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Wearing Masks

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Active member
Thank you for finally calling it what it is, let me remind you that I'm not a fascist just because I support Trump. In fact antifa has more in common with fascism than people like me.

I figured you’d see the setup.:)
I never considered you a fascist, and was hoping to call you an anti-fascist! :D


Well-known member
what we had was a mediocre public health response to a national epidemic
the mediocre response was made even more ineffective by a witless buffoon who damaged public health institutions from bad choices
this 'success' is currently being celebrated by those who celebrate when they are told to celebrate

What would you suppose he did different? And if you are referring to the W.H.O they had it coming since they were caught covering for China. He had business make masks and other medical supplies, sent hospital ships to covid hot spots, and limited travel to the source. Democrats were busy with identity politics at the time (calling Trump racist for his travel restrictions, meanwhile Nancy was inviting everyone to visit Chinatown).


Active member
what we had was a mediocre public health response to a national epidemic
the mediocre response was made even more ineffective by a witless buffoon who damaged public health institutions from bad choices
this 'success' is currently being celebrated by those who celebrate when they are told to celebrate

nailed it!


Well-known member
What would you suppose he did different? And if you are referring to the W.H.O they had it coming since they were caught covering for China. He had business make masks and other medical supplies, sent hospital ships to covid hot spots, and limited travel to the source. Democrats were busy with identity politics at the time (calling Trump racist for his travel restrictions, meanwhile Nancy was inviting everyone to visit Chinatown).
this has been gone through from top to bottom
the best thing he could have done was to not send bizarre mixed messages
from masks to attitudes he made everything a bit worse
Trump failed to grasp the epidemic from the word go


Active member
Trump sent ships to covid hit spots, stopped travel to China in January, and much much more to help fight the virus. We are not a communist country that imposes lockdowns. Saying Trump let people die in msm spin regardless of your personal feelings on the subject. I'm expecting much more spin as we get closer to the election.

He let them die to save Wall Street.


Well-known member
Thank you for finally calling it what it is, let me remind you that I'm not a fascist just because I support Trump. In fact antifa has more in common with fascism than people like me.

this is painful

"everythign i am against is communist... but o wait its actually fascist"


ICMag Donor
He basically said he didn't want to make people panic, to say he let people die is just msm spin.

Pure and stinky, putrid BS!!!!!!!!!!!! Being HONEST with Americans from the get go Feb 7 onward, organizing Pence who did a horrid job, btw, getting supplies (he left the states do it), and by OMISSION or his unicorn and rainbow magically disappearing LIES.... 187,500 have died due to his omission. To me, that's a murderer.

Wish those afflicted with long term recovery post COVID and lost lives could SUE IMPOTUS (and inept) DJT personally, hitting him in the wallet, where his only seemingly value lies.

Republican Senator Joni Ernst just repeated a QAnon coronavirus conspiracy theory, saying she's "so skeptical" of the death count and even suggesting that doctors and nurses are lying about cases to make money.

"These health-care providers and others are reimbursed at a higher rate if COVID is tied to it, so what do you think they're doing?" she said.

Again, stupidity at its best.



Well-known member
Pure and stinky, putrid BS!!!!!!!!!!!! Being HONEST with Americans from the get go Feb 7 onward, organizing Pence who did a horrid job, btw, getting supplies (he left the states do it), and by OMISSION or his unicorn and rainbow magically disappearing LIES.... 187,500 have died due to his omission. To me, that's a murderer.

Wish those afflicted with long term recovery post COVID and lost lives could SUE IMPOTUS (and inept) DJT personally, hitting him in the wallet, where his only seemingly value lies.

Republican Senator Joni Ernst just repeated a QAnon coronavirus conspiracy theory, saying she's "so skeptical" of the death count and even suggesting that doctors and nurses are lying about cases to make money.

"These health-care providers and others are reimbursed at a higher rate if COVID is tied to it, so what do you think they're doing?" she said.

Again, stupidity at its best.


Actually only 6% of 187,500 died directly from covid19 and have it on their death certificates. Many already had underlying conditions. Also the people who died because Cumo made the infected stay in nursing homes, do you blame Trump for that? Can't blame Trump when the protestors were spreading the virus all summer long and still are to this day. Fact is you can't just blame a highly sophisticated issue on one man when so many factors are involved.


Well-known member
If I have diabetes, and I get covid, adn then I die. Did I die because I had diabetes?

Something like 50%+ of the country has preexisting conditions.

That 6% CDC study misinterpretation has already been 'debunked'


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
what ever, the point is there has been a review of ALL the studies on hq and that review of all the studies done comes to the conclusion that it works when used correctly early on.

its sad that cnn etc is not reporting about this review, but it its more important to know about it then who is reporting about it. maybe ask yourself why its him and not the msm. hm....bias....cough cough...

as for the Russian vaccine, i only know what i read, they didnt talk about placebo groups, but if thats standard operating procedure, you'd think it was done. Putin claims his daughter was part of the trail, lmao.....

so will you be going for the vaccine as things stand right now mate?
You are really gullible to believe a banned youtube clip, from one of the most biased journo's in Australia, who works for a Rupert Murdoch owned news channel. Yes the article exists (written by an orthopedic surgeon), but it has not been picked up by any other news service that I can find. Bolt's interview was done mid August. You'd think if there was something to it you'd find it plastered all over the net, but no.

