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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery



a great blog entry from steve bloom-

"I'm disappointed in Steve DeAngelo, who stated at the end of the fourth and final episode of Weed Wars: "I don't believe in legalizing cannabis for recreational use."

DeAngelo (left) is the star of Weed Wars, which Discovery has been accused of stealing. Even worse in my mind is his (and his brother Andrew's) blatant hypocrisy.

Years before they started Harborside Health Center in Oakland, DeAngelo was a marijuana activist/pot dealer in Washington, DC. In fact, he was arrested for possession shortly before he left DC for the West Coast.

I wouldn't dredge this up if DeAngelo (or Stevie D as he's know in cannabis circles) wasn't such a turncoat.

He's made millions selling pot to medical patients in California. His mantra is "cannabis should be used for purposes of wellness." Nice spin. Now let's get back to reality.

Just last year DeAngelo proposed a legalization initiative for California. When Richard Lee beat him to it with Prop 19, DeAngelo pulled back and said he'd wait for 2012. Now it appears that he's not in favor of taxing and regulating marijuana for all uses any longer.

To his credit, DeAngelo and his then partner Eric Steenstra founded the hemp clothing line Ecolution in the mid-'90s. Unfortunately, business didn't go well and they soon closed up shop.

After his arrest and the subsequent dismissal of the case, DeAngelo made his move, opening the uber-slick "WalMart of pot" in Oakland. He aimed to blow away the competition and to some extent has, raking in $20 million dollars in 2010.

I was excited about Weed Wars. Why not a reality TV show that focuses on the inner workings of a major medical-marijuana dispensary?

Allegedly, a producer named Kylie Krabbe pitched the idea to Discovery in 2010. She lined up The Farmacy, based in Los Angeles, as the featured dispensary. According to her complaint, Discovery thought the concept was "too edgy" for them and rejected her proposal. Then, lo and behold, Discovery inked a deal with Harborside instead. If that's true, it's really sleazy.

During their rounds to promote Weed Wars, Andrew DeAngelo, who has glaucoma, told Bill O'Reilly, "We do not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes."

I winced when I heard that, but figured it was just his opinion. Then, as the show's brief season came to a close, Steve parroted his brother.

That's the same stance taken by Montel Williams, who was booed at the NORML Conference DeAngelo speaks at during Episode 4. It's sad to see someone who hails himself as "an agent of change to bring the truth about the cannabis plant to the rest of the world" take such a giant step backwards.

Weed Wars certainly serves an important purpose - to reach beyond the converted, to the heart of mainstream America, with a message of medicinal use. But the series proved to be a DeAngelo family vanity project. Now we know Steve DeAngelo has a closet filled with colorful suits, hats and ties. We also know that he's officially turned his back on the cause he's championed for "almost 40 years."

If Steve DeAngelo's old compatriot Jack Herer were still alive he'd call him a lot worse names. I'm just going to call him a hypocrite and leave it at that."


I love my life
I was more then a little offended when he said he is against legalizing rec use cannabis.
I don't know what kind of lame ass condition he is claiming, but I know a rec user when I see one. Guy smokes all day, while on the PC, watching TV, picking out clothes, etc....
And there is nothing wrong with that IMO, but to try to hide behind the guise of "Med use" and then have the nerve to look down your nose at other rec users, and act like you're superior is offensive to me.

This is as true as it gets.

I don't like the talk of "Movement" and "The Movement needs me." Then out of the same mouth comes "I don't support legalization."

Also what a douchey festival he put on, cannabis as a wellness product. If stress relief and relaxation are a wellness issue that cannabis alleviates, and the on screen Dr. was discussing just that; then Steve the Douche Deangello should realize that "The Movement" is any cannabis user, and his attitude is not that of ANY leader I'd follow.



i will say the dr. the wierd guy goes to see is a great woman and very nice.

thats my clinic!


I love my life
i will say the dr. the wierd guy goes to see is a great woman and very nice.

thats my clinic!

And there is nothing wrong with cannabis use for stress or anxiety, her test of "Is life feeling better?" is enough for me.

I hate the argument that implies some humans should not be allowed to legally consume cannabis. It is an even more disgusting sentiment when it is espoused by canna business owners.



The cat that loves cannabis
I don't like the talk of "Movement" and "The Movement needs me." Then out of the same mouth comes "I don't support legalization."

That part bugged the shit out of me too.
Get over yourself steve, you're not fooling anyone, and your position against legalization of rec use cannabis aside, you're still a shitty speaker, not at all powerful, or able to evoke passionate responses from people.
I think Joe Rogan does a much better job of getting people fired up when he speaks, and he's just a guy who likes to smoke.

Bottom line, the movement DOES NOT need you, you got yours, now kindly step aside let the rest of us interested in making real progress with cannabis reform go on with our business.
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Watching that old guy smoke from his pipe for the first time was pure comedy gold lol. he was lighting that shit like a crack pipe.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Watching that old guy smoke from his pipe for the first time was pure comedy gold lol. he was lighting that shit like a crack pipe.

Hell yeah, I was laughing so hard watching that dude try and light that pipe from the bottom. I don't see how the camera men were laughing their asses off watching that.


