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*warning* laced weed in the GTA

A little late here, All i have to say is anyone having probs over there in the east should try coming to Sask settle down down to some great cron, the tons of jobs and no stories ever about laced fckin grass, oh yeah unreall ladys as well ;-)

Mr Apricot

I had one toke from a bong- it was bitter, a little harsh, and stale tasting.
My gf and I both felt weird (absent minded, having trouble remembering things you read recently) for a while after toking, this is what prompted her to get the blood test which indicated the laced grass.
ive been having some problems with some laced weed here in canada. people dont believe it, think your paranoid and shit... anyways all ive heard is that theres a process where the buds are sprayed with something, and then re dryed. believe me, it happens


Active member
I guess I understand that someone shady could make money by kiefing and spraying with glass for weight. What would even a shady person have to gain financially by lacing it with another drug? That is why lacing stories always just seemed to reinforce drug war propaganda.
I had a bad experience in Amsterdam with hash that had been made with water used in Angel Dust production. That sucked.





Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
All the weed I ever thought was too strong and could be laced always turned out to just be some super duper potent shit, usually a tropical sativa grown outside from what I could tell. :joint:
this thread issss bullshit....its easy to spot a bullshiter making up some stupidass story.....

the flunitrazepam wouldnt have been dissolved in water and then buds soaked in it....sorry....wrong solvent dipshit.....IF .....this did happen it would have been dissolved in some other solvent and sprayed onto the buds....

secondly....you completely fabricated the part about your gf getting a drug test and finding flunitrazepam in her system LOL!...1st off id be willing to bet 1000s of dollars u dont even have a gf...and 2ndly...who smokes tree...and then goes to get a drug test cuz it felt more intoxicating than usual??? LOL?!? nobody does this....

not to mention...nobody laces weed with a hard to find date rape drug.....

the only "lacing" on weed is with pesticides from mexican pricks and glass in uk....and possibly people are starting to lace shitty tree with synth canabs....but flunitrazepam?? yea right dipshit....

and to the people commenting OMG THIS IS A TRAGEDY!!! ...get fucking real...big deal if it ACTUALLY has rophynol on it....ITS NOT GOING TO KILL YOU! GUARENTEED youve smoked way worse chemicals on some shit youve gotten in the past and didnt even no it...idiots!


Whether you believe him or not is one thing, but to come on here insulting people like that, goes to show the only dipshit posting here is you! Even if you disagree there is no need to insult people!


this thread issss bullshit....its easy to spot a bullshiter making up some stupidass story.....

the flunitrazepam wouldnt have been dissolved in water and then buds soaked in it....sorry....wrong solvent dipshit.....IF .....this did happen it would have been dissolved in some other solvent and sprayed onto the buds....

secondly....you completely fabricated the part about your gf getting a drug test and finding flunitrazepam in her system LOL!...1st off id be willing to bet 1000s of dollars u dont even have a gf...and 2ndly...who smokes tree...and then goes to get a drug test cuz it felt more intoxicating than usual??? LOL?!? nobody does this....

not to mention...nobody laces weed with a hard to find date rape drug.....

the only "lacing" on weed is with pesticides from mexican pricks and glass in uk....and possibly people are starting to lace shitty tree with synth canabs....but flunitrazepam?? yea right dipshit....

and to the people commenting OMG THIS IS A TRAGEDY!!! ...get fucking real...big deal if it ACTUALLY has rophynol on it....ITS NOT GOING TO KILL YOU! GUARENTEED youve smoked way worse chemicals on some shit youve gotten in the past and didnt even no it...idiots!

I agree, i think this thread is pretty BS. If you know what good bud looks like you would be able to tell if it was dipped in liquid and then redried. it would brown out and look like shwag.

also, canada has free health care so its not out of the question to get a drug test (at least cost wise). it would be kind of ridiculous though. show up at the doctors office like "i smoked this weed last night and it got me really high"

Also, Benzo powder and lerazopam powder is dirt cheap in canada. I wouldn't doubt that flauntrizepam powder is also very cheap.

The fact is that the dealers would make more money selling the bud and flauntrizepam separately. I cant imagine that this practice could ever get very wide spread. eventually someone would do the math and figure it out.

My advise is to always inspect your weed before buying it. you should be able to tell if something isn't right. otherwise you should grow your own.
Could be worse....We have herb laced with glass and other adulterants in the UK.
I've seen sticky stinky buds rolled in sand. never noticed it til I got to the bottom and was rolling the shake. so I took about a tsp full and dropped into a glass of water, poof there was the sand quickly settling to the bottom.
ive been having some problems with some laced weed here in canada. people dont believe it, think your paranoid and shit... anyways all ive heard is that theres a process where the buds are sprayed with something, and then re dryed. believe me, it happens

a number of yrs back (god I think it was back in early 80s, am I getting old?) when I was living in Edmonton I came across some weed that was sprayed with of all things "embalming fluid" it was supposed to be a real fuckup stone but I was too chicken to try it. it was only the once from some guys downtown who I never saw selling in the "park" on 5th-6th st and jasper after that.


wow why do people think that you can smoke something and get the same effects as say ingesting it?


yes im getting some tolerance to the diesel, plus im not getting laid much ...

Sorry, guys, i did find that freaking funny.

But all humor aside, i too, don't get why anyone would go through the added expense of lacing weed...at least for sales.


a number of yrs back (god I think it was back in early 80s, am I getting old?) when I was living in Edmonton I came across some weed that was sprayed with of all things "embalming fluid" it was supposed to be a real fuckup stone but I was too chicken to try it. it was only the once from some guys downtown who I never saw selling in the "park" on 5th-6th st and jasper after that.

I've had chance to get in on a couple of these back in the day. they were called "sherm sticks". The brothers from Vegas in the joint used to get them every so often.
talk about fucking your world up....wow. yeah it worked. Im sure it put hurt on my braincells though.
Originally Posted by Chronic Don
I've seen sticky stinky buds rolled in sand. never noticed it til I got to the bottom and was rolling the shake. so I took about a tsp full and dropped into a glass of water, poof there was the sand quickly settling to the bottom.

no it wasn't because it was grown outdoor, it had way too much sand to be that, I grow outdoors now and I never ever see any sand in mine. How-ever when making into hash the water does get a dirty look, I figure the dust/dirt off the plant is the cause now.
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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chronic Don
I've seen sticky stinky buds rolled in sand. never noticed it til I got to the bottom and was rolling the shake. so I took about a tsp full and dropped into a glass of water, poof there was the sand quickly settling to the bottom.

no it was because it was grown outdoor, it had way too much sand to be that, I grow outdoors now and I never ever see any sand in mine. How-ever when making into hash the water does get a dirty look, I figure the dust/dirt off the plant is the cause now.

did you ever grow in a corn field?
did you ever grow in a corn field?
no, in western canada we seldom grow corn, if a farmer does its usually close to the farmstead close to where the cattle are kept so they feed on it (not harvested but left standing) throughout the winter. So no I haven't. in the southern part of Alberta they grow corn commercially for human consumption and its harvested/picked in the summer. I guess tho IF a person was to grow in an arid area there could very well be sand blowing around. not many people grow outdoors that it hits the marketplace. its a hit/miss thing here. 2 in 5 crops will do excellent, 3 in 5 will do shit. commercial growers do it inside unless your lucky enough to be in southern BC where 95% of Canadas commercial outdoor crop is grown. but not much sand blowing around in BC. AB/SK/MB yes BC no