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Wearing Masks

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Active member
i love how the headline starts 'Here's How to Think'

Good catch. However all you have to really do is read the Dutch study to see what they left out. It was actually a good study. It’s the way it’s being interrupted by others who in turn reach false conclusions.

It was a study of mask wearing as personal protection in an unmasked population. It’s been said over and over, the mask wearing is a matter of not spreading your spit. They’re not personal protection, yet that’s always the point being argued.


Well-known member
And you research lead you to bullshit.

Says the cat who continuously and consistently spews condescending little quips holding no value, yet never provides one iota of corroboration.

Worthless much? Absolutely!

Perhaps all your posts would be considered as trolling per the TOU? :thinking:

Do you even grow weed my sweets?
Asking for our fancy janitor of course.


Active member
Says the cat who continuously and consistently spews condescending little quips holding no value, yet never provides one iota of corroboration.

Worthless much? Absolutely!

Perhaps all your posts would be considered as trolling per the TOU? :thinking:

Do you even grow weed my sweets?
Asking for our fancy janitor of course.

Save urself the trouble n Just puT him on ignore.. I read a thousand of his posts over the years... couldn’t find a salient point or a good joke among them so said bye bye..


Well-known member
Says the cat who continuously and consistently spews condescending little quips holding no value, yet never provides one iota of corroboration.

Worthless much? Absolutely!

Perhaps all your posts would be considered as trolling per the TOU? :thinking:

Do you even grow weed my sweets?
Asking for our fancy janitor of course.

Says the warrior for those with small minds who continuously and consistently spews little poofs of pointless and not entertaining bullshit of no value and only helps prove the points of the same people the sad warrior is trying to annoy.


Active member
Says the warrior for those with small minds who continuously and consistently spews little poofs of pointless and not entertaining bullshit of no value and only helps prove the points of the same people the sad warrior is trying to annoy.

That’s just like ur opinion man
(Which per usual I don’t share)


Active member
Says the cat who continuously and consistently spews condescending little quips holding no value, yet never provides one iota of corroboration.

Worthless much? Absolutely!

Perhaps all your posts would be considered as trolling per the TOU? :thinking:

Do you even grow weed my sweets?
Asking for our fancy janitor of course.

Whatever. Internet police much?


Well-known member
Says the warrior for those with small minds who continuously and consistently spews little poofs of pointless and not entertaining bullshit of no value and only helps prove the points of the same people the sad warrior is trying to annoy.

WARRIOR? Damn straight!

I will always stand up for the right for all to speak without ridicule and harassment.
Umm, freedom of speech... remember that term? Do you recall or did you ever know what it actually means? Not only you and your pals have the right to speak their minds... ALL persons have that same right. smfh.

Small minds? You've lost any modicum of credibility you may(?) previously have had, with that statement. 1) it's just your opinion man and... 2) you are attempting to devalue others simply due to their disagreement with your opinion. :thinking: It also shows that you are indeed that same type of small minded person you are attempting to devalue. sheesh.

Are you and hammer related?
Do you stamp your wittle feetsies IRL when you don't get your way??? :gaga:

Do you find genuine value in h.h. posts? Is he someone you honestly feel the need to defend? OR... are you simply spouting off towards me just to be obstinate? Choose wisely young man. Nuff said.

Meh, taco's goes back on ignore.


Active member
WARRIOR? Damn straight!

I will always stand up for the right for all to speak without ridicule and harassment.
Umm, freedom of speech... remember that term? Do you recall or did you ever know what it actually means? Not only you and your pals have the right to speak their minds... ALL persons have that same right. smfh.

Small minds? You've lost any modicum of credibility you may(?) previously have had, with that statement. 1) it's just your opinion man and... 2) you are attempting to devalue others simply due to their disagreement with your opinion. :thinking: It also shows that you are indeed that same type of small minded person you are attempting to devalue. sheesh.

Are you and hammer related?
Do you stamp your wittle feetsies IRL when you don't get your way??? :gaga:

Do you find genuine value in h.h. posts? Is he someone you honestly feel the need to defend? OR... are you simply spouting off towards me just to be obstinate? Choose wisely young man. Nuff said.

Meh, taco's goes back on ignore.

I feel I’m being ridiculed . Does that mean you’re violating my rights? Not that I really give a shit. Somehow you believe your right to free speech overrides mine.

Now do you have any subject matter? In all of your long winded posts, you’ve added very little. Mostly you’ve complained.


ICMag Donor
The CEO and President of South Dakota-based Sanford Health, one of the largest health systems in the U.S., says he will not be wearing a mask because he has already had Covid-19.

Hospital staff are appalled...America should be, too! Sturgis sure fanned the flames of COVID exposures.

South Dakota has been among the states with the highest per capita new cases and hospitalizations in the nation over the past week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I feel I’m being ridiculed . Does that mean you’re violating my rights? Not that I really give a shit. Somehow you believe your right to free speech overrides mine.

Now do you have any subject matter? In all of your long winded posts, you’ve added very little. Mostly you’ve complained.

Shes is just as bad as any Trump supporter. Even when she claims she's a dem(BS)she will lash out. All she does is complain. Im not even part of this discussion and she inserts me to insult. She ain't here to discus any issues.
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St. Phatty

Active member
I remember in March 2020, I used a terry cloth towel and breathed through that when I went to the store.

Felt a little silly breathing a mask at first.

It is AMAZING (in a bad way) to watch some of the medium & low spread activities be shut down, because that tends to send people to the high spread places - related to Going Shopping.


Well-known member
Shes is just as bad as any Trump supporter. Even when she claims she's a dem(BS)she will lash out. All she does is complain. Im not even part of this discussion and she inserts me to insult. Shes a loser.

Awe, are you stamping your wittle feetsies while you call me names and attempt to discredit my character? LOL
If your opinion actually mattered to me, it would not be such grand fodder for my amusement.

Even when I tell you the truth, you still try to discredit me and call me a liar just to fit your private little scenario.
This is your stat MO around here and is exactly what I keep calling you out on.

It's pretty freaking weird that I take up so much space in your head. Do you also dream of me at night?


Well-known member
Off topic debris. A virus is raging, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Masks and social distancing are more important than ever.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Im proud to say this Corona scam has never made me blink once... MSM got people fearing for their lives.. its insane dude.. when was the last time Influenza killed anyone on planet Earth in 2020????


Well-known member
Apx 30 thousand people a year die of the flu in the US.
Correction, am way behind the times, it has been
12 thousand to 61 thousand deaths from 2010 forward.
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