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Owl Mirror

Active member
Or it could just be legal and we could be done with all the regulations and black market

While I agree, operating outside the regulations after we have been granted a way forward today will only serve to destroy the gains made.

Bad advice is also leading to calls that the program is a failure.
One organization promotes the notion that NO marijuana is USABLE until the patient says it is.
The patients are told that hanging plants do not count towards their total possession limit.
I know a guy that followed this advice and had 12 plants hang drying, plus his 2.5 OZ in a jar.
He thought he was compliant because this organization told him this is how to get around the law.
He is going to prison soon !

The law says USABLE and the authorities view that when you can crush a bud between your fingers.


Active member
LOL well I can walk 100 yards from my back door and catch fish like this one through a hole in the ice.


I fish all the time where I am and I don't have to deal with frozen shit. I mean I guess if they mj market were better there than in cali I would move there but it isn't so Im going to cali.... no ice... little snow... no winter lasting all year long... paradise.
I fish all the time where I am and I don't have to deal with frozen shit. I mean I guess if they mj market were better there than in cali I would move there but it isn't so Im going to cali.... no ice... little snow... no winter lasting all year long... paradise.
Hope you've got deep pockets.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I see. I generally agree with everything you're saying. But it gets more layered for people who grow in a state with no such stipulations. Both of the friends that know I grow think that my growing is the dumbest decision I've ever made, and that I am insane for risking my career for a few plants. I'm under incredible pressure to make sure I don't get caught. If I do, I lose everything. I'm not trying to throw a pity party or martyr myself, but I am saying that this isn't easy money for most of us. More like making a few grand here and there for doing what we love.

So maybe it's not so fair to generalize, as I believe you did earlier, against all guys who might pick up a little scratch on the side with cannabis.

I'm not against "pick up a little scratch on the side".
My beef is those who take advantage of the registered medical patients.
The recreational market can do whatever they want, just don't force those prices and conditions on patients. We've got enough problems to deal with, we don't need added stress over deciding to buy expensive weed we can't afford on our income or going back on the addictive opiates.
I am sorry that there does appear to be a sharp division between the recreational user and the medical patient but, there is a noted difference in our consumption.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I'm very confused. How does this come about as a result of growing your own pot?
Clearly I missed something.

I was/am an activist before the law was enacted. After the law passed, I was asked to be a mod on this organizations web forum.
When I began expressing my views as I've done here, I was attacked, defamed and finally removed from my duties.
I was banned from further contact on the forum, had people sitting outside my house watching my every move.
Because I was a mod, I had more insight regarding the behind the scene discussions on the best way forward.
It was when I exposed these discussions in public for all the patients to realize that I began having trouble.
In fact, I have a slam dunk case against the executive director for defamation and slander but, being poor i can't afford a lawyer and those folks actually mentioned that fact.
I have two months before I can no longer file the lawsuit and still no hope of getting a lawyer to represent me.
This is just another example of how this organization considers patients.


Active member
I was/am an activist before the law was enacted. After the law passed, I was asked to be a mod on this organizations web forum.
When I began expressing my views as I've done here, I was attacked, defamed and finally removed from my duties.
I was banned from further contact on the forum, had people sitting outside my house watching my every move.
Because I was a mod, I had more insight regarding the behind the scene discussions on the best way forward.
It was when I exposed these discussions in public for all the patients to realize that I began having trouble.
In fact, I have a slam dunk case against the executive director for defamation and slander but, being poor i can't afford a lawyer and those folks actually mentioned that fact.
I have two months before I can no longer file the lawsuit and still no hope of getting a lawyer to represent me.
This is just another example of how this organization considers patients.

If you have such an airtight case find a talented lawyer and tell him he will receive 20% of the civil settlement and bada bing bada boom you are in business.

Owl Mirror

Active member
If you have such an airtight case find a talented lawyer and tell him he will receive 20% of the civil settlement and bada bing bada boom you are in business.

