the retired guy the benefit of the doubt... it's possible he just didn't know what he was doing with the pipe and had watched too much intervention TV. Was it really necessary for the producers/editors to include that part?

It sounds to me like he's looking for more of a shamanic experience but he'd probably have to travel even further from his family to find that, and spend time with the shaman.

I find it strange that even though cannabis helped his anxiety and pain he gave up and said something like "it's not for me."


I find it strange that even though cannabis helped his anxiety and pain he gave up and said something like "it's not for me."

And walking around with a goofy grin on his face.

The inclusion of him seemed contrived, not necessarily a full on setup, but something in that direction.


I hope discovery did a good enough job of making these sad fucks look like the criminals they are. Come on feds where ya at? About steves against legalization remark right after having to smoke to pick out a tie, come on brah give me a break. I smoke to get HIGH, and if it makes me cooler calmer person at the same time then great, if it give me some medicinal benefits even better. How come people can purchase pseudo-ephedrine over the counter, without a rec for it? That shit gets me higher than weed ever has.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i don't normally give neg rep. in fact only once before in retaliation, but you just got some hammalamma for wishing the FEDS come down on Harborside...

you should NEVER wish for anyone to go to jail for weed...

that's very childish of you...
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