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we do have big cats here in australia!!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Wally used to always say them damn Roo's were the trouble makers of the bunch. Loved the weed he used to say. Man I do miss Wally.



lmao some people are wrapped so damn tight :biggrin: shit stirring at its best proud to be an aussie oh and i drive a few different cats big yellow and black ones
living the dream

P.S. i breed endangered australian lizards, cats are a big problem so yep i fuck them off
however i have a few mates with pet cats that live inside day and night and they are beautiful next time however i see one ill let it live and let out my bull arab boys to go for a walk in a few backyards that wouldnt fly so if you own a cat keep it inside or at the very least restricted to you backyard that is responsible pet owership if you cant do this you are a fuckwit enough said have to go nail a tabby tom to my gumtree out the back as a warning to the other feral pet cats, fucking come here look what happens :)
as to hitler being a cat hater wow really did you read that probally not as he was part of a political group that were all of the same ideals none of which are cat haters just genocidial methamphetaime and methodone addicted physcopaths :tiphat:



hah! figures hitler would be a cathater :)

as to hitler being a cat hater wow really did you read that probally not as he was part of a political group that were all of the same ideals none of which are cat haters just genocidial methamphetaime and methodone addicted physcopaths :tiphat:

my congratulations to all especially High County for re bumping a 3 year old thread that lead us to godwins law

a most successful thread:thank you: :gday:



hard rain

ive killed hundreds of cats if its in my backyard or on the farm its fair game
bullets, poison, drowning strangulation even blunt force trauma
panadol is a bit slow but eh depends on how much of a **** the cat has been
as too a wild population of large cats they would make a great rug eh
makes me wonder what the offspring would be like if a Koala shagged a feral cat
now thats a fucking scary thought and their is more chance of this than a tiger,puma, lion jumping out at me from the scrub psml :)
if this is a bit insensitive pls feel free to comment but remember bitching on the net is like
coming first at the special olympics you may win but your still a retard

'EDIT' 777 posts its the mark of the squiggles
be afraid be very afraid
i may just eat your pet cat
thai red curry anyone
OK, I'll bite.

Killing feral cats humanely is one thing but your other methods are just plain disgusting. There's a difference between "shit stirring" and being offensive.


Active member
Awwwww! Since we have reached the point of invoking godwins Law, does this mean that the thread is over? BOOOOOOO!

But since shit-stirring is as much of any aussies DNA as anything else, can another thread be started or do we let it rest, or what.

And yes, High Country i was referring to them lil' fat ladies (or curvy girls). The brain was still in Angry Birds mode when i was posting last nite.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
This thread is about a non native animal that kills. It kills native wildlife that belongs here and evolved here. These cats can lead to an extinction of species...they show no mercy...neither will I.

These animals are changing an environment where they don't belong, like feral pigs or hogs in USA, NZ, Europe.

It is not the thrill of the kill...that is easy and can be humanely done. It is about protecting our environment.

Where I live a big wild feral stallion like this raises a lot of controversy. These feral horses, brumby, are everywhere in my neck of the woods. They destroy alpine wetland systems and animals that live in them.





Sure, they look like majestic grand noble animals. They are not, they don't belong here and threaten native animals and vegetation.

These horses are in a national park and cannot be hunted. Much controversy surrounds these animals and continues.

I will put these animals down at every opportunity for the sake of the native animals that belong here.

In the Northern Territory of Australia these horses are shot from a helicopter, along with donkey, pigs and buffalo.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
lmao some people are wrapped so damn tight :biggrin: shit stirring at its best proud to be an aussie oh and i drive a few different cats big yellow and black ones
living the dream

P.S. i breed endangered australian lizards, cats are a big problem so yep i fuck them off
however i have a few mates with pet cats that live inside day and night and they are beautiful next time however i see one ill let it live and let out my bull arab boys to go for a walk in a few backyards that wouldnt fly so if you own a cat keep it inside or at the very least restricted to you backyard that is responsible pet owership if you cant do this you are a fuckwit enough said have to go nail a tabby tom to my gumtree out the back as a warning to the other feral pet cats, fucking come here look what happens :)
as to hitler being a cat hater wow really did you read that probally not as he was part of a political group that were all of the same ideals none of which are cat haters just genocidial methamphetaime and methodone addicted physcopaths :tiphat:

100%, 10/4...right on!