All I find is loads of articles saying that Hydroxychloroquin is likely ineffective and potentially dangerous.

Some exerts below from articles on Hydroxy.

France, Italy and Belgium all moved to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine in May, shortly after the World Health Organization decided to pause a large trial of the drug due to safety concerns. WHO has now discontinued that trial. Germany paused its trial for the same reasons, but is now conducting one trial in patients with mild cases of COVID-19.

But scientists in Brazil say there’s no hard evidence hydroxychloroquine is working there. A clinical trial conducted at 55 hospitals across Brazil found the drug to be ineffective, according to a study published July 23 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

We rate the claim that hydroxychloroquine works in other countries, but not in the U.S., as FALSE because it was not supported by our research. None of the countries listed have seen success greater than or equal to the U.S. in treating COVID-19 with the drug. Studies show the drug does not work, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, backs up that fact.

Three big studies dim hopes that hydroxychloroquine can treat or prevent COVID-19
By Kai KupferschmidtJun. 9, 2020 , 5:15 PM

Through the fog of alleged misconduct, hope, hype, and politicization that surrounds hydroxychloroquine, the malaria drug touted as a COVID-19 treatment, a scientific picture is now emerging.

Praised by presidents as a potential miracle cure and dismissed by others as a deadly distraction, hydroxychloroquine was spared a seeming death blow last week. On 4 June, after critics challenged the data, The Lancet suddenly retracted a paper that had suggested the drug increased the death rate in COVID-19 patients, a finding that had stopped many clinical trials in their tracks. But now three large studies, two in people exposed to the virus and at risk of infection and the other in severely ill patients, show no benefit from the drug. Coming on top of earlier smaller trials with disappointing findings, the new results mean it’s time to move on, some scientists say, and end most of the trials still in progress.

“It just seems like we are ignoring signal after signal,” says Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute. U.S. President Donald Trump’s promotion of it led to a scientific “obsession” with hydroxychloroquine despite thin evidence for its promise, he says. “We’d be better off shifting our attention to drugs that might actually work.” Peter Kremsner of the University of Tübingen agrees hydroxychloroquine “certainly isn’t a wonder drug.” The new results left him “wrestling” with the question of whether to proceed with two hydroxychloroquine trials, one in hospitals and the other in patients with milder illness at home.

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
Actually only 6% of 187,500 died directly from covid19 and have it on their death certificates. Many already had underlying conditions. Also the people who died because Cumo made the infected stay in nursing homes, do you blame Trump for that? Can't blame Trump when the protestors were spreading the virus all summer long and still are to this day. Fact is you can't just blame a highly sophisticated issue on one man when so many factors are involved.

It is correct that we cannot blame the issue on one man. But the man's behaviour is not nomal when he should do something for the issue.


Well-known member
Actually only 6% of 187,500 died directly from covid19 and have it on their death certificates. Many already had underlying conditions. Also the people who died because Cumo made the infected stay in nursing homes, do you blame Trump for that? Can't blame Trump when the protestors were spreading the virus all summer long and still are to this day. Fact is you can't just blame a highly sophisticated issue on one man when so many factors are involved.

We would have had less deaths if a monkey had been president.
We had plans in place for dealing with public heath issues.
He ordered them dismantled.
195 thousand deaths and rising are the result.
Donald Trump is a blithering idiot.


Well-known member
It is correct that we cannot blame the issue on one man. But the man's behaviour is not nomal when he should do something for the issue.
You are mistaken, he made the decision not to utilize a planned public heath response, no one else. It was not a jointly made decision, and it can be shared by no one else. The decision was his alone.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I dont care.

fake news.

Fake news......about the guy on fucking tape. Thats just about the most stubborn thing ive ever heard. Trump SAYING he knows how bad it is in February, then, after that, lying to your face and encouraging people to not protect themselves. Literally causing deaths. If you dont care, you really dont care about anything. You sir, may need to get your head checked. Trump is FUCKED UP. Go wear your dumbass MAGA hat like a medal for being stupid because thats what it is especially after today. I even defended him thinking this being all is fault wasnt possible. I said no way that its fair to blame every death on Trump. I was wrong.
Facemasks are a symbol of compliance. you wear a mask your compliant to the government and its corporate masters...Covid19 pandemic is such a fucking hoax its not even funny... leftist are banning people left and right and their control is slipping away and more then 3/4 of the population is saying fuck off to this fake Covid shit... Same deal as the fake Co2 crisis...more leftist lies, dumb kids these days have been indoctrinated in leftist schools actually believe this shit..you think your all woke, meanwhile your ll asleep and totally brainwashed...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trump :kissass: Oldschoolnitro

Hello old man. Anybody home? He knew covid was dangerous and lied to you. Its a hoax? You dont care that he encouraged Americans to not wear masks and held rallies..... and knew what he was doing? He knew the dangers old man. Whats it gonna take?
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