I have tried, they all say they want $5000 before they will even review the case.
Hell I would give a lawyer 100% of the award, just to stop this guy from treating patients with such disdain.
Anyone willing to take the case, PM me asap


Active member
I have tried, they all say they want $5000 before they will even review the case.
Hell I would give a lawyer 100% of the award, just to stop this guy from treating patients with such disdain.
Anyone willing to take the case, PM me asap

I am not a lawyer but I can tell you right now that you are talking to the wrong lawyers or you are not making your case clear or your case isn't as strong as you think. The fact is that I could call a lawyer in my city tomorrow and have him put paperwork in on my behalf to start a case against a local industry if my father has just one health problem linked to a certain specific substance. Actually we could sue quite a few entities including a hospital. If your case is good and there is substantial money to be made the lawyer will hear the cha ching before he sees your empty wallet.


I'm not against "pick up a little scratch on the side".
My beef is those who take advantage of the registered medical patients.
The recreational market can do whatever they want, just don't force those prices and conditions on patients. We've got enough problems to deal with, we don't need added stress over deciding to buy expensive weed we can't afford on our income or going back on the addictive opiates.
I am sorry that there does appear to be a sharp division between the recreational user and the medical patient but, there is a noted difference in our consumption.

I live in Or so many of the dynamics are different but one thing remains the same in all MMJ states. low price access to all patients who do not or can not grow their own.
Obviously if one does not wish to or is unable to produce their own cannabis it is not ureasonable to pay someone else to do it for them.
In Or one cannot take anything beyond reimbursement of supplies and the plants them selves belong to the patient so the caregiver following the letter of the law is both altruistic and taking it in the shorts for their ability and time.
In Cali it is much more ambiguous and it is open to profit from ones skill and labor and as a result there is far better access for all patients in Cali and Colo. The main problem in this is the federal threat has caused pricing to remain high despite a much lower threat/risk level.
This is a legislative loophole in not creating a state licensed grower situation with quality control by the Dept of Ag. This would cause a distinct accountability and difference between a medical grow and a recreational one.
I think this should be how cannabis is handled even if completely legal when produced for sales of any kind. prices then would be dictated by the medical market alone and not influenced by the recreational market.
Registered medical patients could then contract the licensed grower to produce X oz's/Y days/mnths.yrs at a price dictated more by price of production + salaried employees of a non profit corp than any black market influences.
this mode could and would work in all MMJ states and not exclude the small grower who remains competative in price and quality to contract patients within the limits of the required non-profit corp of which the salaries of employee and costs are public. This would "lean" down the industry making prices fall and MMJ pricing subject to the MMJ market alone. this would also restore the risk which some growers count on in their pricing and support rec prices until legalization.
just my thoughts after the infancy of MMJ and the brink of a needed shift in the way people access it.


Active member
It should be completely legal and there should be no distinction made between the recreational and medicinal markets until there is a true division in the plant being produced. Regardless the price should be set by the free market and thus buyers and sellers negotiating that price.
It should be completely legal and there should be no distinction made between the recreational and medicinal markets until there is a true division in the plant being produced. Regardless the price should be set by the free market and thus buyers and sellers negotiating that price.

Rep +



As someone who has a little experience in Michigan(for a month or so I was involved in a few meet and greets), I don't understand the dilemna of these patients. Why do they work with these savage growers who use them for their 12 plants AND charge them top dollar? What on earth would motivate that? I went to a compassion meeting in Ann Arbor that was publically advertised where people were not-so-descretly telling patients that free weed was no problem if they signed them off as a caregiver.

These patients just have to do more shopping before they get locked in with a sadistic asshole.
I can't even tell you how hard it is to find an honest caregiver. Then you have to sign up with them before they can grow your 12 plants! So you are stuck with them. Costs 10 bucks to change CGs,and takes MONTHS for the paperwork. Many have signed up pts then given them nothing,it's a real mess.


