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Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry



what cheesed me off was the part where they were like "2 Giant Diesel Generators, is destroying the environment". Oh brother, what about nuclear waste sites???? I live near a nuclear fuel making depot thingy, and out back there's like 500 acres with rusting 55 gallon drums of nuclear waste. Those drums have just been sitting there since 1950s.

Fertilizer is portrayed as a horrible thing for the environment, but it runs into the Ohio River untill it turns brown & yucky from legal cropping.

Give me a break CNBC! I doubt a pot patch is going to destroy the environment with fertilizers!

& those dumb asses who were moving "where there ain't no pot growing"??? WooHoo, if I had 13 gardens in my back yard, I'd be making me some friends in the neighborhood! Where are you Mr. Rogers? Won't you be my neighbor??

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.....when those plants are next door!

pack a bowl

lola you are sounded as thick headed as the coppers on that show when you talk like that.
you doubt a pot patch is going to destroy the environment with fertz? do you realize how massive some of those patches are? how out of place the fertz are for the native plants / animals??? fucking up state wild life reserves is nothing to support, at all.

weed is an invasive plant (its a weed DUH) that will kill off many things around it and simply doesn't belong in those environments.

obv. legalizing it would put a stop to that but you can't deny these growers are hurting precious natural environments that we have had to fight to keep pristine.


Just Call me Urkle!!
that was my favorite part! "The people winning is everyone up here sustaining the marijuana culture" hell yeah we're winning!

Fuck yes we are winning when they were bitching about all the grows outdoors I was thinking about all the stealth cabs that are going right now across the country ahahahah...
The only way I see that family knowing about the 13 gardens was if they were sanctioned and on the list of legal gardens in the area which you can get.
Though it did bother me hearing them call cannabis poison!! Whats poison is the Methadone that I'm allowed to take everyday cuz I was addicted to painkillers that were legally given to me!!!! Call me crazy but if I quit pot cold turkey I'm not going to go into severe withdrawls and throw up all over the place for a week not being able to function in society but methadone is legal! Vicodin is legal!!! They just give people legal Heroin and cry about pot ruining the nation hahahahahaha

p.s Ive been in that Denny's haha


stone fool
I caught the late rerun, and I was impressed with a lot of accuracy in the reporting. The reporter bitch is on national tv every day talking about money, markets , and the economy. The telling point is when she is talking about large money numbers, her eyes lighted up, and she looked into the camera to her audience, the millionaires. Legality is a technicallity in that world. She was telling them that this is an emerging market, that is beginning to open up as it legitimizes.

In this year we have had 60 minutes do MMJ, Nat Geo do marijuana nation, and now CNBC focus on the financial aspects. This is how change begins in our culture, first the peeps are fed tv shows, then a movie or two, and the debate starts in ernest. We are building momentum.


lola you are sounded as thick headed as the coppers on that show when you talk like that.
you doubt a pot patch is going to destroy the environment with fertz? do you realize how massive some of those patches are? how out of place the fertz are for the native plants / animals??? fucking up state wild life reserves is nothing to support, at all.

weed is an invasive plant (its a weed DUH) that will kill off many things around it and simply doesn't belong in those environments.

obv. legalizing it would put a stop to that but you can't deny these growers are hurting precious natural environments that we have had to fight to keep pristine.

Guess I'm just used to farmers putting 40,000,000,000 gallons of ferts over millions of acres of farmland to be too upset by those puny patches of weed I saw, come on, how much ferts could they be using? Legal farmers are much worse is MY point.

Thick headed Lola

pack a bowl

i can't say i know much about the legal farmers. but losing simply one acre of preserved wildlife land deserves no support AT ALL in any way. those mexicans who plant weed rip up the forests with no remorse for their patches. the water they irrigate can potentially be taking from plants / animals that need it more as well.

it is truly so stupid because the arguments the cops make can completely be turned around by legalizing it, but they already know that and use those arguments in the first place because they have nothing else... their BS is running low but still not low enough.


well if the land is protected by the state, everyone should respect that, grower or not...

