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we do have big cats here in australia!!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
There used to have some tigers in Tasmania, but they are supposed to have disapeared in 1936.....


Map of tassie

Map of tassie

The Tasmanian Tiger was hunted for its striped fur.
Thanks tits. You should have been down here when my dad stopped the Franklin River Dam and let the Franklin Flow Free.
We are talking Untouched by Civilization Virgin Temperate World Heritage Rainforest.
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New member
I concure with wally duck

Ive been hunting out back of glen innes ,A place called red range

Only thing i wasnt allowed too shoot was the farmers cats :(

Extremely large feral cats i had scoped up, i wish i had a camera on that trip, one was a large black cat and it could have been mistaken for a panther if you only seen it for a second , i had them scoped up from a distance and they were just lounging after a easy morning eating native birds :(


no wuckin furries!
there are vid's of them on the net but i cant watch them on this stupid pc...so i cant point ppl in the right direction...i think a current affair plus big cats will find atleasted one of the vids.

yea that guy that shot "one" a few years back was a bit suss...he only keeped the tail...why? probly cause he wanted to "create" a story?...they did tests on it and it was inconclusive ....but it was a nice story.

i wish ATM i was in contact with my brother for he would know(cant say what he does for security reasons)....but from the size of these things on the vids theres NO way a normal cat can grow 5,6,7 times or more the size of a normal cat....there is just nooooo way....bone structure just cant allow it!!!....ever see ppl grow that big even with heaps of food? yup fat but not tall....just cant happen.....point out some animals that can and i'll change my mind that there offspring can too...

really i ant loosing sleep over it...HH. =]-~


Growth hormone adaptation?

Growth hormone adaptation?

Now that really throws a spanner in the works or the cat among the pigeons.
Neighbours used to hunt out Tara and saw some things no one should hear.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I've been walking around Victoria's Alpine areas and other places for years. Camping out overnight or longer. Mainly for hunting deer. I have shot them, wild dogs and cats. I have never seen a BIG cat.



I caught these in traps at a friends place where I could not use a firearm. Pretty much the normal size. They go freaking psycho in the traps and were later humanely killed.

I'm more worried about wild feral dogs...you stalk them...and they stalk you back...in packs.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Why does no one ever seem to have a camera for these infamous BIG cats when sighted?

I have yet to see any evidence of BIG (puma, lion size) cats. Some feral cats can get quite large...given the amount of native animals they kill...BIG?...I've seen nothing to convince me.

I don't need a deer rifle to kill them...a much smaller calibre firearm does the job quite well.


big cats here too. big for cats, I mean. I wouldn't have minded a gun bigger than a 22 for the one I saw last time ... just to make sure.
my rottweiler's paw prints got mistaken for a lion once ... by someone who was mentally ill!

and I don't care if cats are 'humanely' killed. just as long as they are killed. have a friend in town who poisons them. good for him!
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wtf man ? why in the does anybody kill cats? man theyre cute and if theyre wild theyre wild. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan i hate people.


wtf man ? why in the does anybody kill cats?

Narko, VonBudi has the answer. cats are not native to Oz. the native animals have no protection against them.

we often have dry times and a cat will wipe out the native species and birds in a large area around its den. (and fuck, can they breed!)

a lot of we Oz growers like the bush as nature has made it. when bushwalking it's sickening (for me anyway) to see the remains of a beautiful bird or NOT see any native wildlife because of a fucking cat. and they don't have to be wild cats. they kill in the suburbs too.

on the other hand, I understand completely about their softness and cuddlyness. I enjoy the feeling of a cat's fur ... and some of them have a sense of humour and are fun to be with.
but when all's boiled down they don't fit the ecology here ... and a decision in favour of one or the other, wildlife or cats, needs to be made.

sorry, we're a gory mob down here. but cheers, anyway.

(PS Panadol in milk kills them. destroys their livers.
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oh yeah, forgot to say there is one species of native wildlife here that competes with cats and will eradicate them from an area. that's the dingo. dingoes have been seen climbing small desert trees to get at a cat.


I was talking about my mate in town, High Country. a gun would be my preferred choice.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
We have mountain lions and bears where I'm from.....they're cool & all, don't want to meet one in the woods though.


Narko, VonBudi has the answer. cats are not native to Oz. the native animals have no protection against them.

we often have dry times and a cat will wipe out the native species and birds in a large area around its den. (and fuck, can they breed!)

a lot of we Oz growers like the bush as nature has made it. when bushwalking it's sickening (for me anyway) to see the remains of a beautiful bird or NOT see any native wildlife because of a fucking cat. and they don't have to be wild cats. they kill in the suburbs too.

on the other hand, I understand completely about their softness and cuddlyness. I enjoy the feeling of a cat's fur ... and some of them have a sense of humour and are fun to be with.
but when all's boiled down they don't fit the ecology here ... and a decision in favour of one or the other, wildlife or cats, needs to be made.

sorry, we're a gory mob down here. but cheers, anyway.

(PS Panadol in milk kills them. destroys their livers.

you my friend are a wanker if you kill suburban pet cats.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
you my friend are a wanker if you kill suburban pet cats.

Any cat, be it feral or otherwise, is a threat to any bird, marsupial and all native animals in the Australin bush. If you live in the city don't let your pet cats roam outside, they will kill.

Where I live any cat in the bush is treated like this.



This is not my firearm and the pic was off the net.

I use a much larger calibre and there is bugger all left when hit.

That's all these cats deserve.


Any cat, be it feral or otherwise, is a threat to any bird, marsupial and all native animals in the Australin bush. If you live in the city don't let your pet cats roam outside, they will kill.

Where I live any cat in the bush is treated like this.



This is not my firearm and the pic was off the net.

I use a much larger calibre and there is bugger all left when hit.

That's all these cats deserve.

good on ya, and so they should be killed, humanely. we are talking about slowly poisoning pets in suburban neighbourhoods. we have pet curfew laws for cats and all cats should be kept indoors imo, but that is the owners fault if they are out. why not balls up and kill the owners then? cheers oz


Active member
have you seen some of the surburban cat crazy ladies!

jeezus i was once in a house it must have had 100 cats.. seriously whats the gain in that?

a wise man once said. the only good cat is a dead cat.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
a wise man once said. the only good cat is a dead cat.

100% with that. I hate them but good luck to people who want to have a pet cat. Don't let them roam...and if you do... put bells on their neck...preferably cow bells.

Dog owners are in the shit if their pet dog bites someone, or worse...yet cats are free to roam around and do whatever they want. They kill just for fun and don't even eat the animal they kill most of the time.

Anyway...I guess I hate cats...feral cats.