Rep +


you dont want it legal...sounds good for the short run..then you would have all the major cigarette manfactures come in and take over the market. ex "marbro green" its already in the works and there just waiting till it is legal and you will be buying it at every gas station across america.....then pot wont be worth shit..like 25 $ an oz..soo if your growing it or selling it your not going to make shit...keeping it illegal and decriminalized sets the plant to an artificial balloon market price... and everyone profits..from the multi billion pharma company's to your local mom and pop growing operation to a dispensary and a co-op...

watch the movie "the Onion.." it explains everything
I can't even tell you how hard it is to find an honest caregiver. Then you have to sign up with them before they can grow your 12 plants! So you are stuck with them. Costs 10 bucks to change CGs,and takes MONTHS for the paperwork. Many have signed up pts then given them nothing,it's a real mess.

Well Mary,
I'm looking to become a caregiver in the next few months (we'll see how WI votes in Jan). I am as honest as they come, hell, when I sell to my friends in this VERY ILLEGAL place taking a GREAT RISK I still come in $150-$200 below what everyone else charges. A dealer/broker friend of mine asks "Why the hell are you selling this grade A for so cheap?!?" Because it's the RIGHT thing to do. I'm not trying to get rich, just trying to get by. I remember buying Beasters and Pretendo for $450-$500 a zip. Bullshit. Honest caregivers are out there, guess you just gotta find them...

And I am in NO WAY knocking commercial growers. If it wasn't for people like them taking the risks they do I would've never known anything about the good herb in the first place :2cents:

you dont want it legal...sounds good for the short run..then you would have all the major cigarette manfactures come in and take over the market. ex "marbro green" its already in the works and there just waiting till it is legal and you will be buying it at every gas station across america.....then pot wont be worth shit..like 25 $ an oz..soo if your growing it or selling it your not going to make shit...keeping it illegal and decriminalized sets the plant to an artificial balloon market price... and everyone profits..from the multi billion pharma company's to your local mom and pop growing operation to a dispensary and a co-op...

watch the movie "the Onion.." it explains everything

Rogue Ales sells six packs at my local grocer for $12. Miller High Life is $5.00. Why do people pay more than TWICE the amount for Rogue Ales over Miller High Life??? QUALITY! If you want BULLSHIT from the tobacco companies that's been mass produced, go buy your bullshit. If you want a fine microbrewed product, spend a little more and buy something someone actually cared for. There will be a market when cannabis goes legal. Nuff said.


Owl Mirror

Active member
I live in Or so many of the dynamics are different but one thing remains the same in all MMJ states. low price access to all patients who do not or can not grow their own.
Obviously if one does not wish to or is unable to produce their own cannabis it is not unreasonable to pay someone else to do it for them.
In Or one cannot take anything beyond reimbursement of supplies and the plants them selves belong to the patient so the caregiver following the letter of the law is both altruistic and taking it in the shorts for their ability and time.
In Cali it is much more ambiguous and it is open to profit from ones skill and labor and as a result there is far better access for all patients in Cali and Colo. The main problem in this is the federal threat has caused pricing to remain high despite a much lower threat/risk level.
This is a legislative loophole in not creating a state licensed grower situation with quality control by the Dept of Ag. This would cause a distinct accountability and difference between a medical grow and a recreational one.
I think this should be how cannabis is handled even if completely legal when produced for sales of any kind. prices then would be dictated by the medical market alone and not influenced by the recreational market.
Registered medical patients could then contract the licensed grower to produce X oz's/Y days/mnths.yrs at a price dictated more by price of production + salaried employees of a non profit corp than any black market influences.
this mode could and would work in all MMJ states and not exclude the small grower who remains competitive in price and quality to contract patients within the limits of the required non-profit corp of which the salaries of employee and costs are public. This would "lean" down the industry making prices fall and MMJ pricing subject to the MMJ market alone. this would also restore the risk which some growers count on in their pricing and support rec prices until legalization.
just my thoughts after the infancy of MMJ and the brink of a needed shift in the way people access it.