Haps, i noticed this as well...and i completely agree, once the people/entities with influence get the potential numbers; it's a done deal...as with anything, people don't care...unless it makes money...


Active member
didn't realize there was a thread on this here too..
posted this in the other one..

felt more of a negative vibe then a positive.. people running from growers all around them.. and that guy saying how he was so embarrased medocino is known for this etc.. oh how humiliating.. the guilt..smoking marjuana is bad for you..the guilt.. dont do it..the guilt.. this is whats drilled into your head since birth, how its so bad..a dirty an sinful deed.. damn, what about the people who live in milwaukie, wi.. all those beer brewers, im leaving im running and moving from there!! im so embarrased for them to be to close to me.. run!run! the shame..

zzzz, its an image thing. people sticking to what they learned, and its hard for them to unlearn it. kinda like racism for weed, oh well..

try again..

and a little added bonus!

remember when the reporter was in the dispensary..and she's like what's the difference..and he's like red and white wine! etc. and she's like OOOOH... here smell this..
she makes a face.. "smells strong!" then try this one..and she makes a face, i think i like the other one better..(the 1st one)

i slowed down and looked at the labels.. she liked williams wonder over jack herer.. lol she's a ww girl..

what does williams wonder smell like? (curious) hehe

overall i got the feeling they are showing how bad its gotten there, and protect your families if it comes to your town!! etc..

edit: also, when she's pointing at the book and asks whats different about it, that's "purple erkle hash" erkle? i thought it was urkle?

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ya know...just once i'd like someone to be in that asshole drug czar's face and say..."if its so bad...whats the death toll, asshole? no really i want to know. it's sooo faaakin bad...where are all the bodies??? tell me some facts. alcohol kills thousands a year...so why is pot bad??? how many people have died? no no, i don't need to hear your skewed views...i need real facts backed up by real scientists not the idiots from the government...just answer the faaakin question dickhead. where are all the bodies that this evil drug has killed?"

hhhmmm just as i thought...not a faaakin one!
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I have to hide all my shit and walk around worried when some 24 yr old still fighting an acne problem says he's making how much in his garden.Well F U C K me and that nasty %unt talks about the millions.That weenie of a dope slinging peddler just made we want to slap the whole show and I left it in 10 min that a friend of mine showed me on his tevo.I guess that's why they say books are better than TV.If that show didn't bore you, can we trade iq's, I need a dumming down.I'd much rather watch some guy here growing his 5 nice cuts and enjoy being dumb ass poor.Anyway that was truly an insult to anyone around here and an insult to me.If you've still got a zit problem, you shouldn't be acting like some big hustler wheeling and dealing like anybody that's done their 20+ yrs.Screw it I'm not in my right mind.....Chaco


Active member
i thoght this one was better then "marijuana nation"

i'm starting to think the cops/dea have they'er own plots to pull for interveiws,they are always in veg,always shitty looking and they always have somthing that leads the cops to think they'er mexican growers.....


I thought it was an ok show.Similar to the natgeo show. Still the same Drug Czar views we've come to know and love.. As far as that family moving cus there is too many growers thats just dumb. If she grew up there you'd think she'd know people have been growing MJ up there for years. Not like they all of sudden just started. Maybe there is more than there used to be. I was up in the mendo area , near a small town hunting, there were deff people just blowin it up there. That's probly the only way she know there was that many grows. People just not caring if you know or not. Theyre sittin on their crops anyways. Ha that part about paying to learn how to grow... Must not be smart enough to read... haha. pick up a book or go online I mean cmon...

Indica Jones

Active member
i thoght this one was better then "marijuana nation"

i'm starting to think the cops/dea have they'er own plots to pull for interveiws,they are always in veg,always shitty looking and they always have somthing that leads the cops to think they'er mexican growers.....

