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WARSLOG testing.. warlock pre 04 x super lemon og



:tiphat: randombro, such a fun experience.... got some karma sour jack x chimera fighting buddahs in dixie cups now.... there r 2 sour jacks so I mention the breeder... chimera being the other sour jack.... gotta try some ecsd chimera crosses soon...


Heres a nug drying... pheno I havent really shown much or at all. Thats the top nug. For the size of plant its a step above avg in yield. Nice dense chunky buds. This pheno is low odour. And has an odour I dont care for. Pheno above is the keeper, great odour taste potency and most important that quality warlock buzz..... havent tried this pheno below yet...



I Build Things
ICMag Donor
Looking LOVELY! I bet that beast tastes great.....

Nice choice with the Sour Jacks, too. Didn't even know Chimera had a SJ line. I know Karma's is one fine lady. I'd expect Chimera to be proper, too.

Will be good to see which you prefer of the two.



Best pheno... almost shut my eyes while I was drivin... eyes were little slits of red in my mirrrors haha... was almost to high to drive.... use with caution homies lol....
nice sour puss I just got my first SLOG clones getting ready in veg do you have pictures of you plain SLOG was wondering ? is warlocks a strain from Ocean Genetics Seed Bank?

also what nutes do u run along with medium soil or some kind of hydro ( wondering what makes your nugs so beautiful ?


Hey kanga I run maxibloom as a base for flower and veg. Use a little kool bloom liquid for pk boost. In promix. Ph of 6. Ec 1 to 1.2.. might add some floralicious sometime maybe...

Short ceiling so only 1 and half gallons of medium and sometimes more or less...
Hey kanga I run maxibloom as a base for flower and veg. Use a little kool bloom liquid for pk boost. In promix. Ph of 6. Ec 1 to 1.2.. might add some floralicious sometime maybe...

Short ceiling so only 1 and half gallons of medium and sometimes more or less...

nice ya I think its just happier plants make better nugs doesn't matter what u use in end ? I use house and garden I love this myself every plant I fed H&g just looks so beautiful and trying rock nutrients in my hydro

might be same strain I think the breeder im talking about sadly disappeared havent seen a lot from them really nice nugs tho makes my mouth water keep up the good growing man thanks for helping me choose SLOG cant wait till my babys flower


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
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Best pheno... almost shut my eyes while I was drivin... eyes were little slits of red in my mirrrors haha... was almost to high to drive.... use with caution homies lol....

One word = PROPER! (or maybe superb)... either way, that's some mouth-watering flower, my friend!


:tiphat: randombro whats up homie! Thx for the kind words.

Interesting to note the smell is straight grapefruit dank. Better grapefruit then gfbb from dinafem. Haha.... the citrus from the warlock is apparent and causes the exact grapefruit odour. Im sure different combo hybtids will be more citrusy then alot of citrus strains on the market. Haha... agent orange and warlock woulda been a good hybrid.

Just remembered Random you were interested in grapefruit bb from dinafem. The warslog is miles better.... sativa in effect tho...


I Build Things
ICMag Donor
:tiphat: randombro whats up homie! Thx for the kind words.

Interesting to note the smell is straight grapefruit dank. Better grapefruit then gfbb from dinafem. Haha.... the citrus from the warlock is apparent and causes the exact grapefruit odour. Im sure different combo hybtids will be more citrusy then alot of citrus strains on the market. Haha... agent orange and warlock woulda been a good hybrid.

Just remembered Random you were interested in grapefruit bb from dinafem. The warslog is miles better.... sativa in effect tho...

This is like music to my ears. Since you and I spoke, I actually chopped a diesel that ended up curing out to a super grapefruity d taste.
I'll know the Warslog should be used for future citrus hunts, now, and that's cool.

Sure appreciate you letting me know/saving me dinero.


Been smoking this warslog past couple days and I must say its a great anytime weed. Gets u everytime not crazy stoned out couchy its a pure head eyes red very little couchlock. Potent cause a few puffs in your head changes. Flav is great too its been sitting in my fridge. Fruit with an exotic sativa spice background. Sometimes its hard to judge a strain right off the bat. Prob a keeper strain for headies. Potent flav and good yield.

Id say its an easy to grow pure heady strain. All about mixing the right strains imo. This combo captured the essence of effect if not increased the effect of warlock. Imo created bomb ass flav. And added size to the warlock. Prob the only neg is it may have added a week or 2 to the flowering depending on phenos... im happy as shit with these and gonna run em again asap. Few lucky folks got testers... :tiphat:

Dry nug shots coming......


Any testers completed anyting haha???? What a waste of my time and money. All good cause I did the work myself. No hate just woulda been nice to see 1 person smoke the product and give an honest review.... aint about selling seeds. About making great weed.

On the scale of seeds I purchased id put these at a 8 out of 10 even a 9. Headbanger is untouchable and a straight 10. Medmans silver skunk would rate and 8 due to bananners. Still not a good scale due to sativa and indica bahh... anyway... breed your gear... I was given warlock and the guy hyped it up bigg time... was a quick sativa.. flav was off tho... could be genetic drift in clones cause clone was horrid when I got it. But the offspring is fire. Fun times....


good shit man, i used to have 'exile' from magus which was 50% warlock, always intended to try straight warlock based on the strength of the exile.


I remember growing out warlock many times from seed. And loved the spagbol scent you'd get from a room full of vegging plants.

The Revolution

Active member
Sour my outdoor season went to shit between working on the road n dealing w other issues. I still have these on stand by and will be setting up indoors very soon. I'll b In touch brudha


Rev, all good. Im finding out shit happens more than usual when u aint in charge. Not growin in my spot now and shit has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least.

U guys gotta pop these. If u all about effect this is the one. Pls cross with tastey euphoric males.

Im in a that spot where anything seems better than what im going thru. Smoked a pin of warslog and my mood is enlightened. Lifted me out that shit fog. Music sounds sweet again . My mind is flowing and not ending in those dark places they were just a half hour ago. Trust.... bless those around you with good meds...
Rev, all good. Im finding out shit happens more than usual when u aint in charge. Not growin in my spot now and shit has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least.

U guys gotta pop these. If u all about effect this is the one. Pls cross with tastey euphoric males.

Im in a that spot where anything seems better than what im going thru. Smoked a pin of warslog and my mood is enlightened. Lifted me out that shit fog. Music sounds sweet again . My mind is flowing and not ending in those dark places they were just a half hour ago. Trust.... bless those around you with good meds...

hope things get better sourpuss