Michigan is suppose to operate similar to what you've described above.
Unfortunately, those who took the lead, invited outside influences from California to set up the conditions favorable to grow rooms popping up everywhere with little to no benefit for the patients.

Owl Mirror

Active member
you dont want it legal...sounds good for the short run..then you would have all the major cigarette manfactures come in and take over the market. ex "marbro green" its already in the works and there just waiting till it is legal and you will be buying it at every gas station across america.....then pot wont be worth shit..like 25 $ an oz..soo if your growing it or selling it your not going to make shit...keeping it illegal and decriminalized sets the plant to an artificial balloon market price... and everyone profits..from the multi billion pharma company's to your local mom and pop growing operation to a dispensary and a co-op...
watch the movie "the Onion.." it explains everything

... and everyone profits..., except the medical patient-consumer

I believe the best scenario would be legal possession, coupled by individually licenses micro-grows for personal consumption alone.
Sale of marijuana should be regulated, even taxed yet, the home-grow for personal consumption should be regulated the same as a micro-brew of beer and wine.

Only those pursuing profits would argue with this plan.
As is becoming typical today, plans of allowing every household to grow their own is portrayed as Socialistic.
In Or one cannot take anything beyond reimbursement of supplies and the plants them selves belong to the patient so the caregiver following the letter of the law is both altruistic and taking it in the shorts for their ability and time.

Seems compassion is also looked as socialistic too.
This is the point of contention between the two sides. The med patients want to grow plants free from the commercial market and it's inflated prices while the entrenched black market forces want to control how medical marijuana is grown, sold and distributed.

They want this in order to give them the cover of legitimacy.
There is no Altruism in Capitalism.

Personally, I do not intend to allow those forces to dictate how Michigan's medical marijuana program is judged. Their participation only guarantees failure.

I can't even tell you how hard it is to find an honest caregiver. Then you have to sign up with them before they can grow your 12 plants! So you are stuck with them. Costs 10 bucks to change CGs,and takes MONTHS for the paperwork. Many have signed up pts then given them nothing,it's a real mess.
Sorry to hear this. I can't believe that it takes months to switch caregivers. Unbelievable. When you hear stuff like that you realize that most people think the "medical" aspect of medical marijuana is a facade; no chance the "paperwork" work take days let alone months if you were switching Pharmacists for your Xanax script.

We've got a long, long way to go, and I'm very sorry that you and your friends are apparently stuck in the cross-hairs.
Well Mary,
I'm looking to become a caregiver in the next few months (we'll see how WI votes in Jan). I am as honest as they come, hell, when I sell to my friends in this VERY ILLEGAL place taking a GREAT RISK I still come in $150-$200 below what everyone else charges. A dealer/broker friend of mine asks "Why the hell are you selling this grade A for so cheap?!?" Because it's the RIGHT thing to do. I'm not trying to get rich, just trying to get by. I remember buying Beasters and Pretendo for $450-$500 a zip. Bullshit. Honest caregivers are out there, guess you just gotta find them...

And I am in NO WAY knocking commercial growers. If it wasn't for people like them taking the risks they do I would've never known anything about the good herb in the first place :2cents:

I'm currently in a non-medical state. I don't sell my stuff cheap. In fact, I charge top dollar. The reason is because I deal exclusively with my friends, who deals with his friends, who are college kids. People with money trying to catch a buzz. I feel no shame in charging 400 an oz in this situation. It's about what you pay for few drinks at the bar, and it is the equivalent experience for them; a quick buzz.

I only know one person in my life currently who is medical, legitimately, and she pays nothing. Granted she doesn't smoke much so it's not like I'm playing hero here, but still. That, I think, is the discrepancy that is worth making when having the moral conversation in non-medical states. When you start talking caregiver stuff, and the reality of the "scratch my back I'll scratch yours" scenario that it allows via excess plants...those meds should be free. An ounce or so a month. IMO.