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Wearing Masks

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No just clarifying that the mask does not protect like folks think it will.

I don't want folks going out into the world with a false sense of security.

You seem to be pushing the false sense of security thing.
You just wont let it go, either.

The mask is ineffective for anything other than spittle stoppage.

Nothing more, end of story here.

Stop spreading bad information, you are going to get folks killed that way.

i'm not spreading bad info, look up the word "mitigate".

as i've said, health experts have the whole time been emphasizing that proper hygiene practices such as washing your hands is the best way to curb the spread. it's not my fault human petri dishes such as yourself don't understand this.

the mask is simply an effortless and hands free way of adding to the curb.

i know you know this, you just keep assuming i mean something different than i do.

spittle stoppage is the name of the game, i don't recall anyone implying that the mask was anything but.

stop spreading bad info.


Golden Coast
we all better question our selves since we keep arguing with bags of rocks for brains LOL easy to solve go catch it and lets us know , were not going anywhere LOL


Active member
mitigate.....make less severe.

With a virus you need to do more than make it less severe.

Mitigation is enough for dust and the like but not a deadly virus.

Will a mask mitigate a deadly virus?
How does it make it less severe?

Does a mask make a deadly infection less severe?
I am not sure that Mitigate is a proper way to say it.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
mitigate.....make less severe.

With a virus you need to do more than make it less severe.

Mitigation is enough for dust and the like but not a deadly virus.

Will a mask mitigate a deadly virus?
How doe it make it less severe?

Does a mask make a deadly infection less severe?
I am not sure that Mitigate is a proper way to say it.

Did it become less severe in China?


Well-known member
It became less severe every where that followed traditional public health practices.


Active member
Did it become less severe in China?
Cause china media always tells the truth...WTF???

So we should weld our citizens in there houses?...WTF is wrong with you?

Should we take folks out of the place of residence and take them to an internment camp?.....WTF is wrong with you?

Should we now become like china?.....WTF is wrong with you?

Do you folks think about what you say before you say it??

St. Phatty

Active member
might as well get used to wearing eye shields.

that is one of the ways the virus will spread, now that people have mostly started wearing face masks.


Well-known member
anyone here think Herman Cain now wishes HE had worn a mask at chumps rally, when he caught the virus & is now deceased? RIP Herman. you were a much better man/businessman than the fool you whored yourself for...


Active member
Coalition of doctors speak out in Washington DC.

Masks and distancing not necessary!

They already have a cure and a preventative: hydroxychloriquin.

Of course within one hour they were scrubbed from the internet.

F b decided to label it false information.

We all know faacebook knows better than highly trained doctors


Well-known member
Nothing has ever been found which works better or more effectively than traditional public health practices.
It is what has worked in each and every country which has resolved the issue successfully.


Well-known member
Coalition of doctors speak out in Washington DC.

Masks and distancing not necessary!

They already have a cure and a preventative: hydroxychloriquin.

Of course within one hour they were scrubbed from the internet.

F b decided to label it false information.

We all know faacebook knows better than highly trained doctors

a dozen doctors posing as experts in front of a hospital where they have never worked, promoting something already discarded as ineffective by damn near everyone else knowledgeable in the field. nope, sorry. non -starter...old non-news already debunked.:laughing:


Active member
might as well get used to wearing eye shields.

that is one of the ways the virus will spread, now that people have mostly started wearing face masks.

A very good point you have made here.
No one ever wants to talk about this.....

I have said it at least a dozen times over the past 6 months.

No one wants to talk about this topic.

Why is it not on the news?



Active member
a dozen doctors posing as experts in front of a hospital where they have never worked, promoting something already discarded as ineffective by damn near everyone else knowledgeable in the field. nope, sorry. non -starter...old non-news already debunked.:laughing:

Or you could see it as doctors putting everything they worked for on the line.

Willing to give that all up to tell the world a lie.

What could possible motivate a doctor to give it all up to try and deceive the world???

To what end?

Why do this?

What do they gain from it all?

Why would they lie like this?

Please explain this part to me.

It would be really stupid to do so, would it not?


Active member
People are programmed their whole lives in this country to buy into one plan or the other plan. Right now, the entire Right Wing is suffering unintentional fallout from at least 3 decades of propagandizing science, and the Left Wing is suffering from spineless sellouts who may as well be wearing MAGA hats. Partisan programming strips away rational thought and replaces it with whatever sort of understanding of the platform people have.


Active member
People are programmed their whole lives in this country to buy into one plan or the other plan. Right now, the entire Right Wing is suffering unintentional fallout from at least 3 decades of propagandizing science, and the Left Wing is suffering from spineless sellouts who may as well be wearing MAGA hats. Partisan programming strips away rational thought and replaces it with whatever sort of understanding of the platform people have.
You make a very valid point here.
So doctors a willing to give up everything for an election?

WTF if that is true we are all doomed.

What is next asking your political affiliation before receiving medical treatment.

Seriously here...
Do you really feel that is the case?
They are ready to give it all away for the cause.
That is pretty fuckin brave if they know they are wrong.

Seriously here...
Do you really feel that is the case?


Active member
might as well get used to wearing eye shields.

that is one of the ways the virus will spread, now that people have mostly started wearing face masks.

Ha ha, just found this..had a good laugh too.

"If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it. It's not universally recommended, but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can."

We coulda used that info 6 months ago.



mitigate.....make less severe.

With a virus you need to do more than make it less severe.

Mitigation is enough for dust and the like but not a deadly virus.

Will a mask mitigate a deadly virus?
How does it make it less severe?

Does a mask make a deadly infection less severe?
I am not sure that Mitigate is a proper way to say it.
mitigate the spread
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