Active member
i was also surprised about his "i dont support recreational use" statement....they need to emphasize states rights and individual freedoms more....thats why im torn on this show. i like how they are portraying it for the most part to mainstream america, but then i also know their sleazy background, their work with the ASA and don duncan, and their anti-mom and pop grower stance...harborside wants to take over the market and be the only ones who get to play. there is even a part in episode 2 where andrew deangelo is talking about competing with all those damn "bedroom growers"...

festival also looked lame...selling a bunch of carpets and other hippy shit. ICmag cup was way better!

Old guy was funny, I think he needs to try some mushrooms, sounds like that's the effect he is looking for.

i was thinkin the same thing...he needs to dose a half 8th of the goomies. i cant believe the camera guy didnt help him with his mistake of trying to freebase the pipe. and smoking with a lighter is so damn unhealty.....people need to get on the glowrod....i laugh when i see the owners of harborside still sucking down butane lighter into their bong hits...
The little boy whose seizures stopped and the testimony of the young lady in the weelchair are going to stick in a lot of people's minds. I'm sure many will be inspired to try medical marijuana and that is incredibly cool.


A distant view

A distant view

I've never been to America but I imagined these dispensaries were a lot more sophisticated. These guys don't look like professionals, more like a bunch of stoner freaks. Edibles at work on the busiest day of the year? Doesn't look like they care about the service they provide.


"picking out a bow tie to go with my clown suit"...............FLUNKIES...
Where to start? How can you take Steve serious as a person let alone a business man? Look at his nappy ass braids that his wife does while hes smoking like Snoop Dogg. What a joke.
They did not ask the old tweeker guy if he had any questions. They did not offer him a pre-roll when he said he cant roll, didn't ask if he knew how to use a pipe when he said he will just try a pipe. Did not explain edibles or hash to him. They have horrible customer service, just to get him in and out. . Harborside, you failed, i'll end this how I started...........Flunkies.....Unprofessional Dirty hippies. Failures.. Only thing your good at is selling overpriced sub par weed to uneducated people, a task that anyone can easily do. And you only bring out "the good stuff" for 4/20 ,or as good as 14% purple weed can get I guess haha. Clowns in clown suits, sad to say but the only one I do like is Steves brother, at least he isn't a freakjob --appearance wise anyhow.


The cat that loves cannabis
Edibles at work on the busiest day of the year? Doesn't look like they care about the service they provide.
I loved that part though, the look on that guys face who ate the lemon bar, LMAO, you can't fake that.

That guy had the classic, I'm intensely fucked up look on his face.

I was jonesing for a lemon bar so bad watching that,


Active member
yah me too..

JUst saw the show for the first time,the 4rth an last right?
WELL,at first i was amazed at the HUGE place an ALL the bussiness!
THe like you all said"a clown apperance" came through..
So i was really hoping to see a more professional medical feel?
i never been to cali,some day maybe..
The younger dudes at the counter were good in explaining to some extent but not to the old man SHIT,the pipe episode was funny an sad he was never told to light from top,just like any pipe.
THE SHOCKER...was the "not for rec use " OH my freaking WHAT?
Look at yourself dude all hippied up.
Shizzzznal movement at best.

Some other place needs to be on TV soon,an correct the med MJ thing......

There was some good lookin bud!
Merry Xmas ic.....From Lg


New member
The guys down at Harborside need to become an integral part of the editing process with Discovery on this one. If they are in fact helping with the editing of the show, my hats off to them for what will most likely be a disaster of epic proportions. Bravo ladies and sirs, well done. I can't even begin to comprehend how somebody that is a part of the medical movement would allow some of these scenes to be shown on tv? Anybody else baffled by this. Steve is picking out his clothing, having a difficult time doing so, and says "sometimes when I find myself in a situation like I was in in the dressing room there, I sit down, medicate a little bit, step back, consult with the plant a little bit, take a fresh look at it." WTF?!? In what reality is this a perception of cannbis as medication. Last time I checked, the list of qualifying conditions for the use of medicinal cannabis didn't include "difficulties in dressing oneself." The perception you are allowing the public at large to see is that you like to get blazed. They should start displaying brief clips of what the employees/patients/anybody on camera who is "medicating" have in terms of conditions that can benefit by the use of cannabis. Not just random safety meetings or the ass clown sales guy who can't even function after downing an edible. I'm sorry, what was he suffering from again, besides sobriety. And the stoner logic of attempted bragging rights that he has "only" had 1 and 3/4 of a lemon dream bar and is still fully functional. How much medicine do you need to ingest for your condition, and could you have arrived at that state with much less? Most likely. That scene reminded me of seeing people on opiates and prescription pharmaceuticals, anybody else get that vibe. I know most of us have taken more edibles that necessary, but a little discretion with cameras around might not hurt. The focus of this show could go entirely in the medical direction, which it should, for educational purposes of society. And they have an 80,000 + patient per year control group with which they could conduct a wide array of studies with, with the proper documentation to back it up. I find it hard to believe that you want to help people when you charge Cali black market prices for medicine, especially operating as a non profit. If you're pullin down that kind of dough, just lower prices and pass the savings on to your PATIENTS. They are patients right, and not just customers...? Apologies everyone, this show is grinding my gears on many levels. Focus should be on the benefits of this plant we all know so well. End rant.