I noticed the campground food being beans and tortillas. LOL


didn't realize there was a thread on this here too..
posted this in the other one..

felt more of a negative vibe then a positive.. people running from growers all around them.. and that guy saying how he was so embarrased medocino is known for this etc.. oh how humiliating.. the guilt..smoking marjuana is bad for you..the guilt.. dont do it..the guilt.. this is whats drilled into your head since birth, how its so bad..a dirty an sinful deed.. damn, what about the people who live in milwaukie, wi.. all those beer brewers, im leaving im running and moving from there!! im so embarrased for them to be to close to me.. run!run! the shame..

zzzz, its an image thing. people sticking to what they learned, and its hard for them to unlearn it. kinda like racism for weed, oh well..

try again..

and a little added bonus!

remember when the reporter was in the dispensary..and she's like what's the difference..and he's like red and white wine! etc. and she's like OOOOH... here smell this..
she makes a face.. "smells strong!" then try this one..and she makes a face, i think i like the other one better..(the 1st one)

i slowed down and looked at the labels.. she liked williams wonder over jack herer.. lol she's a ww girl..

what does williams wonder smell like? (curious) hehe

overall i got the feeling they are showing how bad its gotten there, and protect your families if it comes to your town!! etc..

edit: also, when she's pointing at the book and asks whats different about it, that's "purple erkle hash" erkle? i thought it was urkle?


i get what you're saying...but i'm not sure i agree with you. I did catch all the the negative spin and propaganda BS, however, the "tone" of the show (if there is such a thing) was on the lighter side, IMO....I mean, when you see a show that is intended to scare the people and put a negative aura around something, they show you people bleeding on the streets and mothers crying as they give their interview, and heavy handed background music...none of that here; MARIJUANA INC. and its host seemed to be informing us of some minor nuissance taking place in Cali, as opposed to, say...an all out WAR ON DRUGS...


My problem is that growers as a whole are not stupid hicks.Sellers and smokers , I don't know that's your choice I just can't stand to see "them", yup "them" making people who have worked hard and smart for years to make up the good shit look seedy and stupid, dumber than pig pen washer, all but for the little M%M looking acne dude, he's fine, he's just there for the $.We have a culture, we have to keep it straight, its been a cool culture for 40 yrs and now it s a god damn joke.The carnivals in town and guess where, "crazy California". I'd rather sell and illegal pound for $5600 bucks than one for $2500 or 10 for that matter to that little office clerk.Price goes down, quality goes down and to see that weenie cutting up a bud for that broad with the tits, man, he wouldn't last on my crew for 1min if I saw him grabbing bud like that.How did he get that job any way?
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Active member
primo: maybe it may be more accurate to say it was balanced with a slight leaning toward the negative spectrum - just so cbnc can cover its ass and doesn't want to take a side...

if your 100% for it, you will see the good in it... how cbnc is about money and trying to get money makers more interested in it - get them to grow it, force it to be accepted..etc

if your a mj hater you will see all the bad in it....destroying communities, the children, the pollution!! scourge..

you know the only show that i liked that was 100% for it was the one with woody harrelson narrating.. it was called "Grass" - why don't they play that on TV?

maybe you can find a torrent or a stream of that one. i see on google it was banned in ontario because of chimps being forced to smoke tons of pot? yeah they died of suffocation.. not thc, lol



primo: maybe it may be more accurate to say it was balanced with a slight leaning toward the negative spectrum - just so cbnc can cover its ass and doesn't want to take a side...

if your 100% for it, you will see the good in it... how cbnc is about money and trying to get money makers more interested in it - get them to grow it, force it to be accepted..etc

if your a mj hater you will see all the bad in it....destroying communities, the children, the pollution!! scourge..

you know the only show that i liked that was 100% for it was the one with woody harrelson narrating.. it was called "Grass" - why don't they play that on TV?

maybe you can find a torrent or a stream of that one. i see on google it was banned in ontario because of chimps being forced to smoke tons of pot? yeah they died of suffocation.. not thc, lol



Grass, huh? netflix has it....roger ebert gives it two and a half stars...the fuck he knows?...it's on my list...thanks!!