HC, I think you put the point in perspective perfectly. Australia is, mostly unscathed by much of the feral threats that occur in other countries. Sure, we have our own problems, cats, camels etc. I put them all in the same bag as invasive weeds - they must be eradicated. Is this a purist attitude? Don't think so, more in favour of the protection of a very isolated and fragile ecology.



ps has this guy just slipped a mickey fin?


Active member
I've heard the topic of feral animals, in particular brumbies, mentioned on Bush Telegraph on ABC Radio National. And as has been mentioned it is a complex issue when they are in national parks. I remember Tony Burke being interviewed about it.

But in suburbia where i exist, those bloody Indian mynahs (the ugly flying turds, with that brown colouring) are a real nuisance. Aggressive little shits, what brumbies do to your neck of the woods HC, those indian mynahs do to houses. Pick up litter and crap, find gaps in the roof, and they make nests. Next door to me one nest was so big, it pushed out the bit in between the gutter and the wall (directly under the tiles).

They actually done some thinking in Canberra (there's some news) and a few yrs back they got some pantechs, built a metal Xmas tree type frame, had loudspeakers that played the noise they made when they roost at night to attract them, then when there was enough of them, on went the cover over the truck, and they were gassed with Co2.

It's a shame they can't capture those brumbies, TRY to break them, then possibly try to breed them. There must be some good traits to them given the right environment. Otherwise glue factory.


in other posts, some posters have raved how beautiful and good these animals are, now they should be eradicated lol. put a big gun in the hands of a little man and he thinks he is judge jury and executioner, prob thinks wow i'm a god. put your gun down and have a tug, because you come off as a wanker. this only applies to the ones it offends. peace and harmony is best, have a great alive day all, oz

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
in other posts, some posters have raved how beautiful and good these animals are, now they should be eradicated lol. put a big gun in the hands of a little man and he thinks he is judge jury and executioner, prob thinks wow i'm a god. put your gun down and have a tug, because you come off as a wanker. this only applies to the ones it offends. peace and harmony is best, have a great alive day all, oz

You have no idea and have obviously no respect for the environment. You should get out of town and talk to farmers, National Park rangers and others about the impact of feral animals. Go to FNQ or NT and see the real world.

Resorting to abuse makes you look like the fool. Just Google feral animals in Australia and get out of your suburban oasis and see what really goes on.


yes sir, i do live mostly suburbia. but i also hav a property near bendigo which im at a lot. on that property is a flock of currawong which eat all the baby lizards, birds and frogs. they flock to my block as it is remnant forest. should i shoot them? need your country advice, cheers oz

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Currawong are a native Australian bird and have a protected ststus. They are just feeding.


Quote taken from the environment department on feral animals. I would consider introduced felines to be a main player in this issue.

'Australia's native plants and animals adapted to life on an isolated continent over millions of years. Since European settlement they have had to compete with a range of introduced animals for habitat, food and shelter. Some have also had to face new predators. These new pressures have also caused a major impact on our country's soil and waterways and on its native plants and animals.

In Australia, feral animals typically have few natural predators or fatal diseases and some have high reproductive rates. As a result, their populations have not naturally diminished and they can multiply rapidly if conditions are favourable.

Feral animals impact on native species by predation, competition for food and shelter, destroying habitat, and by spreading diseases.'


Active member
give the aboriginies some guns and they will take care off all non australian species...
but then dont cry if you get shot.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
give the aboriginies some guns and they will take care off all non australian species...
but then dont cry if you get shot.

Aboriginals in the Northern Territory, Arnhem Land and Cape York do hunt Magpie Geese, Buffalo and other animals. It is their tradition and they are quite capable at handling a firearm. Now you are being rascist. Ever been there? Doesn't sound like it. Get a permit from the Northern Land Council and you can visit Arnhem Land. You better have a better attitude if you ever have the guts to do it. Cos these people can spot a fool from a mile away.

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